View Full Version : WOW, only 11 days and 54 minutes for NEXT WAR

04-11-2016, 02:05 PM
Talk about milking the cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!

Laura TCK
04-11-2016, 02:09 PM
Gree you really have no clue oh well gem free next one

04-11-2016, 02:26 PM
GREE, how I wish you'd listen to us about war; just once. That your game, which we enjoy is riddled with bugs and false promises, it's also full of people who don't give a flying fig about those who serve it well. You should be proud that you have such scant regard. Thanks for that.

04-11-2016, 03:08 PM
PLease stop this - you just had a war riddled with errors ad bad prizes - we are al exhausted - those who still care do not want to repeat this in 11 days. Better to pull the plug.

04-11-2016, 03:40 PM
Agreed !! 11 days till nxt war? Absolutely dumb...

The red Baron
04-11-2016, 03:46 PM
2 weeks and a 3 day war, we all hate it

04-11-2016, 03:48 PM
It's remarkable that you plan a war this quickly, yet, you aren't able to run the current set of LTQs properly. There is an EB event going on? No bosses though. You pay lip service to us. You use avatar names that mock us. You don't seem to understand that all we want is to be treated appropriately. A simple acknowledgment would be nice!

War player
04-11-2016, 03:54 PM
It's remarkable that you plan a war this quickly, yet, you aren't able to run the current set of LTQs properly. There is an EB event going on? No bosses though. You pay lip service to us. You use avatar names that mock us. You don't seem to understand that all we want is to be treated appropriately. A simple acknowledgment would be nice!

And yet many still spend thousands on this game.

04-11-2016, 05:26 PM
2 weeks and a 3 day war, we all hate it

So true, many will probably do a gem free war, except top guilds, points should be lower.

04-12-2016, 12:00 AM
And yet many still spend thousands on this game.
They do indeed and whilst I am in a top 10 guild, I am not one of them. Either the farming for health potions meant that GREE didn't earn enough from gem sales, this war, or it was a precursor to a two weekly war cycle. I suspect the latter. We are all addicts, but the amount spent by some is not to my choosing, so I refrain. I just couldn't afford it, not would I want to spend that much. It's about choice; it isn't mine. I just wish GREE would comment on this thread. It's selective contribution to threads, not to mention rude, is quite unprofessional and cowardly at best.

There won't be a gem free war; too many top level guilds terrified of losing their placement in a game and addiction can't just stop like that.

04-12-2016, 03:35 AM
My issue is time - war forces me to ignore my family for a weekend. I know this is huge issue for many. SO this just forces more out of the game, hastening its death.

I don't mind gemming, I do mind the absurd time requirements. Many gemmers feel same. Please listen Gree.

04-12-2016, 05:29 AM
My issue is time - war forces me to ignore my family for a weekend. I know this is huge issue for many. SO this just forces more out of the game, hastening its death.

I don't mind gemming, I do mind the absurd time requirements. Many gemmers feel same. Please listen Gree.

Agreed, I continue saying they need to stop alienating the customer base, each time we lose members. New players cannot compete, no parity in the game.

04-12-2016, 12:16 PM
Maybe Gree will learn the hard way this war if players cut back on gem spending. One can only hope.

04-12-2016, 05:06 PM
Maybe Gree will learn the hard way this war if players cut back on gem spending. One can only hope.

Unfortunately that will not happen with some guilds, but I expect points to be lower which means less spending. The less spending that occurs will possibly improve the game as they will listen. When quests are unattainable with mountains of gem use and high health bosses, our guild is not spending gems. Wars no gem spent last two wars due to them changing it to impossible for guilds around 30 members. We lost 3 members this last war because of the recent impossible changes that have occurred. We still placed at 150 even, which a year or so ago would have been top 200 if we were lucky. Used to take about a million points for top 150, we had nearly half those points this war. The current game proves members are leaving and new members cannot compete under the current structure.

04-13-2016, 03:34 PM
We keep saying we don't want wars this close together. Why are you insistent on scheduling them this way?

04-13-2016, 05:26 PM
Answer us Gree - people are quitting over this. At least turn it into a 24 hour war

04-13-2016, 07:34 PM
Thought I would look at the calendar. I thought that maybe the regular schedule would have been on Mother's Day, but it wasn't. Neither was Memorial Day or Father's Day.

But if we go in two weeks again, the war will fall on Mother's Day. The next one had better not be on Mother's Day.
Being forced to choose between a game or our wives and families will definitely cause many more "retirements"

Scarlet Heart
04-13-2016, 08:16 PM
Far Under Cutting Keep Your Game Retiring Everyone Enduring this time!

This is getting ridiculous. I need a holiday...might just have to put the iPad locked up over the weekend.

Please stop this

04-14-2016, 03:32 AM
Will gree please comment? Many players are pending retirement decisions. Do you still want their money?

04-14-2016, 02:24 PM
Please listen to your customers and change the war schedule back to the usual time frame.
Your silence is deafening and yet sadly speaks volumes to what you truly think of us.

04-14-2016, 03:26 PM
You will also get lower participation as peole made other plans assuming that weekend was not war.

04-14-2016, 07:15 PM
You will also get lower participation as peole made other plans assuming that weekend was not war.

No response means we should not have war or participate in the event, however Gree knows that many players will spend and this is why no response or change in schedule. When we don't spend is when they will listen. JMHO

04-16-2016, 06:40 AM
IPassButter, I know you read these threads. There is a lot of talk about going without walls, not declaring for the first day or two, going gem free. Some guilds are not going to fight at all.

War is a huge time consumer, and we can't take a 3 day war every two weeks. That will be the quickest way to get peeps to realize that there are more important thing in life, and that leaving KA is their best move.

04-16-2016, 12:23 PM
I've made other plans....this war was off cycle & im okay with dedicating 1 weekend a month but not multiples. My guilds will be casual....it's player decision to decide if they even want to battle at all this war....no one will be booted for being MIA with no communication about missing since I'm not considering an off cycle war as a guild event requiring full participation.

04-16-2016, 02:47 PM
What to say on this?
I am tired to complain so i won't.
Please Gree listen to your costumers.This war is to close

04-17-2016, 09:19 AM
Yet again another example of completely ignoring what your customers want. Successful businesses continue to stay in business because they listen to their customer base and don't try to take advantage of them. Increasing the frequency of war and adding multiple quests leading up to this war is sheer madness on your part. Please listen to reason and your customers and abandon this need to constantly push players away!

Lord Vyper
04-18-2016, 04:30 AM
all has been said before.... this is incredible gree - you are not only killing your gem-spenders but also the high active player that care about the guilds: if they use gems or not, it is the needed time that kills them and forces them to quit the game one by one. These player are not able to slow down because they would feel like they would let the guild down if they don't help - so they will battle, yes... but they will think about quiting the game again to get their lifes back.... and again some will, leaving behind a smaller group of active player that have to work even harder.... and the wheel keeps on turning, less and less active player, the game is fading :(

Nana B
04-18-2016, 05:56 AM
Lord V, you are absolutely correct... I'm very Active... From my husband's complaining, way too much... But I am very involved in my Guild, and try my best for everyone to get the Rewards.. But I'm thinking really hard for me and my two minis to leave the game... It's getting where it's just not fun anymore... And all this fricken begging a company to fix their product is just flucking ridiculous!!

04-19-2016, 03:30 AM
Your silence is deafening.

04-20-2016, 08:38 AM
Your silence is deafening.


Nana B
04-20-2016, 04:55 PM
This is my last post in this forum.. I receive no satisfaction in my inquires, have seen now caring Gree support yet when I post I get an inbox warning about language... No I dont receive any response in here from Gree to anything I post, yet I'm threatened with banning for using an abbreviation form for a cuss word... Bad Nana...

04-20-2016, 05:04 PM
I rarely post in the Forum anymore, mostly because I think it does not matter what we say in here. However, I will say that I have not bought gems in quite some time. I will surely not start buying again for this weekend. Many folks are losing their interest in KA, and 12 days between Conquests is one of the reasons.

I know the top 10 guilds will continue to use gems, but the game is shrinking. Listen to us and you may have more than 10 active guilds in the near future.

04-21-2016, 06:53 AM
wow....it has been a very long time since i stopped in here ....and the same fight we all had 2 years ago is still being fought today....i sympathize with all of you long time gamers...

one...gree does not care about you or its games....they care about the bottom dollar...

two...the fact that you are still buying gems and playing the game enables them to keep pushing until the cow dies

three....a boycott will never happen...EVER

four...its a shame to see a game that was once GREAT become what it is today...if only Funzio had kept this one

five...gree does not respond to your issues and concerns ..i still dont understand why they dont care but they have a business model and they will not change it to satisfy anyone ...EXCEPT the very top spenders or teams

six...bugs...more bugs...crashing...repetitive events...repetitive units with bigger stats and bull **** bonuses ....but yet the customer keeps paying for it so why would they care about changing anything as long as the money keeps coming in.

seven...i WISH i could actually say something that would make gree pay attention and effect the changes you all have been asking for.... for YEARS now....it is ridiculous that a gaming company is this BLIND and INCOMPETENT to the customer needs and wants ...

Good luck everyone in your continued fight against the astounding level of greed and bad programming that gree has displayed time and time again....i really do HOPE that you get that change...but as i and many others before and after me have learned ...that is just NEVER going to happen ...EVER....and so it is up to you to either play with it...though it...or leave for greener games....by no means am i saying that other games are less expensive...but at least when i contact support i get a legitimate response from other gaming companies ...when i express my concerns even if i get a caged response ...at least i am getting a response unlike here where it seems that everything falls on deaf ears

04-21-2016, 04:27 PM
wow....it has been a very long time since i stopped in here ....and the same fight we all had 2 years ago is still being fought today....i sympathize with all of you long time gamers...

one...gree does not care about you or its games....they care about the bottom dollar...

two...the fact that you are still buying gems and playing the game enables them to keep pushing until the cow dies

three....a boycott will never happen...EVER

four...its a shame to see a game that was once GREAT become what it is today...if only Funzio had kept this one

five...gree does not respond to your issues and concerns ..i still dont understand why they dont care but they have a business model and they will not change it to satisfy anyone ...EXCEPT the very top spenders or teams

six...bugs...more bugs...crashing...repetitive events...repetitive units with bigger stats and bull **** bonuses ....but yet the customer keeps paying for it so why would they care about changing anything as long as the money keeps coming in.

seven...i WISH i could actually say something that would make gree pay attention and effect the changes you all have been asking for.... for YEARS now....it is ridiculous that a gaming company is this BLIND and INCOMPETENT to the customer needs and wants ...

Good luck everyone in your continued fight against the astounding level of greed and bad programming that gree has displayed time and time again....i really do HOPE that you get that change...but as i and many others before and after me have learned ...that is just NEVER going to happen ...EVER....and so it is up to you to either play with it...though it...or leave for greener games....by no means am i saying that other games are less expensive...but at least when i contact support i get a legitimate response from other gaming companies ...when i express my concerns even if i get a caged response ...at least i am getting a response unlike here where it seems that everything falls on deaf ears

Wow, Sky�� Long time no see! I can't believe it's been 2 years since I remember you retiring��

I don't know that anyone would argue your points. We continue to post here when we want to gain public support for an idea AND when we want to make sure that GREE sees a post about a problem (since customer support in game can be pretty sketchy)...not that this is frankly a lot better.

I, for one, play the game because I still have fun doing so (even with the bugs and GREE push for more spending). When I stop having fun, then I will stop. My gem spend has already slowed significantly (as I told GREE that it would when they refused a recent ticket).

We had a couple more members quit this cycle...its sad to say it but it's definitely a declining game. I can't think of one thing that is positively bring more players to the game now...though GREE is changing things slightly to make some events a little more interesting...unfortunately the changes are also driving some away. Guess they can't win at this point.

04-21-2016, 05:43 PM
Interesting that a thread asking for reasons about why war is only a fortnight apart is ignored, yet a thread concerning loss of accounts due to logging in on another device error is dealt with almost immediately. Funny old thing that possible loss of revenue on the eve of war, attracts action. GREE; you certainly know how to treat your customers with contempt and your selective deafness, or should I say blindness is so obvious. If the next war is two weeks from this one, I'm sure a few more peeps will vanish, in readiness for the new up and coming spenders, whom I hope will quickly see GREE for its shoddy customer service and back tracking. Whilst it may seem to try to make quests more interesting, not a lot is achievable now, without spending a lot. I remember another game, LaW which expected the same. Look what happened there! Please address your customers. Your loss of revenue is of your own doing.