View Full Version : Was I Hallucinating?????

Red BD
05-26-2015, 04:51 PM
This afternoon while waiting far too long in a very overfilled doctor's waiting room I signed in to CC. What came up was a final score screen from Battle For Empire City. Naturally, I began screaming orders left and right about this "war". But I soon realized there WAS no war.
This really did a lot to upset many of the seniors waiting there, and I quickly realized that in my dazed and confused state I had just forgotten I could not literally scream orders, and that I needed to use GroupMe for such things.
Well, after the police and 5 teams of paramedics left, and I convinced some lady I was not actually insane, I arrived at home, logged into my main account and darn if that same score screen did not pop up there- like 4 hours later... Fortunately this time I didn't fall for it!

Did any of you folks experience anything similar?

Vile Lynn
05-26-2015, 04:54 PM
Short answer... no.

Long answer... yes.

05-26-2015, 05:44 PM
I get score screens from the final battle of the last war all the time, usually when I'm switching accounts, and the same for the first time I log in upon joining another syn. But they've popped up completely randomly too.

In your case though.. I'd suggest seeing a specialist. One for your hysteria and another for your cc addiction. Neither are healthy.

05-26-2015, 05:52 PM
Rule 30, evan... I highly doubt he has a uterus.

05-28-2015, 10:15 AM
"Was I Hallucinating?????"

Please refer to the Good Captain's post regarding addiction..!