View Full Version : This just in..

04-17-2016, 04:49 PM
I have done an experiment. :eek:

Actually, I conducted several experiments to PROVE the TRUE value of DOUBLE STRIKE BOOSTESSES in Modern War.:confused:

I have accounts with DSB varying from over 200% to about 50%.

For ALL of my accounts over 100% in DSB I was able to consecutively receive the value of the DSB for as few as 20 times, but NO MORE than 25 times.

I suggest you try the simple test, and share your results with the community.

My hypothesis is that DSB is nearly unlimited in PVP. :cool:

However, the effect of DSB is THROTTLED by some unknown hand :rolleyes: in MW.

04-17-2016, 06:12 PM
My DS is oy 81%, it seems like I get alit of double strikes in WD. But not sure if I'm getting that percentage or not.

04-17-2016, 06:59 PM
My DS is oy 81%, it seems like I get alit of double strikes in WD. But not sure if I'm getting that percentage or not.

Very easy to prove or disprove, mate.
Try it.
I'm guessing the DS will cease after 15, give or take 3-4.
The rare times I PVP, the DS never ends.
I get 12 whacks, every whack is a DS.

04-17-2016, 07:04 PM
Try this like boss try.
The DS stop come four me two.
I think DS cheat us.
We lose point by be cheated. BOO BOO BOO
Them cheated us. BOO BOO BOO

04-18-2016, 03:22 AM
The game crashes too much for me to
Really care about it Dew. It wouldn't surprise me if you are right about it though. Gree loses gold if they give out points.

04-18-2016, 05:15 AM
The game is fubar. I'm 1 foot away from wifi tower and I get 0 ds show up. Then I turn wifi of and use cellular data get 100% ds all the time. If it wasn't for the friends that I have made I would delete game.

04-19-2016, 09:53 AM
I have done an experiment. :eek:

Actually, I conducted several experiments to PROVE the TRUE value of DOUBLE STRIKE BOOSTESSES in Modern War.:confused:

I have accounts with DSB varying from over 200% to about 50%.

For ALL of my accounts over 100% in DSB I was able to consecutively receive the value of the DSB for as few as 20 times, but NO MORE than 25 times.

I suggest you try the simple test, and share your results with the community.

My hypothesis is that DSB is nearly unlimited in PVP. :cool:

However, the effect of DSB is THROTTLED by some unknown hand :rolleyes: in MW.

What do you mean by it being throttled back? The DS doesn't always count 2 hits on a target durnin WD or that the points don't double durning a suscessful DS durning WD.

If it's the first, I've hit the same target well over 25 times durning WD and it's always been a suscessful DS.

As for the points on a DS, I have seen, say, 400 at first hit, then when the DS screen comes up, sometimes the points are higher than 800 and sometimes they're less.

04-19-2016, 10:37 AM
It's a display issue Dew and you should no this. If you hit the same target in wd a bunch of times on droid it eventually stops showing as a ds and shows as a single hit, but if you check your goals and score you'll see that you are actually getting the points and wins of a ds

04-19-2016, 11:54 AM
It's a display issue Dew and you should no this. If you hit the same target in wd a bunch of times on droid it eventually stops showing as a ds and shows as a single hit, but if you check your goals and score you'll see that you are actually getting the points and wins of a ds

Yes, I'm sure that's what the OVERLORDS want to call it, a display issue.

Yes, I know how the points work, too.

During the next WD conduct the experiment.
See for yourself, that the DS ends after about a dozen taps on target uno.
Then you hit target dos, and a dozen more DS will be counted.
If you hit target tres, a dozen more DS.
If you return to target uno, only single strikes.
Let's say the DS were about 500, the single strikes will be about 200-225, maybe 250.

Sorry, mate, DS is being throttled back, as in a governor on a car limiting how fast one drives.
The throttle back on DS, is another clever money grab.



(https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FYSAV vE3s-7I%2Fhqdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv %3DYSAVvE3s-7I&docid=LGKpRdk4ngDDHM&tbnid=QD49bhU8e9sStM%3A&w=480&h=360&itg=1&bih=646&biw=1366&ved=0ahUKEwjc_fHFsJvMAhVqkIMKHclLDiMQMwgnKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8)https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-02/27/16/enhanced/webdr03/anigif_enhanced-buzz-13712-1425072558-7.gif (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjW2diFsZvMAhXDuoMKHeqkBvEQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Ftracyclayton%2 Fthe-building-fund&bvm=bv.119745492,d.amc&psig=AFQjCNEr0IaqgsmutlJhvKNh8n0gNIqyrg&ust=1461178714170344)

Cadillac on the interstate
Ran a redneck in the ditch
Big city lawyer called
Said, "Son, I'm gonna make you rich
Just put your shoulder in a sling
Your neck in a brace
We're gonna take his butt to court
Take everything he makes."
It's all about the money.
There's a local politician
Says he needed out vote
He'd put two chickens in every pot
And pave all the county roads
We ain't seen that S.O.B.
Since the day he raised his hand
We're still dodgin' potholes
Eatin' potted meat and Spam
It's all about the money.
It's all about the money.
A handshake used to be
All you used need to make a deal, yes it was
Now they'll look you in the eye
Tell you a big old boldfaced lie
With a team of lawyers, moving in for the kill
It's all about the money.
They say they are your best friends
As long as you're buying the rounds
They'll light your smoke, tell you jokes
At every bar in town
As soon as you hit some hard times
And the good times disappear
You're all alone, they're all gone
One thing is so clear
It's all about the money.
It's all about the money...

Brown Out
04-19-2016, 02:34 PM
I have done an experiment. :eek:

Actually, I conducted several experiments

You been DEWIN SUMTIN. Cut that out.

Cannot Connect To Server
04-20-2016, 12:44 PM
i too think ds is held back during wd in some way...

on pvp goes off no stop...during wd get 4-5 hits then its gone hit as many as u want no ds...

change to diff target get 4-5 ds and nothing...

change game hit any target already hit no ds hit new ruvalget ds...

and nope dint thk display issue and nope do not get the points so vant be display issue...most my games are mini so every point is noticable.

also its just called DOUBLE STRIKE... it does not mean it doubles points... its just a free hit.

but ds pvp use stamina so one free stamina...

wd uses a diff energy.... so maybe the code the is different so u dont get the extra energy hit?

i dont know but for sure that wd did not give ds after a few hits.

it cld be a stamina means nothing anymore and wd means higher points and prizes etc so its held nack so ppl buy gold to try get extra points to beat rivals for those higher prizes etc.

50 stamina for 10 gold... 4 energy single hits or 1 pa for 25... so course a lot more money to be made from energy sales vs stamina.

04-20-2016, 01:35 PM
i too think ds is held back during wd in some way...

on pvp goes off no stop...during wd get 4-5 hits then its gone hit as many as u want no ds...

change to diff target get 4-5 ds and nothing...

change game hit any target already hit no ds hit new ruvalget ds...

and nope dint thk display issue and nope do not get the points so vant be display issue...most my games are mini so every point is noticable.

also its just called DOUBLE STRIKE... it does not mean it doubles points... its just a free hit.

but ds pvp use stamina so one free stamina...

wd uses a diff energy.... so maybe the code the is different so u dont get the extra energy hit?

i dont know but for sure that wd did not give ds after a few hits.

it cld be a stamina means nothing anymore and wd means higher points and prizes etc so its held nack so ppl buy gold to try get extra points to beat rivals for those higher prizes etc.

50 stamina for 10 gold... 4 energy single hits or 1 pa for 25... so course a lot more money to be made from energy sales vs stamina.

Brother you nailed it because as you described it that's EXACTLY what happens to me.

I knew I wasn't crazy. LOL