View Full Version : Felix Waller Ultimate Goal Count Wrong

01-28-2016, 10:14 AM
Currently, I'm on boss #88 in the Felix Waller event. Yet, on the Ultimate Felix Waller goals I'm only shown on 6/10 with 12/35 boss kills to complete that goal. The 6/10 goal should have been completed on boss kill #68 and 7/10 should have been completed on kill #69!!! I should be in the middle of goal 8/10 right now! Already sent a ticket to GREE! Anyone else having the issue?

Naughty Toon
01-28-2016, 10:24 AM
Currently, I'm on boss #88 in the Felix Waller event. Yet, on the Ultimate Felix Waller goals I'm only shown on 6/10 with 12/35 boss kills to complete that goal. The 6/10 goal should have been completed on boss kill #68 and 7/10 should have been completed on kill #69!!! I should be in the middle of goal 8/10 right now! Already sent a ticket to GREE! Anyone else having the issue?

You most likely let one escape without realizing it.....

01-28-2016, 11:18 AM
You most likely let one escape without realizing it.....

You know that's a great point and something I didn't think about. Reason being is because I never, ever do that, but it's very plausible this time. I've been sick the past 5 days, so with that, medicine fog, fatigue, etc... it's highly possible that perhaps I did let one slip through without realizing it.

Agent Orange
01-28-2016, 12:18 PM
And if you are on android the first time you summon a boss he will not show up until you log out and back in. On IOS they trigger sloooooooowly so just another way to get screwed by you know who.

02-01-2016, 01:16 AM
it's highly possible that perhaps I did let one slip through without realizing it.

GREE always let one slip through too. (The silent and deadly ones are the worst) It's the bad smell they leave behind that gets me ;)