View Full Version : Raid Boss and Epic Boss Up At the Same Time

04-16-2016, 03:18 PM
You do realize they use the same health bar don't you? This is crazy!!!!!! We still have epic boss dalies to do. How are we supposed to do both at the same time???

The Battle Mage
04-16-2016, 03:35 PM
One Word sums it up

Asinine !!!

Nana B
04-16-2016, 04:19 PM
W. T. F... Same frigging health.. Are we being played?? Some kind of dang experiment?? Well this freakin' monkey is just about to escape from her cage...

04-16-2016, 06:06 PM
At least the raid boss is 9 days

04-16-2016, 07:05 PM
At least the raid boss is 9 days

Unfortunately this will overlap with war as well. Nice job there GREE... *sarcasm*

04-16-2016, 09:06 PM
I agree with all of the above....this is supposed to be fun....GREE even ruined that with so many events all thrown at us. This is a new all time low. Not to mention it's causing issues & arguments in my guild & I've had to demote an officer over a f$&@ing stupid game that is supposed to be fun....not stressful!!!!

Nana B
04-16-2016, 09:29 PM
There is so much confusion in our Guild... English is not a first language to some peeps.. A explaination doesnt always have the same meaning (or understanding... Theres to damn much going on... I'm calling it a Gree Smorgasbord... Come on and grab a spork and get your slop...

Laura TCK
04-17-2016, 12:22 AM
Gree, you really (colorful language deleted)
This is a new low, even for a disreputable company such as you.

Two major events that both use the same Health bar.

I suppose it's a good thing that Legendary EB is so insane that very few will even think about trying it. But we still need 150 EB kills per day.

If this is the new Normal quest line: war every two weeks, EB and RB overlapping, on top of the endless box events and the endless ILTQs, then this is truly the end of Kingdom Age.

I'm not going to buy anymore gems, and if I see the next war is 11 days after the end of this next one (which would be on Mother's Day) then I'll be forced to think about stop playing this stupid game.

I will also see if the next war starts in 11 days after this current one, if so then yes this will be the norm. I will stop doing EB hit RB when I can be bothered, stop opening boxes and stop LTQ I will hit in war but that will be about it but def no gems but we're see what Gree has in store

Be nice for a reply Gree but I'm betting you won't

04-17-2016, 04:00 AM
I have been playing this game for a long time (4 years) and I use to love it..I'm using gems in every war ,now I'm ready to quit. This game is crazy,Gree is crazy and I'm getting crazy too.

04-17-2016, 05:11 AM
Game is not fun anymore.Too many errors and stuped changes from grrrrreeeee.Ep and RB at the same time?War in two weeks?Fly a kite gree,yea "gree ",you are getting smaller with time.

04-17-2016, 07:35 AM
GRee - this is why the 2 week cycle is so stupid. You are lucky to have customers obsessive enough to play this game for real money. But you are pushing them away very fast. The top guilds probably have the resources to manage this, even if its annoying, but the other guilds will struggle and lose people. The people that we must recruit to the top to replace those you chase away. ou seem hell bent on destroying the game. I really hope 5/5 is less than 60.

04-17-2016, 09:14 AM
This is complete madness... Are you trying to turn this into a completely pay to play game? Either you have to make a choice which event you are going to complete or you have to pay to do both? And with war coming on top of RB, a war I might add that players are already complaining about, which will again use the same health bar you are very quickly alienating your player base. Please rethink this madness or you will be left with very few players willing to continue to participate in this charade.

04-17-2016, 10:07 AM
Confirmed 60 finishes still required to complete guild side of raid boss Indy. What is wrong with you gree. You could have easily pulled 5 or 10 off the last level and made it reasonable.

Stupid as you are several who were gemming eb have now stopped.

We are activey looking at all ways to reduce your revenue. You have no respect for your players.

04-17-2016, 12:37 PM
You do realize that Gree's done this before, right? Don't act like this is a new thing... New and Old-timers realize that there's nothing new under the sun, esp where Gree is concerned... recommend focus on EB til it ends and then do RB, since there's plenty of time for it..

Lord Vyper
04-18-2016, 04:39 AM
not that much time for RB as it also runs the same time as the war....

could anyone from gree please at least confirm this dates??? Ignoring us makes it even worse....

at least those guilds that will not join the war have something to do :)

04-18-2016, 08:50 AM
Stupid as you are several who were gemming eb have now stopped.

We are activey looking at all ways to reduce your revenue. You have no respect for your players.

Seems like Gree is deliberately cutting their own income, lmao

War player
04-18-2016, 02:07 PM
Confirmed 60 finishes still required to complete guild side of raid boss Indy. What is wrong with you gree. You could have easily pulled 5 or 10 off the last level and made it reasonable.

Stupid as you are several who were gemming eb have now stopped.

We are activey looking at all ways to reduce your revenue. You have no respect for your players.

Indy was much easier to complete. We are going to get 60 to finish Indy pretty easily.

04-18-2016, 03:04 PM
Only guilds with 60 players will finisb easily if they are strong enough - you need to remember the guilds that arent at full capacity. It should be lowered to at least 50 so more can complete or have a shot at completing

War player
04-18-2016, 03:58 PM
Only guilds with 60 players will finisb easily if they are strong enough - you need to remember the guilds that arent at full capacity. It should be lowered to at least 50 so more can complete or have a shot at completing

So, it's expected that even the very low guilds should complete the absolute top prize of the RB event? I agree that the first one, that required 5 levels that needed 5 captures each was tough. I would bet that most of the top 50-75 guilds complete this one. Especially since it lasts so long.

04-18-2016, 05:12 PM
So, it's expected that even the very low guilds should complete the absolute top prize of the RB event? I agree that the first one, that required 5 levels that needed 5 captures each was tough. I would bet that most of the top 50-75 guilds complete this one. Especially since it lasts so long.

I'm betting you just convinced GREE to make sure it's harder than the first one next time

04-19-2016, 03:28 AM
Since jumping is dead , finishing 60 is a royal pain - and with the shift into weekday caused bby this war, it's even harder. We are a top guild and will do it, but lwer guilds will not. Worse, it freezes our players until we are done and delays our ability to help others. Gree is killing this game.b Please cut this back to 55 at least....

04-19-2016, 11:39 AM
I'd love to know the percentage of guilds that even have 60 members. I would wager that it is very small. Lowering 5/5 to either 50 or 55 would at least give guilds a chance at finishing

04-19-2016, 02:49 PM
My main guild has capacity of 58.....but we are down 5 members to begin with & with so many empty openings in the top 50....5 actives is very hard to come by.....I'm feeling a need to buy that last guild increase ....at least we could accommodate enough visitors to finish more easily since the 53 I have are all active. But a 60 target still doesn't accomidate real life happenings and excused absentees. And I won't boot loyal members just to get a stupid unit that has very little value when you compare it to the value of relationships made in this game.

Laura TCK
04-20-2016, 12:38 PM
We are top 25 and lucky have a top 75 guild also and took a few actives and completed RB but need to rotate upset those that can not get the boost etc etc, please make 5/5 guild a max of 55 got to give people a chance we only finished as we have 2 guilds but it does cause problems

04-21-2016, 09:57 AM
From our GroupMe Founder's room from someone who is unable to post on the forum:

Ok guys......here's my thoughts on this stupid quest :
Gree has succeeded in killing a huge part of the KA experience---community jumping. It no longer works. Then they further alienate players by requiring SIXTY members to finish. This is a VERY divisive move for every guild......it makes members question other members' loyalty......with no regard for those members that have real life issues....no regard for guilds that don't have 60 members

Gree is forcing us to jump through THEIR hoop.

I for one don't feel they are being fair.

I also feel that the more KA players that actually finish this , the more Gree will put this **** in front of us.

Vile Lynn
04-21-2016, 11:33 AM
From our GroupMe Founder's room from someone who is unable to post on the forum:

Unable or unwilling?

There is absolutely no reason why customers/players cannot speak (post) for themselves here.
ALL players are welcome! The more, the merrier!

If they've registered for a forum account and have not been issued an activation email, please ask them to PM me; I will request that their account is activated asap.

After going thru a bit of a hassle with 10 "auto-moderated" posts, which are usually immediately approved when seen, if compliant with the Forum Code of Conduct (http://forums.gree.net/showthread.php?105486-POLICY-Code-of-Conduct-(Updated-6-23-15)&p=1462437#post1462437) (CoC) of course, they can then post their own opinions without needing approval. (We can even "fast-track" 10 post-approvals in the KA Off Topic sub-forum when I'm online if anybody is that worried about their posts being auto-moderated.)

Thank you for understanding. :)

IMHO, requiring guilds be maxed at 60 for any quest is ridiculous.

04-21-2016, 04:16 PM
Unable or unwilling?

There is absolutely no reason why customers/players cannot speak (post) for themselves here.
ALL players are welcome! The more, the merrier!

If they've registered for a forum account and have not been issued an activation email, please ask them to PM me; I will request that their account is activated asap.

After going thru a bit of a hassle with 10 "auto-moderated" posts, which are usually immediately approved when seen, if compliant with the Forum Code of Conduct (http://forums.gree.net/showthread.php?105486-POLICY-Code-of-Conduct-(Updated-6-23-15)&p=1462437#post1462437) (CoC) of course, they can then post their own opinions without needing approval. (We can even "fast-track" 10 post-approvals in the KA Off Topic sub-forum when I'm online if anybody is that worried about their posts being auto-moderated.)

Thank you for understanding. :)

IMHO, requiring guilds be maxed at 60 for any quest is ridiculous.

How can they PM you when their account have not been activated???:rolleyes:

04-21-2016, 04:53 PM
How can they PM you when their account have not been activated???:rolleyes:

Unactivated peeps can send PMs. Just tap on the name in any thread