View Full Version : The 24hr chests are a rip off!!

Carlie Matia
11-30-2015, 02:34 AM
Seriously gree 9145 gems for chests!!! Do you think thats caring about your players???

Lord P
11-30-2015, 05:28 AM
Who doesn't want to spend $1000 for a dated Dragonforged? LMAO

Clearly Gree could care less about giving a holiday deal. $1000 old armor in a chest and no HOLIDAY PACK.

11-30-2015, 04:19 PM
I'm just happy to find that my strategy to not spend any more money on this game turned out wise.

Because it just gets worse.

OTOH, I wouldn't call the chance to get a maximized (!) 2-star 'armor' for 199 gems 'not caring about us players'! Don't be so negative!!

11-30-2015, 05:57 PM
I wonder how many people will actually spend the money on that crud? Hopefully no one!! ( a little slap in the face for gree! )

11-30-2015, 07:26 PM
Who doesn't want to spend $1000 for a dated Dragonforged? LMAO

Clearly Gree could care less about giving a holiday deal. $1000 old armor in a chest and no HOLIDAY PACK.

As long as the money flows in, nothing matters or GREE are just getting desperate.

11-30-2015, 11:59 PM
Sometimes the best strategy to win a game is to not play. Chests are a good example of that.

SBBL Indigo
12-01-2015, 04:38 AM
Who doesn't want to spend $1000 for a dated Dragonforged? LMAO

Clearly Gree could care less about giving a holiday deal. $1000 old armor in a chest and no HOLIDAY PACK.

There was a 40% flash sale... it's no Holiday Pack but better than nothing.

Those chests... well words fail me. I have to assume it's a mistake as I can't seriously think Gree would believe anyone would spend £600 in RL money (on 30% sale) on this old armour. Maybe if they made a super strong brand new DFA+ they might get a few takers but not for a Tomistan with no sets.

As for the Black Friday chest - this is an absolute CON. The advertising makes it look like a regular DFA chest at the bargain prize of 2 gems per chest. Well dummy here fell for it and opened the 50-odd one (twice...) - all I got was a bunch of useless crafting material for ancient armours and some super weak armours (2/3 star). Seriously, they should be hauled in front of the Advertising Standards Authority. Disgusting.

Lord P
12-01-2015, 05:43 AM
There was a 40% flash sale... it's no Holiday Pack but better than nothing.
Got in on the 40% off sale..... might be the last one for a long long time. Saving up for my first and last t3 run.

I guess in the long run it might be worth it for Gree if they can get one sucker to fall for the 9000 gem DF armor.

12-01-2015, 07:42 PM
Did any sucker actually buy it? Gree must have missed the point of cyber Monday entirely.

SBBL Indigo
12-02-2015, 03:10 AM
Did any sucker actually buy it? Gree must have missed the point of cyber Monday entirely.

Didn't hear of anyone who did. Just a few who opened 3 or 4 and got worthless junk. 199 gems for 1 x fusion boost (maxed LOL).