View Full Version : Sweet Little Cubs 2 is recruiting. T-75

06-12-2015, 04:31 AM
We ranked 74 last battle and 55 for the last SA. No chat app required. Fully maxed bonuses with almost $500b in the bank for the next bonuses that come out. No cash donations required. We do require all bricks and Uzis. We are very active and are seeking very active players. We've got 9 days so far of the 300 kills working on the last now. We are 60/60 at the moment but looking to retire a few minis. EVERYONE that plays on this team says it is the best team they've ever played on. 279 213 725

06-14-2015, 07:43 PM
We have 1 spot to fill. Finished the RB about 12 hours ago and are just looting it now. We need 1 active player for our team. No chat apps, over $500b cash in the syndicate bank, 16k Bricks, lots of walls already built. This is THE team to play on. 279 213 725

06-15-2015, 07:05 PM
Still needing that 1 super active player. Come get the most out of your Crime City gaming experience. Very happy, no drama team that is focused on teamwork and finishing syndicate goals. I've personally always been on the top of every syndicate I've ever played for's leaderboard. I'm 20th here. This team rocks! 279 213 725