View Full Version : Need More UK/Euro Players

11-23-2015, 08:31 PM
Ghostdogs is recruiting. All bonuses are maxed. Only requirements use Groupme, be active, donate concrete and folders. All players are welcome or bring your teammates and merge. We usually finish WD and Frontline mid 600 and get to level 70 Raid Boss. We have a very good core team. With more players we can be great.

We need more UK/Euro players to round out our team for round the clock play.

Ghostdogs 782 819 529

Ulrich von Bek
11-30-2015, 04:56 AM
Ghostdogs are still recruiting from all time zones.

Please get in touch if you have questions, we don't bite.

Ulrich von Bek
12-14-2015, 03:41 PM
Ghostdogs 782 819 529, rank 443 in WD