View Full Version : War start time, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

10-29-2015, 11:29 AM
What's up with the war start time being 4 hrs early? Bad enough war started a day earlier AND after only a ten -day break. I had my profile out of the guild to help another guild and now am not able to fight in HeroQuest for a possible top 25 ranking. (If events were more fair for non-gemmers, I would not have to leave guild to help others.)

Players were told that GREE would have all events start at the same time. It is only common curtesy to inform people when there is such a big change to the schedule. The war clock can't be trusted as we have seen that be wrong Numerous times.

This is just another example of the disrespect GREE has for players beoyond the non-reward of earned prizes, major math errors so people can't complete tasks (current pumpkin crafting), and overall shoddy customer service who ignore tickets for months on end.

I can't convey how angry I am right now. Please get your s........ Together.

Sweet {T} aka Trillian from HeroQuest

QuantumP 86
10-29-2015, 11:42 AM
You did a pretty good job at spelling and grammar for being so angry. And not really enough CAPS to make me believe you were extremely angry. You did almost use a curse word which is pretty intense, so maybe I'll reconsider.

Vile Lynn
10-29-2015, 01:07 PM
So rad when I'm done with EB and go into battle with NO HEALTH! :mad:

10-30-2015, 07:02 AM
The more angry I am, the more calm my tone. It's so controlled that I want to kill something. I'm told killing is bad, but with all the quests gives us to kill things, I might have to reconsider things. LOL

Sweet {T}

P.S. Thanks for making me laugh.