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01-06-2016, 04:55 AM
That's (expletive removed) right, maybe one needs to violate the TOS to see a moderator on here.

Until that time, Forget You GREE!!

01-06-2016, 04:57 AM
Could not of put it any better. Cant remember last time a mod was in this room or even any other

01-06-2016, 05:11 AM
i bet this will be up here for a week or more, at which time I will agree with Dew.....game over.

01-06-2016, 10:05 AM
Ya... I'm pretty sure this game is just an after thought anymore. I'd be willing to bet they've mostly been laid off or transferred to other titles. More than likely there are only a couple guys left on the MW team to run everything and they couldn't care less about anyone's concerns. Just pump out the cycles for awhile until the plug is pulled entirely. But hey, keep buying up that precious gold. Gree has sucked since they took the game over.

01-06-2016, 10:29 AM
The end has to be near based on the fact that every event is a huge gold grab. 5here gave been more 40% off gold sales so they can try get every last penny they can.

01-06-2016, 12:46 PM
That's (expletive removed) right, maybe one needs to violate the TOS to see a moderator on here.

Until that time, Forget You GREE!!

There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

01-06-2016, 01:04 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Lol... Ya, send in a ticket... LMAO

01-06-2016, 01:17 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'
lol.there are? name two.

01-06-2016, 01:28 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Instead of answer on that, try to answer our questions on forum instead and for God sake UPDATE US SO WE NOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE GAME, THIS IS REDICILUS TO HAVE A FORUM THAT GREE REFERENCE TO WHEN WE NOT GET ANY ANSWER FROM NO ONE

01-06-2016, 01:58 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

You could answer any of the questions we have had for the last few month.

01-06-2016, 02:42 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Came out of hiding for this reply... So out of all the threads that are ignored, you chose this one.. Do you actually play MW or do you just enjoy the status you have??

Maybe if you told us how to get a reply from Gree it would be helpful, otherwise what was the meaning behind your post???????????

... After all you "take this sort of job very seriously"

01-06-2016, 03:04 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Please name ONE method that will actually get GREE's attention in a timely manner............................as you can see, so far only using foul language gets their attention and only to edit the posts.............yet for months we are still waiting on many legit answers to our questions.................

once again, please name ONE method that will actually work (we all know that tickets and PM to them will not work)

01-06-2016, 03:32 PM
Maybe if you're lucky.you'll get this reply::


My advice to you is the always adhere to ToS, which is something I take very seriously in my field. As stated, you being a previous mod does not give you the right to offer, "advice" to another mod. I am aware and fully capable of doing the tasks at hand. Granted, I do get excellent advice from the community mods on Slack. Again, post within the guideline of the forums and you and I will have no worries, Thank you:D

01-06-2016, 03:38 PM
Hi diddle diddle,
The black pot and the sooty kettle
Oh my oh my

01-06-2016, 05:29 PM
Came out of hiding for this reply... So do you actually play MW?

No, I haven't played MW since units were consumable and you had to buy gold units to feel a sense of an edge.

do you just enjoy the status you have??

I do enjoy helping new users get forum accounts activated and chatting with CMs.

Maybe if you told us how to get a reply from Gree it would be helpful

Here one of my favs. Addressing the devs and or CMs in a, "civil" manner do tends to do the trick on other sub forums 'round here. Always remember that reciprocating is a powerful thing.

otherwise what was the meaning behind your post???????????

To enlighten and inform of course.

... After all you "take this sort of job very seriously"

As a matter of fact I do, HR. I appreciate you for holding on to my reply. That is some powerful stuff you have in your possession, mate.

01-06-2016, 05:33 PM
Hi diddle diddle,
The black pot and the sooty kettle
Oh my oh my

I don't know whether to give you a chest bump or a high five:)

01-06-2016, 05:39 PM
No, I haven't played MW since units were consumable and you had to buy gold units to feel a sense of an edge.

I do enjoy helping new users get forum accounts activated and chatting with CMs.

Here one of my favs. Addressing the devs and or CMs in a, "civil" manner do tends to do the trick on other sub forums 'round here. Always remember that reciprocating is a powerful thing.

To enlighten and inform of course.

As a matter of fact I do, HR. I appreciate you for holding on to my reply. That is some powerful stuff you have in your possession, mate.

You can't be serious? After how long without anyone answering questions you reply with a useless post. You still haven't answered one way to get a response from Gree on tickets or problems. Sending in tickets give us nothing more than an automated response and then a few days later a response saying ticket is closed with a survey.

We don't need your sarcasm we as customers only want timely answers and communication. So please on behalf of all those who are looking for answers give us something useful.

01-06-2016, 05:54 PM
One of the most entertaining things I've read on here in a long time. Some do nothing trying to justify his existence.

01-06-2016, 06:19 PM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

This response is the epitome of what's wrong around here. You fella can go $@&? Yourself, just sayin. Civil enough for ya, do I have your attention?

01-06-2016, 06:55 PM
Rodimus, we know you aren't a developer but we rely on the moderators to do their job. I am a moderator of many forums and though I don't mod and sites that require people to pay for services in-game, I take it VERY seriously to make sure any issues players are having are dealt with in a timely fashion. Since people pay good money to play this game, you should be more than happy to say "I see you're having an issue(s), let me do my best to help you. If a player pays real money for in-game items and don't get them or don't get thing in general they have earned, that should be number 1 on your list to get resolved.

We rely on you to be a voice between the developers and players (customers in this case) and we expect basic services. If a new event is coming out, tell us about it. Releasing older content again in the store, let us know about it. Instead we are left in the dark, never knowing what is going on in the game we play, but get get snarky responces from the people who are supposed to be the voice of the players. We don't care that we have to pay for every little thing in this game (well we do) but we would be willing to overlook this if the game functioned the way it was supposed to and the dev/mods/CS did their jobs to make sure we were happy.

Again, we know you have very little power and has no control what happens at GREE International but you can at least acknowledge that there are issues and you'll make sure the developers hear them.

Brown Out
01-06-2016, 07:53 PM
The butt hurt is strong in here.

01-06-2016, 09:12 PM
No, I haven't played MW since units were consumable and you had to buy gold units to feel a sense of an edge.

I do enjoy helping new users get forum accounts activated and chatting with CMs.

Here one of my favs. Addressing the devs and or CMs in a, "civil" manner do tends to do the trick on other sub forums 'round here. Always remember that reciprocating is a powerful thing.

To enlighten and inform of course.

As a matter of fact I do, HR. I appreciate you for holding on to my reply. That is some powerful stuff you have in your possession, mate.

Again, out of all the posts and requests for information on this game and what is happening , or not happening, to it , this is what gets an answer /response? That deserves a head shake and an agent orange "face palm"

01-06-2016, 11:41 PM
No, I haven't played MW since units were consumable and you had to buy gold units to feel a sense of an edge.

I do enjoy helping new users get forum accounts activated and chatting with CMs.

Here one of my favs. Addressing the devs and or CMs in a, "civil" manner do tends to do the trick on other sub forums 'round here. Always remember that reciprocating is a powerful thing.

To enlighten and inform of course.

As a matter of fact I do, HR. I appreciate you for holding on to my reply. That is some powerful stuff you have in your possession, mate.

That was quite a sarcastic (I hope) reply.. You most definitely responded, however you still didn't actually answer. Being civil should be two way (and from the replies in this thread, you should see how the community feel), and to the devs isn't even possible, because there is NO WAY of contacting them.

Do use know how much money Gree have lost due this non exhaustive list:
- raising tickets, getting no response
- getting a canned response
- getting a "your issue has been resolved" bit it hasn't
- PMs telling the community that the forums are not a place to get tickets answered
- facebook social interaction dead in the water since that team was laid off
- CMs posting locked threads that mainly only talk about items that can be bought with gold
- No community feedback/interaction threads
- constant bugs being released (ie seeing an issue reoccur that was supposedly fixed)
- mass lockouts
- deviation in game play between platforms

All I ever see in Group Me now is, "I've quit/retired" posts and many people contacting third parties to receive compensation. Some people even almost brag using screenshots showing pages of itunes refund messages against in app purchases.

I picked a couple of random posts in the past from relic to show how some things used to happen....

Sorry to hear it. Please send me a PM with your ticket number and I'll give them a nudge. Or a poke. Or a pokey nudge. :)

I assure you that keeping our customers happy is a priority for us. I understand that the wait is frustrating, and I'm pushing to get them handled as quickly as possible in spite of the back log they're experiencing. I apologize for the delay on this, and I will continue to do the aforementioned "nudging" if you PM me your ticket numbers.

I could go back even further and show responses from Mark and CJ

01-07-2016, 01:31 AM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Hi Rodimus well sorry but that is not true mate we have been asking for Mods to answer questions for a long time and if you check you will see they have gone unanswered mate.

01-07-2016, 04:32 AM
Can you please answer this then, why is it that all events start at or after 11pm at night now UK time? By doing so gree have alienated at least half of its players because they will miss between 6 and 8 hours of event time

01-07-2016, 04:54 AM
I'll ask the CMs if the devs can reboot the, "AMA" (Ask Me Anyting) thread. There, any and all questions you may have for the devs can be up for discussion and answered.

01-07-2016, 05:11 AM
I'll ask the CMs if the devs can reboot the, "AMA" (Ask Me Anyting) thread. There, any and all questions you may have for the devs can be up for discussion and answered.

are there any developers left????

Seriously, its impossible to get an answer from a Gree employee, either on here or through customer service. Some VERY serious issues with this game that need to be addressed immediately before even more people stop playing.

We are still waiting on Gree's "investigation" on exploiting a loophole in Frontline, which polls show most people want factions locked for this event. Yet we get NOTHING from Gree.

Glad my cursing got your attention.

01-07-2016, 08:01 AM
No, I haven't played MW since units were consumable and you had to buy gold units to feel a sense of an edge.

Such an admission takes courage, and MUST be memorialized. :cool:

I do enjoy helping new users get forum accounts activated and chatting with CMs.

Such an admission doesn't take courage, but MUST be memorialized, too. :confused:

I don't know whether to give you a chest bump or a high five:)

Here's a suggestion, neither, mate. Now, you should get back to DEWIN what you enjoy most: chatting with CMs. :rolleyes:

Agent Orange
01-07-2016, 09:18 AM
There are more civil ways to get GREE's attention without using this method. Just sayin'

Based on gree's track record in this forum I'd say that is not true. Granted my gut feeling is that it is not the fault of the employee mods per se but a complete screw up at the management level.

Agent Orange
01-07-2016, 09:19 AM
I'll ask the CMs if the devs can reboot the, "AMA" (Ask Me Anyting) thread. There, any and all questions you may have for the devs can be up for discussion and answered.

Thank you!

01-07-2016, 10:40 AM
I would say there are very few ways of attracting gree' s attention.
I suspect setting fire to their offices and standing with a placard wouldn't even give them any clues. Rodimus our anger and frustration isn't aimed at you it's because we the people who play this game are not being respected by the developers customer(lack of) service (see unresolved tickets dating back over 2 years that kept getting closed as soon as they were received and the mods who should be passing information on to us.
This is a free game so why is it that to actually do well now you need to a) have a credit card that is unlimited or b) need to spend 24 hours a day online to do anything? And gree wonder why they are losing gamers, they should be doing everything in their power to keep those left her happy