View Full Version : Rum Drunk Adrift: Heroic - impossible to finish?

Lord Vyper
05-01-2016, 06:18 AM
Tried to get the haste 2/2 unit for finishing heroic part because I wanted to have it to kill my last bosses. Since heroic is now only 15 parts instead of 20 before it seems to be impossible to finish. After finishing 15/15 heroic I didn't get the haste wrapper and I didn't get the event wrapper....
Seems to me as if both wait for me to finish 20/20 which is impossible. Since I used gems to finish in haste to use the epic boss attack boost for my last bosses this situation is really annoying.

please fix this as soon as possible

05-01-2016, 06:26 AM
Omg, Haste Heroic 2/2 is broken!

IPassButter, there's something wrong with the Haste Heroic 2/2 quest. It's for completing Heroic in 24 hours. The problem is that the reward never triggers.

This reward is the Adrift Toroth, 141.9m / 76.4m with a +4% EB attack. Might be a handy boost to have right now with the EB higher levels having just increased by @ 20%.

Heroic is usually 20 levels, this time it's only 15 levels, but with much stronger mobs. Did Gree's wonderful programmers leave the Heroic Haste 2/2 trigger at level 16? If so, that's going to be impossible to hit the trigger with only 15 Heroic levels.

Please get this fixed before the EB is over. Preferably within an hour or so. (We know that's possible when the "correction" favors Gree)

05-01-2016, 06:27 AM
Tried to get the haste 2/2 unit for finishing heroic part because I wanted to have it to kill my last bosses. Since heroic is now only 15 parts instead of 20 before it seems to be impossible to finish. After finishing 15/15 heroic I didn't get the haste wrapper and I didn't get the event wrapper....
Seems to me as if both wait for me to finish 20/20 which is impossible. Since I used gems to finish in haste to use the epic boss attack boost for my last bosses this situation is really annoying.

please fix this as soon as possible

Omg, it's worse than I thought. We can't even get the wrappers either.

The Event Prize needs us to get the Adrift Swashbuckler from Heroic. But 15/15 Heroic give us an Adrift Crystalsinger.

Hmm..the name of this quest is Rum Drunk Adrift. Perhaps that's what Gree is doing this weekend.

05-01-2016, 06:57 AM
I've just finished as well, wat a joke, used gems to complete and no prizes

05-01-2016, 07:56 AM
We are aware of the issue and currently investigating.

05-01-2016, 09:41 AM
We are aware of the issue and currently investigating.

Just got a data download and the 2/2 Heroic Haste is in inventory and the check mark is in the Wrapper screen

Lord Vyper
05-01-2016, 09:55 AM
thx for your help IPassButter :)