View Full Version : Top 150 looking for 3 team oriented players

03-08-2016, 07:21 AM
what we can offer you:

docbot for WD and Frontline

active, long term, friendly team

group me (required) to organize, plan, and distribute information/help

strong presence of players 24 hours a day

finish all days of epic boss

complete prestige raid boss and most times more (into Masters and Ultimate)

all cash bonuses purchased, currently nearing the end of stage 6 on faction HQ

PM me for more details or drop in here to talk: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/18969830/CjRuXo

Our goal was to reach top 150 and now we want to secure our placement, most of all we want to play as a team and have fun.


will communicate during team events via Group Me

donate to build faction HQ

notify us if unable to participate in faction events

be a team player

Preference is given to established players.