View Full Version : Pretty fed up with PVP matchups

09-08-2015, 06:49 PM
I have a couple of toons. One is level 122 with 8b attack, the other is level 62 with 3.5b attack.

The problem is, based on the stats when I pvp, that I am in the lower 10% of the players out there. I find that pretty frigging hard to believe (however, maybe I really do suck as a player). What happens is when ever I PVP I have to go through about 10 players before I find one I can attack.

On my level 122 toon I got rid of a bunch of allies so that I wouldn't always be matched against players with 525 allies. That worked for a couple days, then POW most every one was stronger than me again.

WTF??? I am about to quit this game because of this bull crap. I don't have hours and hours of play time and I shouldn't have to hunt through 10 players each time just so I can get the freaking boss to pop up.

I can understand having to hunt through a couple but 10 almost every time is crazy, and then there is no way to refresh the list when you get a screen full of 525 players.

I am sure GREE won't fix anything with this or even bother to notice this rant. However, I feel a bit better for having ranted it.. I may last another week in the game now.

Vile Lynn
09-08-2015, 08:43 PM
Ya'know, bosses can still pop even if you lose an attack.

Some customers use this strategy to avoid gaining PVP XP & leveling up too quickly: when one loses an attack, they don't gain any XP, and they still get a boss.

Edit: What I meant was... don't quit, it's okay if you lose attacks. :)
I blindly attack off my rivals list all the time and I'm even over vault! So they get some coin, no biggie. I get a boss! (usually, heh)

09-09-2015, 05:03 AM
And not to forget the fact that a level 190 can be raided by a level 250 !
Seems like a lot of bull to me.

Vile Lynn
09-09-2015, 07:52 AM
And not to forget the fact that a level 190 can be raided by a level 250 !
Seems like a lot of bull to me.

That is typical in all of the games. It is called the "Whale Pool" or "Shark Tank": high level players (HLPs) can feed on low level players (LLPs) from their rivals lists, but the lower levels cannot see the higher levels on their rivals lists. This happens when there are too few HLPs to populate their own rivals lists. The cutoff level for the Whale Pool increases as more customers populate the higher ranks.

I'm not sure where the Whale pool begins now, but many avoid it like the plague.

I used to loath the fact that HLPs could see me, but I couldn't see them. I thought it was so unfair, but I'm used to it now... just part of the game. Strong LLPs can really benefit when a weak HLP gives them a link! HLPs usually have older kingdoms and more to raid.