View Full Version : Is this Raid Boss a joke?

07-16-2015, 03:38 PM
So far:

Big increase in Boss' health

Legendary units 200k and 300k....won't make anybody's army

No health or energy potions again

23/39 is a 600k/371k unit.....last time we got chests with weapons or multi million stat units

One of the main prizes is for a temp boost.

Why does Gree think we want to spend days completing the RB for one final prize?

Vile Lynn
07-16-2015, 03:44 PM
lol, is this deja vu?

Crazy Canuck
07-16-2015, 04:25 PM
Higher stat unit has temp boost. So either heroic unit has lower stats then normal with permanat boost or we getting a temp boost for heroic

07-16-2015, 05:37 PM
If the heroic is a temp boost, no one will bother with it, especially with the garbage loot. Translated to GREE speak: no gems will be spent or bought.

07-16-2015, 08:12 PM
Well it has been confirmed that the temp boost is for heroic. Congrats GREE on ruining RB. Finishing HRB used to mean something and had worthy prizes (health or energy regen, 10%+ attack/defense boosts). Now no one even cares if they finish this. This had better be replaced with a permanent boost.

07-17-2015, 01:13 AM
so not interested in this Raid Boss event, just a big waste of time

Valid or
07-17-2015, 06:25 AM
Already reading talk of jump rooms and guilds pushing through. We can say anything we want, but unless we stand together. It will always have 0 effect, and gree will just keep doing the same over and over, no change. Why change if we are just full of hot air, and people will still do what is being asked of them. Might feel good to vent a little, but that's all it is in grees eyes us blowing off steam, as people are working on it.

08-06-2015, 03:45 PM
Already reading talk of jump rooms and guilds pushing through. We can say anything we want, but unless we stand together. It will always have 0 effect, and gree will just keep doing the same over and over, no change. Why change if we are just full of hot air, and people will still do what is being asked of them. Might feel good to vent a little, but that's all it is in grees eyes us blowing off steam, as people are working on it.

Today's Raid Boss is just the same. My guild finished it last with with ZERO GEMS. The question is why did we spend so much time for the 3 units that made my army?