12-11-2015, 01:02 AM
How to Get 1,000+ Gems a Month as a Free Player
Many of you have asked me how I have a high gem count as a free player. I will list a system below for an average of 1,000+ gems a month, assuming all you use is fe during events:
1. Get 258+ gems on a raid week:
20-30 gems a day for video offers (x7)
16 gems for finishing top 2,500 in arena
53 for hitting 3.25mill milestone in raid
20 for hitting 16k points in arena
3 for getting to level 35 on eb
3 for competing third quest at start of tournament
3-5 for logging in 5 days in a row
10-20 a week for regular offers
10-20 a week from saved chest keys
TOTAL: 258-350
2. Get 259+ gems on a blitz/war week:
20-30 gems a day for video offers (x7)
16 gems for finishing top 2,500 in arena
38 for hitting 40k milestone in war
16 for hitting 20k milestone in blitz
20 for hitting 16k points in arena
3 for getting to level 35 on eb
3 for completing third quest at start of tournament
3-5 for logging in 5 days in a row
10-20 a week for regular offers
10-20 a week from saved chest keys
TOTAL: 259-351
3. Do this every week for 1,034 to 1,402 GEMS A MONTH!!
4. Do not go on top runs.
5. Do not open chests. Ever.
6. If you are going to gem in war -- Never gem for a guaranteed battle loss. Only potential wins or frenzy.
7. Do not gem in raids or blitzes. I do gem in blitzes and a little in raids, but it’s not good if you are really trying to save.
Final Words: How you ultimately spend your gems is your choice.
Just thought I'd throw this here since its on Line
How to Get 1,000+ Gems a Month as a Free Player
Many of you have asked me how I have a high gem count as a free player. I will list a system below for an average of 1,000+ gems a month, assuming all you use is fe during events:
1. Get 258+ gems on a raid week:
20-30 gems a day for video offers (x7)
16 gems for finishing top 2,500 in arena
53 for hitting 3.25mill milestone in raid
20 for hitting 16k points in arena
3 for getting to level 35 on eb
3 for competing third quest at start of tournament
3-5 for logging in 5 days in a row
10-20 a week for regular offers
10-20 a week from saved chest keys
TOTAL: 258-350
2. Get 259+ gems on a blitz/war week:
20-30 gems a day for video offers (x7)
16 gems for finishing top 2,500 in arena
38 for hitting 40k milestone in war
16 for hitting 20k milestone in blitz
20 for hitting 16k points in arena
3 for getting to level 35 on eb
3 for completing third quest at start of tournament
3-5 for logging in 5 days in a row
10-20 a week for regular offers
10-20 a week from saved chest keys
TOTAL: 259-351
3. Do this every week for 1,034 to 1,402 GEMS A MONTH!!
4. Do not go on top runs.
5. Do not open chests. Ever.
6. If you are going to gem in war -- Never gem for a guaranteed battle loss. Only potential wins or frenzy.
7. Do not gem in raids or blitzes. I do gem in blitzes and a little in raids, but it’s not good if you are really trying to save.
Final Words: How you ultimately spend your gems is your choice.
Just thought I'd throw this here since its on Line