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View Full Version : Epic boss droid old bug after ' summon

04-06-2016, 04:22 PM
When u summon a boss in android and do first kill, u cant travel from icon hood/map, that grey and u cant click on the icon.
Icon box event show ' zéro box when u have more 50 or 1....that show zero.

U need to kill the boss and reboot for back to normal.

Another problem is on refill when u have health pack they dont show too....i have 4 health pack and i have only refill by gold....so after u kill the boss they show but u dont need cuz boss is dead...
Question is how to use this pack before boss was kill and after reboot game work fine......

I bought a bundle with 4 health pack but cant use......

Thank for take a look about that bug that very old......maybe time to fix that no ? Or we finish with 5k'pack if we cant never use it.....

04-07-2016, 03:01 PM
Yes, it is very frustrating. I can't do anything when a boss is up, and when you start getting to the hard bosses you find yourself not being able to do stuff for hours until that boss is down.. except of course if you use gold

Mrs Cash
04-08-2016, 08:52 AM
No problem on either of my droids. Yet...

04-10-2016, 04:22 AM
u dont do boss maybe who know.. this bug is on all droid..
u have what in os ? droid 0.1 ? lol

04-10-2016, 08:03 AM
In all droid many bug. U bye aple phon lol?

04-10-2016, 03:42 PM
No issue on Galaxy S6... my older droid S3 though was really bad for cc issues.. maybe need a newer device

04-12-2016, 02:00 PM
Dont see what the device have to'do, os is the key.

I get all galaxy tab version (4 version) and get the same bug in all os version, kitkat, lolipop or marsmalow.

04-12-2016, 03:03 PM
I am not having this problem on my kit kat. You're doing something wrong.