View Full Version : Epic Boss GONE - but not forgotten

05-29-2016, 03:35 AM
We'll if your reading this you maybe as - I'll use the word "disappointed" about waking up to the Epic Boss missing from the game as I was.

It seems that without much fanfare Gree shortened the time you get to defeat the boss levels.

I have been playing for years and would never have expected this, but BOO on me for not reading the fine print.

Oh, it does say UPDATE - but nothing about the new time.


Bad show Gree. This was an awful "event".

05-29-2016, 07:13 AM
I too was surprised when you could craft the second set of armour at level 35 . It is disappointing that the Boss has gone. However I did reach about level37 but can't now craft the second set!

05-30-2016, 07:35 AM
Add to the increased difficulty, and the decreased time .. the milestone rewards state if you beat level 35, and have the base armor enhanced, you can build the plus armor .. but when you do all that, the game says "nope, you need 15 more pieces to build this" ...

VERY upsetting .. and since I don't have an email set up on my tablet, I can't even submit a ticket ...

Not that that would make any difference, I'm still waiting on an actual reply to my ticket submitted in December 2014....

Perhaps the suggestions I have read in other places are correct .. Gree is trying to kill the game.

05-31-2016, 09:29 AM
The epic boss event that appeared last week was only 4 days long, instead of the usual 7. The milestones and the boss difficulty have both been revamped. There's no word on whether the 4 day boss event will become the norm or not. I guess we shall see.

The 2nd set armor not being craftable ... that is an error, and gree is aware of it. I expect that to be fixed soon.

05-31-2016, 09:56 PM
Guess it went back to the old one, it badly needs a revamp. The 4 day one had maybe a bit too good rewards but something slightly worse would be nice. The current rewards are way subpar.

06-01-2016, 10:28 AM
the 4 day one was nice ;)

06-02-2016, 02:01 AM
Guess it went back to the old one, it badly needs a revamp. The 4 day one had maybe a bit too good rewards but something slightly worse would be nice. The current rewards are way subpar.

It depends as what content you count the epic boss. I think it is meant for non paying customers. Let's face it, without epic bosses free players would be limited to 3* because you'd have to come in T100 or better at every other event to get something comparable to EB+. Not gonna happen for me and literally thousands others.

As content for gemming current rewards are of course sub par.

I would keep everything as is now up to lv 60 and add more levels for gemmers. Shadowforge materials at lv70 and lv80.

06-13-2016, 09:56 AM
I would keep everything as is now up to lv 60 and add more levels for gemmers. Shadowforge materials at lv70 and lv80.
I agree. Or at least up to 43. Even if the boss fragments drop rate of new boss hadn't been bugged to reach 100 total at lvl 43 instead of the advertised lvl 35, getting boss+ would still have been near impossible for newer players with tougher boss and 4 days. (the bug I guess means the boss milestones stuff is just a set of bitmaps and not generated from the data)
I guess switching back to old boss means they might have a rigid structure for boss and they couldn't tweak boss drops to reach 100 by milestone 35 (or preferrably 28) of new boss without a client update from the app stores...

06-15-2016, 04:00 AM
And again improved rewards. 6 days instead of 4 which is good. It shows second armor at lv35 again, let's see if that's true ;).

I can't play at work so don't know yet if and how much the stats have increased, let's hope not as much as the last 4day attempt.

Silent follower
06-15-2016, 07:53 AM
Up to level 20 they have increased the attack&defense of the boss with 25% from last week, while hps are the same as last week (or normal level atm). 21& 24 were an increase of 42/25%, while eb25 (thats my next boss) has an attack increase of 67%!!! from last week and 90%!!!! to defense! If this increase is going to continue, there is no way of getting to 60 even with strong friends...

06-15-2016, 11:45 PM
The stat increases are ridiculous.

Lv25 was something like 2500 attack, didn't really pay attention and beat with 2 knights.
Lv26 was ~3900 attack and I was defeated with 3 knights.
Lv27 now has 4832 attack, thought 4 knights should be OK but nope, defeated again.

Come on GREE, what kind of progression is that?

Lv28 has 5702 attack. At this rate Lv30 or lv31 will be unbeatable for me.

06-16-2016, 05:54 AM
At lvl 27 I had to use 4 guys and barely won with dragonforged armor. This is ridiculous gree at this rate I won't even reach lvl 35.

06-16-2016, 10:55 AM
The difficulty curve is insane. One level I can beat it with two nights, the next level I need four.

I'm at L31 now (so can't even get to the second armor set) and with five knights couldn't beat it.

From one extreme to the next. It was more fun for me to have easier fights and get to L60 than get stalled out on Thursday knowing I won't be playing Epic Boss fights for another 5 days. One week when I was able to use my DF+ armor on my main, I was able to get four sets of armor created by defeating L73.

Lord P
06-16-2016, 11:22 AM
level 34 6045/2100/34,750 using two knights and a friend.


level 35 6615/2111/36,951..... this will require 4 knights

06-16-2016, 03:09 PM
lv30 5586/1791/32989
lv31 5702/1964/33429 Lucky victory with 5 knights. I have Vargar, Vargar+ and Harlequin all maxed out and similar friends. And the boss has adjacent elements. But I'll probably not be able to beat lv35. The second armor is at 43 anyway and not 35 like the picture says. Anyone from GREE here to comment on the thought process of making the epic boss that much harder than before? Also, will this be the new normal?

lv32 5817/1864/33869

06-16-2016, 11:21 PM
its not too bad for me. started to use 3 knight + 2 friends starting lv 51.... i have a feeling that a little bit of gemming will be required to finish EB now...

06-17-2016, 01:22 AM
Needed a 2nd run at lvl 28 with 1 knight after I failed with 3 knights in epic+ and a shadowforged friend. Which to me kind of signals that even if boss+ would be at lvl 35, it would be unreachable for newbies, since they would probably need 3 or 4 friends per level from the mid 20s onward.

Silent follower
06-17-2016, 01:34 AM
The second armor can be crafted at lvl 38, not 35. I just beat it and have 95 pieces, not 100.

I calculated the strength increases, and it is 3.5* for attacks and 2.625* for defense of the last weeks boss. This increase started from EB 28, I'm now at 36 and it is still valid. If the formula is correct EB 60 will have 9818/2371/49277. That's the same att and def of the new blitz EBs...

Lord P
06-17-2016, 07:39 AM
its not too bad for me. started to use 3 knight + 2 friends starting lv 51.... i have a feeling that a little bit of gemming will be required to finish EB now...
Are you GM? Also are you using SF+, SF, DF+, or DF? You must have a strong lineup and a strong pet.

06-17-2016, 07:52 AM
i have a feeling that a little bit of gemming will be required to finish EB now...

Bingo. Yet another way to get people to spend gems. Or quit.

06-17-2016, 11:14 AM
Bingo. Yet another way to get people to spend gems. Or quit.

The latter is what I may do soon. I don't like Wars, but I do like raids, so every other weekend I'm in constantly, where the other weekend, I'm normally only finishing up the EB for the week.

But now, I'm as far as I can get with EB by Thursday, during a War weekend. I literally have no reason to be logging in this weekend.

When the game starts giving people reasons to not login, that's almost worse than not giving people a reason to log in, and you will start to lose player base.

And I also noticed how many chests are live right now. 11 different chests live. They are that hard-up for money that they can't even limit gem-using possibilities to 4 or 5 anymore.

So, what does that leave for me in this game? Raids, but they're trying to mess with that. Heroic? I've been able to get all 16 crystals pretty consistently. I think I've done them the last 3 times, and this time around had 6 days to go when I got the 16th crystal. So by that math, that means they are getting ready to mess with Heroics again, because why give me a reason to want to log in. Let's just mess up all reasons why I want to play this game that are left.

06-17-2016, 02:37 PM
The second armor can be crafted at lvl 38, not 35. I just beat it and have 95 pieces, not 100.

Gree being as incompetent as ever...
Just faiied 31 with 3 knights in good epic+ and 2 friends in good epic+ and waiting for that 1 energyregen to finish it.
Not sure if I'll remember to do a 2nd run in time often enough to get to 38 (and if I forget that's 2 of the 10 daily friends wasted)
I don't always have as much time to play on weekdays as this week, so if this is the new norm, most weeks I'll end somewhere in the 28-35 range.
(how nice, if double strong element armors with 2200-2500 atk and def hardly make a dent into mid levels of the epic boss, what chance do newer players have?)

I don't think boss+ has ever been this hard to reach since I started playing at Deva/before guilds existed...

06-18-2016, 01:45 PM
This sucks!!!! I can't get past lvl37 without waiting or gemming. Another bad GREEdy idea.

06-18-2016, 09:35 PM
Are you GM? Also are you using SF+, SF, DF+, or DF? You must have a strong lineup and a strong pet.

yeah i was for the most part. But my account is an HC for a war somewhere else.

06-21-2016, 04:24 AM
Without geming, i could defeat lvl43, but from lvl40, i had to use my 3 knights + 2 very strong friends, wait for recharging during 1:40 hours to attack again with my main knight and another 2 strong friends. In total, 14 of energy and 4 strong friends for each boss in these levels.
Impossible to finish without spending another 22 gems per level, for newbies is very, very complicated. I think that very few players can reach lvl60.