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View Full Version : The death of RB for most players and another fatal blow to MW

07-31-2015, 03:41 PM
The death of RB for most players and another fatal blow to MW

Gree has manage to once again kill another event and provide the MW game another fatal blow
RB was one of the best events gree came up with, it was challenging and it require lots of real TEAM WORK to complete
Many factions were very happy to complete Easy and Normal, others manage to finish Prestige and do a few levels of Masters and only a very few to do Masters, which meant the event was balance and every players had fun doing it and at the same time obtain a sense of accomplishment and many spent some gold to help their teams complete prestige and master.

Gree was not happy with the revenue receiving from RB, and decided to make it “more challenging”, the result was that fewer factions were able to complete Prestige, but have to forget about Master levels as they were impossible, yet players were still happy because they still manage with team work complete some goals which gave them bonuses to stay “competitive” during WD, they were still happy to spent some gold doing prestige
Gree decided once again, to try to milk more cash from players and increase the RB difficulty to the point that most factions were only doing Easy and Normal (not for the prizes as they were crap and with no bonuses) and work on prestige goals only so they can to get the individual 18/18 wrapper, many factions could not even defeat some of the prestige bosses and needed to jump to other factions working on prestige and master bosses (yeap, there were up to 100 players hitting a single boss) for their wrapper, so RB goals were dead for most players, yet many still find it fun going on a “scavenger hunt” jumping to other factions to get their wrapper
Once again Gree on all their “wisdom” thought hey let’s make RB more “challenging” to players because our goal is to always improve their “gaming experience”, but how can we do that since as it is right now 99% or players can barely finish Normal and half prestige…………..hmmm, yes, lets drop the legendary units rate down to under 10%, so that way players will have to “work” on the higher RB bosses and will need to buy health packs and that will increase revenues…………
Now as it is RB is only for the top 25 teams either free or minimum gold, while top 26 to 50 probably get close to finishing masters with usage of gold, or they just finish prestige and work on level 150 bosses for the legendary units, while the rest of players basically have given up on the event as the prizes are crap, impossible for 99% of players to finish Prestige (as Easy and Normal no longer have bonus for completing) and no hope of again getting the individual wrapper with the drop rate currently in place

Yes there will always be a few that will say…………… “oh, I got my wrapper without any problem”…..”oh we finish prestige”, I say, yes, you are part of the 1% that got “lucky” with the drop rates
I know many factions (mine included) that are low rank (top 200 or lower) that many members of the factions use to buy gold to help finish prestige, even to kill some high level Master bosses so the team can get a better chance at the individual wrapper, but that no longer occur, everyone has stop buying gold, and yes, it is not much, but it does make a difference, because without 100s or 1000s of small gold purchases, gree revenues goes lower, which means they have to make events harder to milk more cash from the heavy spenders until they get fed up and quick the game or go gold free
GREE you should check Groupme rooms, there are TONS of post from 100s of factions asking for recruits and mergers because people are leaving the game left and right because of your poor handling of the game

I have been playing this game almost as long as Agent Orange, Speed and many others, and the only reason I still do (if you can call login once per day most days, playing), if for my faction, if it was not for them I would had stop playing 6 months ago

I just hope that with the recent house cleaning in SF office, Gree actually get proper qualify personnel to do the QA and bring some innovation to the game and make it fun again to attract new players and have those new players actually stay and continue playing because the game is fun and their gaming experience is truly good, and give the “old timers” a much needed “boost” on their “fun meter” with the game

If I have posted something erroneour or innapropriate, please be constructive on your post

07-31-2015, 03:56 PM
GREE is winding down the SF office, as that was part of the Funzio aquisistion, and looking on to Oz with their recent aquisistion of Twiitch. They are outsourcing everything from there and the games are being put into "maintenance mode" as they linger on in their final days. There's still the smallest bit of milk left in the Funzio cow, but for the most part it's dried up and heading to slaughter. I expect we will see quite a few good sales in the next few weeks, but after that, I don't think there will be anything to use that gold on. GREE International will become a shell corporation, Twiitch will become something like GREE Worldwide and then also be run into the ground, GREE Worldwide will aquire ANOTHER company and become yet another shell corporation for that new purchase, all the while adding layer after layer of insulation for Tanaka.

The locusts have fed.

Helios Von Elisar
07-31-2015, 09:39 PM
I haven't finished master or prestige since the raise in points, though this time we got close. But our faction stopped using gold for RBE because it was useless to try to do master.

Also haven't even tried for the wrapper on RBE since the point rise, since we aren't taking down those larger bosses.

But I don't worry about it, or get pissed anymore over Gree's greed. I just do what I can, when I can. And I'm still managing to grow by 150-250 billion a week. I'm closing in on 2 trillion. I'm tapping for gold and next week should have my last boost building. I get on in the morning, when I come home from work and before I go to bed. More on weekends during the faction events, but I no longer get on every chance I can, just when life is slow. I'm happy, wife is happy, faction is good. Just find your balance and don't take it so serious, after all, it's a game.

07-31-2015, 09:43 PM
GREE is winding down the SF office, as that was part of the Funzio aquisistion, and looking on to Oz with their recent aquisistion of Twiitch. They are outsourcing everything from there and the games are being put into "maintenance mode" as they linger on in their final days. There's still the smallest bit of milk left in the Funzio cow, but for the most part it's dried up and heading to slaughter. I expect we will see quite a few good sales in the next few weeks, but after that, I don't think there will be anything to use that gold on. GREE International will become a shell corporation, Twiitch will become something like GREE Worldwide and then also be run into the ground, GREE Worldwide will aquire ANOTHER company and become yet another shell corporation for that new purchase, all the while adding layer after layer of insulation for Tanaka.

The locusts have fed.

^^^^^YES, this is genius.^^^^^


07-31-2015, 10:44 PM
serves you right for continuing to play.. moron.

08-01-2015, 06:18 AM
@gwill there is no need for name calling.

Speed ump
08-01-2015, 06:55 AM
Helios you seem to be one of the few here who get it. It's entertainment and there are still some of us who play for fun. There's a strange mix of people here, those like you and I, there appears to be ones who continue to play for some reason while letting us know their hate for the game,mother apparently some who have quit and calling people names who havnt. Truth, I agree that the drop rates have gotten to the point of ridiculous. Yes they've already made the rb challenging enough on its own without lower drop rates to nearly non existent. You can't take any of the prizes with you when the game ends, but most still like to see their stats climb as a reward for the time spent on events. Keep in mind if your stats climb more, so do others, so really either way you stay " competitive". They really need to sprinkle more of the regen type bonuses,etc around. Those would make people try harder too. In the past if a team was really organized and most members really involved, they could complete a good bit of the bosses. There were still people here who complained that they couldn't without spending their lives on the game, but that's your choice at that point. Sure, make it challenging, but doable. So what if that means top teams will have an easier time, we already finish them so that's not really going to change anything. This would help a greater number of players to have more fun again. Simple changes that would take little to no effort on GREE's part. Can't say I understand their thinking, I don't think any of us do.

08-01-2015, 06:56 AM
My guild finished easy : yay !! And half of normal - back in the day before the defections and massive stat inflation we would finish normal easily and get up to bosses 80-85 . MW has turned into my 3rd game behind KA and crime city

08-01-2015, 06:57 AM
On a positive note - MW still runs the best LTQs , with the vest prizes : so not all is bad

08-01-2015, 09:47 AM
I rarely get gold videos anymore, I finally was able to get a few for first time a few days ago since the 5.0 update, so saving gold for events is not an option. Because of all the glitches and bugs I won't spend and because of the glitches, lag and other issues the game has lost its fun factor. I still want to play, which I choose to do. But I think the hope is in vain as I don't think gree knows how to run the game properly.

I never wanted it to be easy, but we were a top 150-200 team that easily finished prestige and needed gold for masters, which I never had an issue with. But when events get so obviously hard that you need gold to finish normal or prestige it really takes out the fun. This game is simply a whale game now. Which is why many of our faction has moved over to clash of clans where it is not a battle of the wallets and takes some strategy and not some mindless tapping.

Speed ump
08-01-2015, 02:21 PM
I agree wbs, I think you should be able to do prestige with proper involvement from the members. Maybe do masters with gold and a lot of effort with regen. They have the ultimate now sometimes, leave that one for the big spenders. More would be involved, buy a little gold and have more fun. Rb should be doable by more teams also, or sperate out the levels so there's an ultimate that everyone knows is for top ten at best. The problem with the prizes they're giving now is that they gave us so much better in the past, we got used to it. It's a bit hard to go back at this point, but then no one is getting great prizes, not even the top teams, so it's really all equal. There should be some sort of chance for lower teams to get a regen bonus, extra builder, if they work really hard on one event that's important to them, along with the top teams. We will never be devoid of the bug , glitches and lag. The lag is probably what bothers me the most. Wd has become much less exciting waiting to hit again, as opposed to the old speed tapping. It's bad in any event though

08-01-2015, 02:46 PM
I dont think rb is all that bad. All it takes is a team working together to achieve prestige. Most players should by now have a fa of 100b or more what I see is teams complaining about it but there team isnt giving it there all. You cant expect to complete events if your team isnt participating. Active t100 tsams should be able to finish it, t250 or lower teams prob not because there isnt as much activity as is needed. Teams just have to be willing to put in the work.

Danger Mouse
08-01-2015, 03:23 PM
Speedie, shock horror, but we're on the same page and agree with just about everything you say. Wow, was that a flying pig I just saw over the hills?? :-))

Trouble is, and red alludes to this, the whole philosophy of the game is to get top 100 spending incrementally more, not getting below top 100 more involved in the game. Gree aren't interested in 1,000,000 people spending $20 a month. They want 1,000 people spending $1,000 a month, with minimum required effort on their part to entice the big spenders to spend - that's a given, top 100 will spend regardless. That's their metric of success, so the game rewards and playability is geared to that end.

08-01-2015, 03:54 PM
I dont thik it has anythig to do with spending it has to do with activity.. with a fully active team you can complete rb epic boss prestige fltqs and finish t100/75 wd t50/75 in fl for free if you want better then that then you have to spend, the biggest prob I see here and on gm is teams complaining but the thing they are really missing is activity. T100 is t100 for a reason t 250 the same. You cant expect to get the prizes everyone else is getting if you and or your team is only giving 25% activity when the teams that are getting the prizes are giving 80-100% activity. You have to show up for every war, you have to hit every boss, you have to deploy every deploy, you have to get a kill on every lvl of a fltq, if your not then you shouldnt expect to be able to complete the same things as those that are. If you are doimg all those things but the rest of your team isnt well, then you should find a new team.

Speed ump
08-01-2015, 04:39 PM
I'm not sure at what point where the cutoff would be for those with active participation vs not. I know a team that was in the 200-300 range that had pretty decent participation, but am sure the recent number would mean that number has moved up with the reduced numbers. Personally I'm not sure why anyone would bother to continue with the game if they log on just once a day, or less. I have games that's all I did with them, and I had no expectations or them. They get what they get. I certainly can't complain if I don't get any prizes if I'm not participating in those ones

08-01-2015, 06:19 PM
I'm worried about all these latest attempts by gree to grab gold. Case events with ridiculous prizes, rb indy, eb doubling in health. And now a 40% sale. Seems like gree is either trying to get every bit of gold out they can or they're trying to increase revenue to show that mw is still profitable.

08-02-2015, 02:16 AM
Helios you seem to be one of the few here who get it. It's entertainment and there are still some of us who play for fun. There's a strange mix of people here, those like you and I, there appears to be ones who continue to play for some reason while letting us know their hate for the game,mother apparently some who have quit and calling people names who havnt. Truth, I agree that the drop rates have gotten to the point of ridiculous. Yes they've already made the rb challenging enough on its own without lower drop rates to nearly non existent. You can't take any of the prizes with you when the game ends, but most still like to see their stats climb as a reward for the time spent on events. Keep in mind if your stats climb more, so do others, so really either way you stay " competitive". They really need to sprinkle more of the regen type bonuses,etc around. Those would make people try harder too. In the past if a team was really organized and most members really involved, they could complete a good bit of the bosses. There were still people here who complained that they couldn't without spending their lives on the game, but that's your choice at that point. Sure, make it challenging, but doable. So what if that means top teams will have an easier time, we already finish them so that's not really going to change anything. This would help a greater number of players to have more fun again. Simple changes that would take little to no effort on GREE's part. Can't say I understand their thinking, I don't think any of us do.

first I am glad there are many that still enjoys RB and As I stated RB is basically for top 100 factions, I have not seen any on a lower than 100 faction say they still find RB fun.

Speed, you just gave us the most important reason as to why GREE does not care about the players and as to why they will probably never bother to balance the game but to actually make it harder and harder...........which is that top teams will finish the events basically no matter if the have to spend mountains of gold or do it semi free or even free.
GREE only "adjust" events when they see that the revenue generated by it does not meet their expectations, remember they kill EB for a while because everyone was able to do it for free, and it only came back when they figured out how to generate revenues again (which makes sense from a business point of view), same happened with equipment, which caused many to quit the game, LTQs, RB, FL and WD still make revenues because the top teams will spend whatever is needed to maintain their status (which makes sense from a human nature point of view) and thus GREE will just keep "milking it"
All other player out of top factions have to either
1-Continue playing and enjoy what the can from the game. Or
2- Delete the app and find entertainment elsewhere, (which many have done and moved to B beach, clash, kingdoms (not KA))

I am currently on option 1, while already began moving to option 2, have found other games more entertaining (b beach and clash) and have found my self spending more time there than in MW, still try to find some enjoyment in MW with FL and WD in a very relaxing way

Speed ump
08-02-2015, 12:13 PM
I do play clash also with a lot of old retired Mw teamates and players. I still think they'd make more money by having more players spend a little each to achiev some goals then just the big guys at the top, but prob not much we think will matter or change anything.

08-02-2015, 12:36 PM
first I am glad there are many that still enjoys RB and As I stated RB is basically for top 100 factions, I have not seen any on a lower than 100 faction say they still find RB fun.

Great way for fixing performance problems: all other players will retire from MW and performance will be fully improved.

What is next step? Will RB be only for top 10 factions? And later for top 1 faction? Last step is MW for single player:)

Speed ump
08-02-2015, 01:17 PM
Personally I hate rb. I do it to help the faction.

08-02-2015, 02:33 PM
I do play clash also with a lot of old retired Mw teamates and players. I still think they'd make more money by having more players spend a little each to achiev some goals then just the big guys at the top, but prob not much we think will matter or change anything.

I do same thing with clash of clans. COC is set up so its more than just battle of the wallets. That's why I have started to enjoy that much more than MW. I think you are right about nothing changing in MW, I think gree is to greedy to try and have a game that doesn't need big amounts of $$ to get anywhere.

The Pharoah
08-03-2015, 03:24 AM
RB is nonsense now, irrelevant to the majority of factions because they can't gather enough players to get anywhere.

Sheldor Sir
08-03-2015, 06:24 AM
Just tap when you want, spend if you want (can), I been trying to save refills (nearly 100 now) for about a year to have 1 big war somewhere but prizes got worse (no health/regen) and stats (2781/1.6/3.5) mean crap pts and cant play very high faction anymore so its frustrating but still tapping but without the urgency now, not finished anything over Normal for months, will be beginner only soon

08-03-2015, 10:08 AM
The increase in RB difficulty has a good effect at limiting the help that the top players can give out. They are to busy helping their factions finish masters and/or prestige. If that is what Gree wanted, it worked.

good gawd noooo
08-03-2015, 03:00 PM
gree has been ruining the enjoyable events for months/years even. every change has driven more and more away or to simply stop spending to keep up. instead of waking up and seeing that their current strategy is back firing they keep upping requirements and making it less enjoyable for the players. this is true of the iltq(just look at current one with energy requirements). fltq's , rb, eb, and fl (since fl potentially could be the most expensive event to place in) 1 gold per extra deploy and 35 gold per boat if you want to throw down big points. I remember when you could actually make the indi goals with a lil strategy for free(just play for free boats til you had 50 or so)then go all out one war an boom you got the indi reward. now it requires at least 200 gold(so not worth the indi reward). as everyone has pointed out that is gree's system milk it for all its worth then trash it. like the majority that is still around I am around for friends faction and I don't play or spend like I used to. I personally am praying for a quick end but with gree's model its unlikely(they want every last penny). and for those that play grees other titles as well I am not sure what you are thinking.. Gree will do same to them as they are doing here.. those that aren't that invested in the other gree titles my advice is NEVER spend stop playing and run as fast as you can to ANY other game company. seriously let this game be the basis to break the addiction to gree. they do produce so truly fun games but their support is the same on all of them and the quality is the same as well. break away from gree to end the frustration and the lack of customer support and the leeches on your bank account for what??? pixels that don't even work right. I have played mw for over 3 years so I will stick this game out to the end.. but I am hoping others wont be blind enough to think any other gree title will be different.. I have already started a different game but any game I saw that seemed good if it had gree on it.. I ran away.. never again folks never again.. hope others pick this up and run with it.. gree=never again