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View Full Version : You lost money this epic boss Gree

Captain Torgue
09-24-2015, 08:04 PM
According to my calculations I would need to spend in excess of 15k in gold to finish this epic boss.

I would have been prepared to spend up to 1k in gold to finish but anything beyond that is absolutely ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

Instead of making money by raising the health you are actually losing money as many people I know are going to forget about completing all individual goals for this boss.

You might find about a dozen people or less from SAS, TAW and HTC Blue who are prepared to fork out that gold to finish the boss but that's about it.

Who comes up with these brilliant ideas? Can I get a job at Gree? I'm totally incompetent and brainless too.

It's not a good thing as this is the first epic boss I haven't completed.


I love tacos
09-24-2015, 08:32 PM
free weasel

09-24-2015, 08:54 PM
Its just sad it took you this long to figure out what they were doing Capt!

09-24-2015, 09:15 PM
free weasel

Didn't he already get unbanned? I think he just hasn't come back to check.

09-24-2015, 10:16 PM
You know it's bad when the captain complains.

09-25-2015, 04:15 AM
From what I heard, all the big guns are stuck at Legend 2/10 as it will not register the second kill, no matter how many bosses they have done... add that to the loss.

09-25-2015, 05:49 AM
You know it's bad when the captain complains.

My thought exactly.

09-25-2015, 06:06 AM
But ..But.. But..Gree probably has figures and models saying that Epic is better this way.

crime cow
09-25-2015, 06:25 AM
Plug your computer directly into your router. This will improve your signal and the bosses will drop quicker. There, I just saved you 15 vaults...

Max Power
09-25-2015, 06:30 AM
According to my calculations I would need to spend in excess of 15k in gold to finish this epic boss.

I would have been prepared to spend up to 1k in gold to finish but anything beyond that is absolutely ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

Instead of making money by raising the health you are actually losing money as many people I know are going to forget about completing all individual goals for this boss.

You might find about a dozen people or less from SAS, TAW and HTC Blue who are prepared to fork out that gold to finish the boss but that's about it.

Who comes up with these brilliant ideas? Can I get a job at Gree? I'm totally incompetent and brainless too.

It's not a good thing as this is the first epic boss I haven't completed.


And most people would think spending 1k on a single event is just as ridiculous.

09-26-2015, 04:39 PM
46 m atk here'i'stop at lvl 101, dont see how continue. Do'z refill ' that enought for'see where i go lol

Thx gree something called time to spend irl

09-26-2015, 05:02 PM
According to my calculations I would need to spend in excess of 15k in gold to finish this epic boss.

I would have been prepared to spend up to 1k in gold to finish but anything beyond that is absolutely ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

Instead of making money by raising the health you are actually losing money as many people I know are going to forget about completing all individual goals for this boss.

You might find about a dozen people or less from SAS, TAW and HTC Blue who are prepared to fork out that gold to finish the boss but that's about it.

Who comes up with these brilliant ideas? Can I get a job at Gree? I'm totally incompetent and brainless too.

It's not a good thing as this is the first epic boss I haven't completed.


I was going to say people in SAS and TAW don't need to spend thousands of gold because they have the hundreds of billions of stats to brush these bosses off.. then I realized the L150 boss is 863 billion health.

That's just hilarious. I don't care about EB anymore, I just knock down bosses for syn goals. I have no hope to finish, but at least there's some decent stat items on the first few goals

Captain Torgue
09-26-2015, 05:15 PM
I was going to say people in SAS and TAW don't need to spend thousands of gold because they have the hundreds of billions of stats to brush these bosses off.. then I realized the L150 boss is 863 billion health.

That's just hilarious. I don't care about EB anymore, I just knock down bosses for syn goals. I have no hope to finish, but at least there's some decent stat items on the first few goals

Even Firaz, Heather and Tam would need to spend multiple vaults to finish this epic boss.

09-26-2015, 05:20 PM
i used to spend a vault on each of 5 accounts to get to boss 150, plus an extra vault for the one top account to do legendary. zero vaults this time. they still haven't given me my set bonus items, AAAND i couldn't possibly finish the epic boss so, bad cop no donut!!!

crime cow
09-26-2015, 06:28 PM
Didn't he already get unbanned? I think he just hasn't come back to check.

Nope. Just looked and he's still banned. I think he's like Pete Rose in that he was banned by the previous commissioner so now he's out of luck. Not that it's a loss, we're doing just fine without him...

09-27-2015, 05:17 AM
Even Firaz, Heather and Tam would need to spend multiple vaults to finish this epic boss.
They are probably fed up with GREEs mishaps.

09-28-2015, 10:05 AM
Stuck at 101 ��.

46m atk lol.......after RB , EB is dead.....im ok to spend but reasonable. Not the format actualy

09-28-2015, 10:29 AM
Stuck at 101 ��.

46m atk lol.......after RB , EB is dead.....im ok to spend but reasonable. Not the format actually
I don't judge on people who spends money on gold. Well done!! Show that we can win with little gold

Vile Lynn
09-28-2015, 10:33 AM
Before they ended EB tiers, I would spend a little to finish 100 or 150 for my mini. I'm fine not finishing EB now as long as my syn finishes the daily goals; I only kill while the daily goal is live & take a break until the next goal begins.

It was good while it lasted, but events seem to be getting way more difficult and way WAY above the pace of stat inflation.

Garland Greene
09-29-2015, 08:22 AM
I used to love EB, was one of my favorite events. I still remember fondly the first time I finished all 100, it was a great feeling. Even the last couple times before they bumped it up to 150, striving to beat that level 100 was a fun challenge that took dedication and a little gold to finish it right under the wire.

Now...now it's nothing to me. I'm only in the 70's and couldn't care less how far I go, like so many others i only really summon when the Syn goal is up. I won't spend a single dollar.

09-29-2015, 08:59 AM
It's ok there are like 20 other goals you can do too.

09-29-2015, 10:52 AM
When I saw the energy requirement I just gave up, so didn't spend a dime this time, which is good since the legend goals are still not working. A few guys I know in top 3 synds are furious as they spend a good amount getting there, but are stuck on 2/10. Good way to make players spend less gold in future event LOL