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10-28-2011, 07:36 PM

I currently have a level 1 movie theater.

Is it better to save up $233,000 and upgrade it to level 2 or spend $140,000 and build another level 1 movie theater?

Level 1 payout = $3,411 / 12 hours
Level 2 payout = $10,230 / 12 hours

Melvin Tan
10-28-2011, 07:51 PM
i will go for and upgrade.
movie theater are good income with good collection timing.
i'm having a lvl 4 theater with payout of 31k as and agent. u might wanna consider...

10-28-2011, 07:58 PM
I too thought i should upgrade. Although its a lot, i'm sure it will payoff knowing that i can collect $20,460 per day.

Guess is should start saving up!

PS: The bank is evil! I dislike the 10% reduction, and to be honest.....The amount of people who can actually beat me in a fight is small. If i do loose, i usually loose around 4-5%! The bank is not worth it for me.

Melvin Tan
10-28-2011, 08:03 PM
like what others have mention in other thread, u upgrade big return property, in turn, u use the payout to upgrade smaller property. once the smaller property have become ripe, u can feed them on the big property again.
P.S just remember to collect them regularly :D

10-28-2011, 08:09 PM
Personally went MT1 to level 2, MT2 to level 2. And here I am gonna level them neck n neck :)

10-28-2011, 09:04 PM
Nice Leetfeet.

I was doing fine collecting money from robberies and fights, and all the sudden a guy with WORSE STATS then me beat me in a fight 5 times in a row and got $8,000 of my 18,000.
I looked at his profile and i'm totally confused on why he beat me. The only thing i see is he used bunches of GOLD Items.
Oh well, no big deal, i'm sitting here fighting this other guy and getting $2,000 a fight :) I'll get that $233,000 soon and upgrade that MT :)

10-28-2011, 09:13 PM
Nice Leetfeet.

I was doing fine collecting money from robberies and fights, and all the sudden a guy with WORSE STATS then me beat me in a fight 5 times in a row and got $8,000 of my 18,000.
I looked at his profile and i'm totally confused on why he beat me. The only thing i see is he used bunches of GOLD Items.
Oh well, no big deal, i'm sitting here fighting this other guy and getting $2,000 a fight :) I'll get that $233,000 soon and upgrade that MT :)

fight results are extremely unpredictable. better be safe putting your egg nest in the bank than taking a chance!

10-28-2011, 09:16 PM

Is it better to save up $233,000 and upgrade it to level 2 or spend $140,000 and build another level 1 movie theater?

i personally don't have a preference. either option is fine. the larger factor is space availability for building the second building.

10-28-2011, 09:27 PM
I have a spot picked out behind my other Movie Theater already :)
However, i will need to expand in some direction (can you look at my hood and see what direction to go for a expansion?)
I have been going Left/Right/Left/Right etc...Next up for me is left. But that could change if necessary.

10-29-2011, 10:01 AM
nah, you are on the right track duke, next one should be left!

10-29-2011, 10:11 AM
Thanks !

I'm saving up for the level 2 Movies before i expand again.
I think the $10,230/12 hour income will benefit me a lot more then another building that is $3411 at this point. I got a lot of little buildings i want to upgrade like the Tattoo shop, the gun store etc... Most are level 3-4 but i want level 6-7 or higher on them. And i need to upgrade/add more defense stuff.

10-29-2011, 10:42 AM
hmmm ... i think i should do that as well. been beating around the bush with low income building