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View Full Version : Update 10/20/15

[PM] Dredd
10-15-2015, 03:25 PM
Hey MW,

We are restarting the Epic Boss: Undead General Shenk. We are investigating the issues that occurred with the missing loot. Expect an update regarding compensation for those that participated in the event with the missing loot early next week. Thank you for your patience!

[PM] Dredd

10/20/2015 UPDATE

Loot has been paid out to players who particpated when the loot page was not displaying Loot.

Paranormal Surfer
10-15-2015, 03:31 PM
i am on iOS and can not summon the boss, no matter what i try....

10-15-2015, 03:34 PM
i am on iOS and can not summon the boss, no matter what i try....

exit and log back in game
if it does not work, turn device off and on and log again

I had to do that to get bosses to trigger

10-15-2015, 05:24 PM
I would like to know more about this compensations since I started getting loot on boss 98.

10-15-2015, 05:56 PM
I would like to know more about this compensations since I started getting loot on boss 98.

My friend, today was Thursday.
The weekend beckons in the city by the bay.
The weekend SOME observe tends to be four, maybe five days long.
My friend, perhaps Tuesday information might be forthcoming, if the stars align.
Besides, compensation has often been LESS than spectacular.
Let's endeavor to enjoy another fine autumn weekend.
A great weekend, indeed, as UMICH and MICH ST will DEW battle on Saturday.
Ahh, what a wonderful autumn weekend it portends to be, too!!!!

10-15-2015, 06:51 PM
100 blank reward windows. How u are going to solve that

Vile Lynn
10-15-2015, 07:32 PM
Dredd;1540361']Hey MW,

We are restarting the Epic Boss: Undead General Shenk. We are investigating the issues that occurred with the missing loot. Expect an update regarding compensation for those that participated in the event with the missing loot early next week. Thank you for your patience!

[PM] Dredd

Thank you, Dredd! Appreciate the restart.
Good luck investigating & getting everybody compensated.

It's boss killing time! ;)

10-15-2015, 07:44 PM
This is a guess but I bet the compensation will be when hell freezes over

10-15-2015, 07:48 PM
Unlock ios gold video could be a good compensation for all the gree mess

10-15-2015, 08:00 PM
As I understand we are still waiting on the compensation for the one day FL debarkle.. Am I wrong?

10-15-2015, 08:36 PM
As I understand we are still waiting on the compensation for the one day FL debarkle.. Am I wrong?

You are, indeed, correct good sir.

East Coast Bias
10-15-2015, 11:41 PM
It's not about free loot, I think people who started killing late (due to time zones) were in midst of getting the 30/30 done and they were all reset. Depending on where these people were, they are absolutely screwed* unless they play top 25 and have the stats to farm boss 100. I was lucky to be in a timezone where I saw the event come up, but for those who were still killing bosses, extending by a day or 'resetting' actually took them back to 0/30 on the key ultimate. Now how are you going to compensate them? Not that I'm still waiting for my 15/15 FL award, but your track record of making things right is quite poor to say the least.

10-16-2015, 09:30 AM
They will compensate all!!!!
Those that have participate In the epic boss event.
lol they will give all 50 folders for the next rb don't blame them because they don't know

10-16-2015, 10:41 AM
How on earth do you intend to correct this? I don't think it is even possible. You cannot award the prizes to each player that failed to receive them for each individual boss kill. Each prize would have been "random" from the options available for that particular boss. How would you know which random prizes we would have received? How do you know who specifically didn't receive the prizes...and how many they didn't receive?

Lastly, and most importantly, how do you account for the extra gold many players spent to advance in the goals? For most accounts, those missing prizes would have made armies...and made the stats stronger along the way. Without those units being received, the players had to advance to harder bosses via other means (gold).

A: Why wasn't this tested before release?
B: Why wasn't the event paused once you learned there was a major issue with it?
C: Why didn't you communicate the issue and ask people to advance at their own risk? Without the communication, there is no way for us to know if the prize screens were supposed to be blank, or not.


10-16-2015, 11:25 AM
How on earth do you intend to correct this? I don't think it is even possible. You cannot award the prizes to each player that failed to receive them for each individual boss kill. Each prize would have been "random" from the options available for that particular boss. How would you know which random prizes we would have received? How do you know who specifically didn't receive the prizes...and how many they didn't receive?

Lastly, and most importantly, how do you account for the extra gold many players spent to advance in the goals? For most accounts, those missing prizes would have made armies...and made the stats stronger along the way. Without those units being received, the players had to advance to harder bosses via other means (gold).

A: Why wasn't this tested before release?
B: Why wasn't the event paused once you learned there was a major issue with it?
C: Why didn't you communicate the issue and ask people to advance at their own risk? Without the communication, there is no way for us to know if the prize screens were supposed to be blank, or not.


You have made some great vaild points in regards to this. Something I was thinking. But to be honest I think gree have done the right thing on restarting the event. As of different time zone means everyone effected had a chance. For the ppl that used gold etc etc should send in a ticket a pray hard that they might get a refund lol

I don't normally say this. But thanks dredd for sorting this.

10-18-2015, 01:37 AM
Dredd;1540361']Hey MW,

We are restarting the Epic Boss: Undead General Shenk. We are investigating the issues that occurred with the missing loot. Expect an update regarding compensation for those that participated in the event with the missing loot early next week. Thank you for your patience!

[PM] Dredd

I beat 100 bosses without a Single Loot Item,I sent a ticket explaining the issue and stating loot is now available since event extension!!
Here is my reply...

Thank you for contacting Modern War Support.

Please be assured that our engineers are working on this epic boss matter now, however, there is no specific date yet for when this action will be completed. Once the issue is fixed we will let you know through the game.

Unfortunately, we are not authorized to offer any compensation. I will pass your feedback directly to our developers for further consideration. Again, thanks for taking the time to message us.

We appreciate your continued patience and understanding in this matter.

So are we getting compensation for this latest Mess??
Seems each side do not have a clue what the other is saying!!! Only adds to frustration of the people who have to put up with ALL THE ISSUES LATELY!

Ulrich von Bek
10-18-2015, 02:47 AM
I received a similar reply. They are UNABLE to give the gold back.

10-18-2015, 03:31 AM
I received a similar reply. They are UNABLE to give the gold back.

With this sort of reply, say that you used real cash to buy in game currency to finish the boss.. By being disallowed any compensation you would request that your money is not returned as per the legal obligations a 7 day (i think its 7 days in the uk.. Been a while) cancellation used on online transaction services that were not fulfilled. If you are unable to return the funds please advise how this cam be done.. At that point CS will advise you to contact iTunes and Google

Vile Lynn
10-18-2015, 11:57 AM
You guys should really read the ToS for MW. Everytime you log in, you agree to it.

You buy gold, you get gold. End of transaction.

You got what you bought.
What you do with that gold is up to you.
There are no guarantees when using gold... just sayin'

10-18-2015, 12:48 PM
You guys should really read the ToS for MW. '
You think they can put anything they like in TOS and thats it? it would seem others (the ones that matter) disagree, and rightly so.

10-18-2015, 01:12 PM
It's funny PM dred saying we get a compensation!!!!
I send a ticket 2 CS and they say we don't get anything!!!
A explanation on this would be apreciated pm dred ore any one from gree site

10-18-2015, 02:18 PM
You guys should really read the ToS for MW. Everytime you log in, you agree to it.

You buy gold, you get gold. End of transaction.

You got what you bought.
What you do with that gold is up to you.
There are no guarantees when using gold... just sayin'

The thing is if we spend money to get something and dont get it, I have a problem with that.

Vile Lynn
10-18-2015, 02:54 PM
The thing is if we spend money to get something and dont get it, I have a problem with that.

You spent money for gold, and you got it.

What part of that is confusing?

10-18-2015, 03:13 PM
You spent money for gold, and you got it.

What part of that is confusing?

You expect the gold to get you what you want, thats why we buy it. There are even cases where people buy the gold and don't get it.

This is like saying if someone spend their money for a car and it didn't work, then its fine since you got the car. That person bought the car assuming it was in working condition since nothing suggested it wasn't. Same thing here. If someone spend gold to finish a goal and wasn't rewarded the prize, there is a issue here. A lot of people used gold to finish all 100 bosses. They deserve their prize, whether they paid for it or not.

10-18-2015, 03:14 PM
You spent money for gold, and you got it.

What part of that is confusing?

If you bought a car and didn't receive a car would you say the same thing?
If you paid for gas for that car and no gas came out would you say the same thing?

I get your stance on buying gold but if you spend that gold and not getting what's being offered then Gree is swindling you.

I'll admit I don't buy gold but to those who did to get the prize promised from completing the event then I as a fellow player agree with those that spent and got ripped off.

10-18-2015, 05:50 PM
How him Ben undied?

Vile Lynn
10-18-2015, 06:27 PM
You expect the gold to get you what you want, thats why we buy it.

This is where your argument breaks down. You cannot expect, in accordance with the ToS, for the gold you bought (and got) to get you any rewards in the game.

Of course there are instances where somebody buys gold, pays for gold and doesn't get the gold, but I'm not defending that. Ditto for the car & gas quote below. And, car buying laws do not apply here anyway.

If you bought a car and didn't receive a car would you say the same thing?
If you paid for gas for that car and no gas came out would you say the same thing?

I get your stance on buying gold but if you spend that gold and not getting what's being offered then Gree is swindling you.

Again, you buy gold: you get gold, period. End of story.
How you choose to use that gold is your own choice.

Let's say you go to a casino... You exchange $10k into chips. You sit down, bet 10k, and lose. Do you go back and say, "Hey! I lost, gimme my 10k back!"? No. They would lol you out the door.

And why is this game not considered gambling? Because the ToS states: you buy gold (pixels) and you get gold (pixels). Done deal. Unlike casinos, you are not exchanging cash for chips (gold). In these apps, you are literally buying the in-game gold and nothing more so it is not considered gambling.

10-18-2015, 06:34 PM
This is where your argument breaks down. You cannot expect, in accordance with the ToS, for the gold you bought (and got) to get you any rewards in the game.

Of course there are instances where somebody buys gold, pays for gold and doesn't get the gold, but I'm not defending that. Ditto for the car & gas quote below. And, car buying laws do not apply here anyway.

Again, you buy gold: you get gold, period. End of story.
How you choose to use that gold is your own choice.

Let's say you go to a casino... You exchange $10k into chips. You sit down, bet 10k, and lose. Do you go back and say, "Hey! I lost, gimme my 10k back!"? No. They would lol you out the door.

And why is this game not considered gambling? Because the ToS states: you buy gold (pixels) and you get gold (pixels). Done deal. Unlike casinos, you are not exchanging cash for chips (gold). In these apps, you are literally buying the in-game gold and nothing more so it is not considered gambling.

Yes, yes, yes....


Danger, TAP ROBINSON, Danger!!!!

10-18-2015, 06:41 PM
This is where your argument breaks down. You cannot expect, in accordance with the ToS, for the gold you bought (and got) to get you any rewards in the game.

Of course there are instances where somebody buys gold, pays for gold and doesn't get the gold, but I'm not defending that. Ditto for the car & gas quote below. And, car buying laws do not apply here anyway.

Again, you buy gold: you get gold, period. End of story.
How you choose to use that gold is your own choice.

Let's say you go to a casino... You exchange $10k into chips. You sit down, bet 10k, and lose. Do you go back and say, "Hey! I lost, gimme my 10k back!"? No. They would lol you out the door.

And why is this game not considered gambling? Because the ToS states: you buy gold (pixels) and you get gold (pixels). Done deal. Unlike casinos, you are not exchanging cash for chips (gold). In these apps, you are literally buying the in-game gold and nothing more so it is not considered gambling.

Well said Vile!

10-18-2015, 08:03 PM
This is where your argument breaks down. You cannot expect, in accordance with the ToS, for the gold you bought (and got) to get you any rewards in the game.

Of course there are instances where somebody buys gold, pays for gold and doesn't get the gold, but I'm not defending that. Ditto for the car & gas quote below. And, car buying laws do not apply here anyway.

Again, you buy gold: you get gold, period. End of story.
How you choose to use that gold is your own choice.

Let's say you go to a casino... You exchange $10k into chips. You sit down, bet 10k, and lose. Do you go back and say, "Hey! I lost, gimme my 10k back!"? No. They would lol you out the door.

And why is this game not considered gambling? Because the ToS states: you buy gold (pixels) and you get gold (pixels). Done deal. Unlike casinos, you are not exchanging cash for chips (gold). In these apps, you are literally buying the in-game gold and nothing more so it is not considered gambling.

Im not saying that buying gold means you finish any events. What I was saying is if I or someone else buys gold to pay for refills to finish 15/15 and not get the reward for doing so, then I and others will complain. Same with epic boss. If someone is buy gold for health packs and beat boss 100 and not get the reward for doing so, which has happened, they have a right to complain.

The reward for finishing the boss event were units, which they should have gotten, gold being the way to do so. So if they spend their money to finish a even and not get the unit for it, there is a problem.

As for the gambling thing, the way I see it, gambling is gambling, no other way to look at it no matter the way its presented. A definition of gambling is taking a risky action in the hope of a desired result and that applies here.

10-18-2015, 09:21 PM
You spent money for gold, and you got it.

What part of that is confusing?
Apples TOS trumps gree TOS.
What part of that is confusing?
'If your app appears to promise certain features and functionalities, it needs to deliver.'
Doesn't matter what you think.
Doesn't matter what I think
Doesn't matter what gree think.

Let's say you go to a casino... You exchange $10k into chips. You sit down, bet 10k, and lose. Do you go back and say, "Hey! I lost, gimme my 10k back!"? No. They would lol you out the door.

This is where your argument breaks down. Take your 10k put it on red, red comes up and they say 'oh sorry we screwed up, you're not getting the 10k you won and we arent giving you back the 10k you bet either'

10-18-2015, 10:56 PM
The comparison to the chips would be.. If you exchange $100 for 100 in chips and then put it all in black... Black comes up and then your told that roulette table was damaged so we cant give you 200 chips back but we cant give you the original 100 back either.

10-18-2015, 10:57 PM
Lol.. I posted the same thing as sstuutss

10-18-2015, 11:13 PM
Lol.. I posted the same thing as sstuutss

well the exact opposite in fact ;)

10-19-2015, 05:56 AM
The comparison to the chips would be.. If you exchange $100 for 100 in chips and then put it all in black... Black comes up and then your told that roulette table was damaged so we cant give you 200 chips back but we cant give you the original 100 back either.
Where GREE gets you is in its layers.

You buy gold. You get gold.

You use gold for refills. You get refills.

You use refills to fight bosses. You beat bosses.

You beat bosses. You don't get reward.

See how far removed from your actual transaction that is? You got your gold, and the actual gold did what it was supposed to, but several steps later it all fell apart. It's shady is hell, but it's how they get you.

10-19-2015, 06:02 AM
Where GREE gets you is in its layers.

You buy gold. You get gold.

You use gold for refills. You get refills.

You use refills to fight bosses. You beat bosses.

You beat bosses. You don't get reward.

See how far removed from your actual transaction that is? You got your gold, and the actual gold did what it was supposed to, but several steps later it all fell apart. It's shady is hell, but it's how they get you.

I can do that to with the casino logic :)

1. Go to casino get 100 in single chips.
2. Spend 50 singles in blackjack and win 300
3. Exchange 300 Single for 2 100s a 2 50s
4. Enter poker table. use 50 singles and 2 50s .. Only get 1 50 back
5. Go to Routlette table. Put 1 50 and 2 100s on Black
6. Black comes up, but deemed not so, due to broken table .. No return on chips

10-19-2015, 07:40 AM
It's not quite the same though. You're still using chips, just different denominations. In addition, casinos and cars were around a long time before any of the rules and regulations we are discussing about them were put in place. In time it will happen with games like this as well, but we just aren't there yet. But like cars and casinos, even when they are, there will still be loopholes and end runs in all the rules.

I don't agree with how GREE does any of this. I'm just explaining it.

10-19-2015, 07:51 AM
It's not quite the same though. You're still using chips, just different denominations. In addition, casinos and cars were around a long time before any of the rules and regulations we are discussing about them were put in place. In time it will happen with games like this as well, but we just aren't there yet. But like cars and casinos, even when they are, there will still be loopholes and end runs in all the rules.

I don't agree with how GREE does any of this. I'm just explaining it.

ah.. but that is were Gree and Apple disagree. If you explain to Gree CS that you brought gold for the sole purpose of an event (even thou the Gree TOS says that their is no monetary value of gold), they should aim to compensate or cancel the purchase. I fully understand their grey area to attempt to cover up the concept of compensation, however, depending on the country of origin of the purchase, legislation's are rapidly changing regarding the cool off period of an online transaction. Thus, when you provide the same information to Apple, even showing the TOS by Gree, they tend to agree regarding inaccuracies of baiting the customer ...

Now am I not advocating people buying gold for other purposes and then claiming it was for a broken event... That is just dishonest

10-19-2015, 09:57 AM
And now we agree.

10-19-2015, 10:16 AM
There is THE GREE logic and THE GREE math.
I'd rather have my money than an imaginary trinket, thank you.
We're always free to choose.
Its YOUR money until you spend it, or get bamboozled out of it.

10-19-2015, 11:49 AM
ah.. but that is were Gree and Apple disagree. If you explain to Gree CS that you brought gold for the sole purpose of an event (even thou the Gree TOS says that their is no monetary value of gold), they should aim to compensate or cancel the purchase. I fully understand their grey area to attempt to cover up the concept of compensation, however, depending on the country of origin of the purchase, legislation's are rapidly changing regarding the cool off period of an online transaction. Thus, when you provide the same information to Apple, even showing the TOS by Gree, they tend to agree regarding inaccuracies of baiting the customer ...

Now am I not advocating people buying gold for other purposes and then claiming it was for a broken event... That is just dishonest

It is dishonest because everyone know that all events are broken ones!

10-19-2015, 11:57 AM
Hahaha.. Too true.. But that's another reason why I wont spend anything.. Not whilst these issues exist

10-19-2015, 12:48 PM
Definition of STALE

1 tedious from familiarity <a stale routine>
2 impaired in vigor or effectiveness
3 tasteless or unpalatable from age <stale bread>
4 impaired in legal force or effect by reason of being allowed to rest without timely use, action, or demand <a stale affidavit> <a stale debt>

10-20-2015, 11:57 PM
Just another one of the many issues with Gree.

Gree acts like giving players units costs them real money or crediting players back fake gold does as well. I guess it's all expected when you have a buggy product you get crap customer service too.

Night and day between the way Apple and the Gree treat customers and where their companies are going in the future.

10-21-2015, 02:14 AM
The loot was said to have been paid out. Can anyone confirm this?

10-21-2015, 03:58 AM
The loot was said to have been paid out. Can anyone confirm this?

I don't see any new units.
Could someone (dredd won't, i assume) post the names (just the start) of the units?

Thanks in advance,

[EDIT:] Could it be the "Exanimate" units? i have some of those when sorting by new and scrolling a bit

10-21-2015, 04:29 AM
I don't see any new units.
Could someone (dredd won't, i assume) post the names (just the start) of the units?

Thanks in advance,

[EDIT:] Could it be the "Exanimate" units? i have some of those when sorting by new and scrolling a bit

Yeah, I have the Exanimate units and I have a total of 100, though I find problem with the numbers. I only got 1 of the "best" units when I should have more I feel.

3x Exanimate Cloudjager 672.3k/507.2k
1x Exanimate Jungle Jeep 13.9m/16.9m
6x Exanimate Infiltrator 631.3k/657k
3x Exanimate Stealth Frigate 666.3k/567.6k
9x Exanimate AHAX 1.6m/1.2m
5x Exanimate Drone Hunter 1.6m/1.5m
14x Exanimate 89th Hussar 3m/3m
8x Exanimate Fleet HQ 1.1m/1.4m
10x Exanimate Furiosa 2.8m/2.6
14x Exanimate Hydra Tank 2.9m/3.4m
7x Exanimate Commander 6.8m/6.8m
7x Exanimate Atlas 4.7m/5.6m
9x Exanimate Hedgehog 5.8m/4.4m
1x Exanimate Stalker 9.6m/7.9m
1x Exanimate Zealot 9m/8.3m
2x Exanimate Jungle Drone 8.3m/9.4m

10-21-2015, 12:08 PM
Yeah, I have the Exanimate units and I have a total of 100, though I find problem with the numbers. I only got 1 of the "best" units when I should have more I feel.

3x Exanimate Cloudjager 672.3k/507.2k
1x Exanimate Jungle Jeep 13.9m/16.9m
6x Exanimate Infiltrator 631.3k/657k
3x Exanimate Stealth Frigate 666.3k/567.6k
9x Exanimate AHAX 1.6m/1.2m
5x Exanimate Drone Hunter 1.6m/1.5m
14x Exanimate 89th Hussar 3m/3m
8x Exanimate Fleet HQ 1.1m/1.4m
10x Exanimate Furiosa 2.8m/2.6
14x Exanimate Hydra Tank 2.9m/3.4m
7x Exanimate Commander 6.8m/6.8m
7x Exanimate Atlas 4.7m/5.6m
9x Exanimate Hedgehog 5.8m/4.4m
1x Exanimate Stalker 9.6m/7.9m
1x Exanimate Zealot 9m/8.3m
2x Exanimate Jungle Drone 8.3m/9.4m

I'll check mines. Would be a wild coincidence to have the same as you...

[Edit:] Nope, not the same, and no Jungle Jeep in my inventory. And I have only 99 of those Exanimate units, almost 100... Which is weird since I got the 100 bosses. But hey, can't ask Gree for a perfect fix, can we?

10-21-2015, 12:46 PM
Trust in THEGREE completely, just trust in THE GREE.

10-21-2015, 02:58 PM
I'll check mines. Would be a wild coincidence to have the same as you...

[Edit:] Nope, not the same, and no Jungle Jeep in my inventory. And I have only 99 of those Exanimate units, almost 100... Which is weird since I got the 100 bosses. But hey, can't ask Gree for a perfect fix, can we?

That is odd. I have no idea how their game servers work.

11-16-2015, 05:07 PM
That was last boss. What about this one?

Captain Buck Slayer
12-01-2015, 10:31 AM
GREE Please Help My Friend
My friend Ruddy Mire has been missing his account for about 3 weeks now, it vanished when he tried to link it to game center. It somehow ended up on his friend Jbooty's account. Your support hasn't given him a human response yet in 3 weeks. Only the automated one. The ticket number is #2739180
Please get someone to fix it for him. Thanks.

12-01-2015, 12:17 PM
Good luck buck.