View Full Version : Undying is recruiting casual but active players! Veteran player at the helm ;)

Sir Spunge ACE
09-23-2015, 10:00 AM
Hey all, Sir Spunge here! Just got back into this game after over a year hiatus (was tired of the same ole same ole), and liking the new content :D While I won't be pushing the guild for major success, I want to be in the top 150 or so.

Little about myself (if you don't already know who I am):
Started back in about April of 2013, and got heavily into it later that year. Started playing in a run of the mill guild, ACE's, rose the ranks until I was Guild Champion, and eventually got the guild into our first and only Top 25 spot before the guild split. I moved onto bigger and better things, earned a #3 spot with Unicorn Stampede, and a few Top 25 with Furyans before settling down with some old guildmates in The Demented. Like I've already said, just came back, and want to play casually, but with a competitive edge ;)

09-23-2015, 12:04 PM
How many members do you have? Where do you think you will place for this war? What are your requirements? (While it looks like you are using your same account, I had to start over.) Android or iOs? I think you're Android, and I'm iOs now, but just in case :)

Sir Spunge ACE
09-23-2015, 03:15 PM
Haha, I have my old account, plus my new phone's acct, which I am leveling. Went to iOS?! Traitor. Lol. Right now, it's just myself in the guild (my two accounts). I didn't place for diddly squat this war (1500ish?), but I beat several guilds with many more members. No requirements other than being active and following any guidelines I set in guild. Definitely have to be leveling your account, however. Thanks for asking, though, I forgot to put some of that in there XD