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View Full Version : New Boost Building info please!

groovy shags
05-19-2015, 06:03 PM
Anyone have the intel on what boost these new buildings produce?

Advanced Warship Institute for 390 gold?

Accelerated Pilot School for 390 gold?

Both are in the boost buildings menu.

05-19-2015, 07:05 PM
Anyone have the intel on what boost these new buildings produce?

Advanced Warship Institute for 390 gold?

Accelerated Pilot School for 390 gold?

Both are in the boost buildings menu.

My friend, surely you of all people must know the answer to this age old question.
The buildings produce, PROFITS, hefty PROFITS for Gree; and provide hours of exciting collection pleasure for eager tappers.

Seriously, fellow CON-troll-ER, Advanced Warship Institute increases "sea unit power", allegedly.

The Accelerated Pilot School increases "air unit power", purportedly.

Preacher Wolf
05-19-2015, 07:09 PM
They give 1% boost to air and sea units.

05-19-2015, 10:44 PM
They give 1% boost to air and sea units.
1% per level

05-20-2015, 03:38 AM
1% per level

20 levels? and I'm assuming an attacking boost.

05-20-2015, 04:06 AM
Just more profits for Gree from the people that "Have to" have everything lol

05-20-2015, 06:05 AM
I laughed and did a face palm when I saw the new buildings. How out of touch with the game must the developers be? Do we really need new cash buildings...let alone those that cost gold? Most accounts I run into have so much cash on hand already and nothing worthy to spend it on. They don't want or need more cash buildings!! The low level accounts are either minis from existing players, campers that have gone stale, players that quit, or new players that aren't interested in spending cash on a Gree product. I have to ask myself: who would actually buy any of these new cash buildings...and for what purpose?

As for the new boost buildings, those are a joke! The price in gold has gone up...while the corresponding stat increase it gives has gone down (assuming the boost even works!). It's getting to where all the boost buildings take up a considerable portion of land...and for what? There is no strategy or effort to attain them. All you have to do is buy more gold. Have the game developers really come to the conclusion that the game needed more boost buildings and cash buildings? What a laugh at how far out of touch they must be.

I've come to the conclusion that I have played this game for so long that I'm awaiting a miracle game development that will probably never come. There have been so many great ideas offered by the players in this forum; however, Gree continues to take the easy path and produce the same tired game content over and over and over and over...

05-20-2015, 06:47 AM
I laughed and did a face palm when I saw the new buildings. How out of touch with the game must the developers be? Do we really need new cash buildings...let alone those that cost gold? Most accounts I run into have so much cash on hand already and nothing worthy to spend it on. They don't want or need more cash buildings!! The low level accounts are either minis from existing players, campers that have gone stale, players that quit, or new players that aren't interested in spending cash on a Gree product. I have to ask myself: who would actually buy any of these new cash buildings...and for what purpose?

As for the new boost buildings, those are a joke! The price in gold has gone up...while the corresponding stat increase it gives has gone down (assuming the boost even works!). It's getting to where all the boost buildings take up a considerable portion of land...and for what? There is no strategy or effort to attain them. All you have to do is buy more gold. Have the game developers really come to the conclusion that the game needed more boost buildings and cash buildings? What a laugh at how far out of touch they must be.

I've come to the conclusion that I have played this game for so long that I'm awaiting a miracle game development that will probably never come. There have been so many great ideas offered by the players in this forum; however, Gree continues to take the easy path and produce the same tired game content over and over and over and over...

But what actually is your gripe?

They are optional, not mandatory. As is every single thing in this game.

The top several hundred players (including me) will buy the boost buildings. If you think they're a joke - don't buy them?

I'll probably buy the 24 hour buildings, because 26 and 28 hour buildings are awkward.

I don't understand your anger/confusion/angst.

05-20-2015, 06:56 AM
Well said, thinks he's just pissed that he can't keep up

05-20-2015, 08:01 AM
Lol ya keep up with the top brainwashed addicts and keep feeding that Gree bank account. Lmao (facepalm)

05-20-2015, 08:55 AM
Well said, thinks he's just pissed that he sees no point in keeping up


10 letters

05-20-2015, 08:55 AM
this thread had potential to be useful, then I saw DEWIN NUTTIN post and knew it was a waste of time. please start doing nothing instead of lighting the "gree sucks, quit spending money" fire.

05-20-2015, 09:00 AM
this thread had potential to be useful, then I saw DEWIN NUTTIN post and knew it was a waste of time. please start doing nothing instead of lighting the "gree sucks, quit spending money" fire.

Couldn't agree more. This thread, and the whole forum would be a far more constructive place if these DEW naysayers simply went away.

I have no clue what their purpose is, but I know they have no usefulness.

The only time the DEW name interests me in a post is when Speed verbally whips his ass

05-20-2015, 09:15 AM
But what actually is your gripe?

They are optional, not mandatory. As is every single thing in this game.

The top several hundred players (including me) will buy the boost buildings. If you think they're a joke - don't buy them?

I'll probably buy the 24 hour buildings, because 26 and 28 hour buildings are awkward.

I don't understand your anger/confusion/angst.

My frustration is that game has gone stale...which is a primary reason players are leaving in herds. It is also a reason that mergers have to keep happening to keep factions full. The developers finally add some new content, and it adds nothing to the game play. There is far too much cash on hand already, which avoids the need for the new cash buildings. There are also too many boost buildings already, which avoids the need for even more (I already have all of them to level 20, btw). If the idea of a game is to just buy every new item in the store with gold, then it doesn't sound like a fun game anymore. If that is what they offer, and you are willing to buy it, then you are rewarding them for basic failure at further developing the game.

I can buy the new buildings, but I just don't see the point with the direction the game looks to be headed. I'm not frustrated with the game, but I am frustrated with the developers. I think their efforts could have been focused elsewhere...on something more "worthwhile". That is all I was saying.

If you can find a reason to buy them at your level of play...then go for it. All I'm saying is that, from my perspective, you are in the minority with that logic. You said it yourself when you said "the top several hundred players" will buy them.

I guess somebody has to pay to keep the wheels on the bus. I just question what exactly you're paying for, and why. To each their own, I guess.

05-20-2015, 09:16 AM
Couldn't agree more. This thread, and the whole forum would be a far more constructive place if these DEW naysayers simply went away.

I have no clue what their purpose is, but I know they have no usefulness.

The only time the DEW name interests me in a post is when Speed verbally whips his ass

Have you ever watched that show called Intervention? It's a show where people make poor choices...and their friends, family and other concerned parties try to talk some sense into them. The target typically respond with feelings of anger and denial...kind of like what you're doing.

It's an interesting show. You should probably check it out.

05-20-2015, 09:33 AM
this thread had potential to be useful, then I saw DEWIN NUTTIN post and knew it was a waste of time. please start doing nothing instead of lighting the "gree sucks, quit spending money" fire.

The OP created the thread to ask what the new boost buildings did. The thread was over when the OP questions were answered in post3, then confirmed in post4.

I have added a new question, now that the OP had his questions answered. My question is simply to ask what is the point of purchasing said buildings, and how do those buildings add anything new or "exciting" to the game? It appears further discussion has been created from that point forward...but no real answers.

05-20-2015, 09:34 AM
Have you ever watched that show called Intervention? It's a show where people make very poor life decisions and their friends, family and other concerned parties try to talk some sense into them. The target typically respond with feelings of anger and denial...kind of like what you're doing.

It's an interesting show. You should probably check it out.

Same old.

Let me ask you, if I told you I spend more on golf than MW, am I doubly-deluded?

05-20-2015, 09:53 AM
Don't bother trying to explain it to them. Eventually one day they will figure it out on their own and slap themselves silly wondering why they didn't listen to everyone on just how ignorant they are to the fact this game is a dead end money pit. They will regret it one day. Just not now. Maybe when it becomes "the top 25 players in the game will buy anything". Just let them have their new pixel present and leave them in peace.

05-20-2015, 09:54 AM
Same old.

Let me ask you, if I told you I spend more on golf than MW, am I doubly-deluded?

I guess that depends. Are you paying country club prices to play a round on a poorly maintained public course? I would venture to say that you aren't. Would you be satisfied if the course you play the most had very poor maintenance and the only occasional challenge they add was to move the pin six inches to the left from where it was every other time you played there? I venture to say the answer is no. Would it be more satisfying to just buy a hole-in-one, or eagle, if available for purchase? If you could, you probably wouldn't enjoy the game very much anymore.

All I'm saying is that the game is better suited to have the grass properly maintained, provide an attentive staff, charge reasonable greens fees and occasionally put the pin at the back of the green instead of the six inches to the side. Players tend enjoy a course that keeps them challenged and motivated...and they are willing to pay accordingly.

05-20-2015, 10:01 AM
here's an idea gree have some building for money instead of gold or fix the videos for android free gold for us poor folks who can't afford to buy gold. i have invested enough real money and tapjoy's site ripped me off of 250 gold.

Big John
05-20-2015, 10:31 AM
Let them spend if they want.

Let them feel superior if they want.

I will just point and laugh.

05-20-2015, 11:30 AM
Let them spend if they want.

Let them feel superior if they want.

I will just point and laugh.

I think that's the point I'm trying to make. Let me spend my own money on what I want.

The poster who answered my golf question wrote articulately and fairly. Unfortunately the point, which I am clearly hopeless at explaining is, I love MW

I love spending my money on it. I love it's quirks and rough edges. It's part of the fun for me.

And that's the ONLY important thing to me. Fun. I have great fun playing MW. Like i have when I play golf.

I have several eclectic hobbies which all cost me money. I have had hobbies in the past which I spent money on but stopped when I got bored.

I either will or won't get bored of MW. That's my choice. And no one will ever tell me what to spend my money on other than me

My family are looked after, the taxman geys his pound of flesh, I save for the future and I spend what I want on want I want.

If you think I'm trying to sound superior, that's your angst, not mine.

I love this game. If it implodes, so be it, I'll probably start collecting fossils or take up hand gliding. Or whatever the hell I like.

I do these posts to try and give a different perspective. As several other people do. I quite like being in the minority and pushing back against the tide.

It's another one of my eclectic hobbies....

And the only time I've ever woken up and regretted spending money was when I drank too much.

05-20-2015, 11:39 AM
this thread had potential to be useful, then I saw DEWIN NUTTIN post and knew it was a waste of time. please start doing nothing instead of lighting the "gree sucks, quit spending money" fire.

+1 His posts have getting real annoying and repetitive lately, completely no value added to the community.

05-20-2015, 12:10 PM
+1 His posts have getting real annoying and repetitive lately, completely no value added to the community.

Yeah there's lots of "value" floating around out there right now from Gree...LMFAO

05-20-2015, 12:40 PM
I think that's the point I'm trying to make. Let me spend my own money on what I want.

The poster who answered my golf question wrote articulately and fairly. Unfortunately the point, which I am clearly hopeless at explaining is, I love MW

I love spending my money on it. I love it's quirks and rough edges. It's part of the fun for me.

And that's the ONLY important thing to me. Fun. I have great fun playing MW. Like i have when I play golf.

I have several eclectic hobbies which all cost me money. I have had hobbies in the past which I spent money on but stopped when I got bored.

I either will or won't get bored of MW. That's my choice. And no one will ever tell me what to spend my money on other than me

My family are looked after, the taxman geys his pound of flesh, I save for the future and I spend what I want on want I want.

If you think I'm trying to sound superior, that's your angst, not mine.

I love this game. If it implodes, so be it, I'll probably start collecting fossils or take up hand gliding. Or whatever the hell I like.

I do these posts to try and give a different perspective. As several other people do. I quite like being in the minority and pushing back against the tide.

It's another one of my eclectic hobbies....

And the only time I've ever woken up and regretted spending money was when I drank too much.

This is the most lucid argument for spending money on a defective product I've read to date. I am almost convinced to refrain from criticizing the repeated roll outs of flawed upgrades and unpractical innovation. Perhaps I will try to view the flaws as intentional game challenges.
Become one with the design failures ohmmmmmmmmm
Yes. Feeling better already.
Thank you robmurphy for a new perspective.

05-20-2015, 03:33 PM
This is the most lucid argument for spending money on a defective product I've read to date. I am almost convinced to refrain from criticizing the repeated roll outs of flawed upgrades and unpractical innovation. Perhaps I will try to view the flaws as intentional game challenges.
Become one with the design failures ohmmmmmmmmm
Yes. Feeling better already.
Thank you robmurphy for a new perspective.

He's a perfect exemple of a top faction addicted player. 'Quirks and rough edges'? Is he kidding me? Completely blinded by his addiction to this flawed, broken game. Unfortunately for him, like he said, very small minority still enjoy this game and willing to spend money on it. I'm in a T150, and saw numerous players leaving T50, T25 factions to join T150, T250 factions because they don't want to spend anymore. The rate of merging is accelerating also by the day. Like most says, the game is dying and Gree is only trying to squeeze as much money of the last few addicted whales until they shut it down.

05-20-2015, 04:45 PM
He's a perfect exemple of a top faction addicted player. 'Quirks and rough edges'? Is he kidding me? Completely blinded by his addiction to this flawed, broken game. Unfortunately for him, like he said, very small minority still enjoy this game and willing to spend money on it. I'm in a T150, and saw numerous players leaving T50, T25 factions to join T150, T250 factions because they don't want to spend anymore. The rate of merging is accelerating also by the day. Like most says, the game is dying and Gree is only trying to squeeze as much money of the last few addicted whales until they shut it down.Even his own faction seems to have pulled a merge to survive the massive flight away from the game.

05-20-2015, 06:08 PM
Even his own faction seems to have pulled a merge to survive the massive flight away from the game.

The party is over, all that are left are the drunks who are almost passed out on the couch that refuse to leave. Beer runs are over gents. The party was over two years ago. Time to come to grips with reality and sober up or find another party. Or don't, I don't really care, I just like to sit back watch the house get torn up. I find it more entertaining then the game ever was.

05-21-2015, 11:19 AM
I think that's the point I'm trying to make. Let me spend my own money on what I want.

The poster who answered my golf question wrote articulately and fairly. Unfortunately the point, which I am clearly hopeless at explaining is, I love MW

I love spending my money on it. I love it's quirks and rough edges. It's part of the fun for me.

And that's the ONLY important thing to me. Fun. I have great fun playing MW. Like i have when I play golf.

I have several eclectic hobbies which all cost me money. I have had hobbies in the past which I spent money on but stopped when I got bored.

I either will or won't get bored of MW. That's my choice. And no one will ever tell me what to spend my money on other than me

My family are looked after, the taxman geys his pound of flesh, I save for the future and I spend what I want on want I want.

If you think I'm trying to sound superior, that's your angst, not mine.

I love this game. If it implodes, so be it, I'll probably start collecting fossils or take up hand gliding. Or whatever the hell I like.

I do these posts to try and give a different perspective. As several other people do. I quite like being in the minority and pushing back against the tide.

It's another one of my eclectic hobbies....

And the only time I've ever woken up and regretted spending money was when I drank too much.

Ha! Well said. Suck it, Trolls!

05-21-2015, 11:28 AM
My question is simply to ask what is the point of purchasing said buildings, and how do those buildings add anything new or "exciting" to the game? It appears further discussion has been created from that point forward...but no real answers.

I think part of the answer is new players download the game daily. Some of those will jump all over these cash buildings as they didn't have access to the rigs, stations, hotels, etc. even during the temp Rerelease. GREE has to provide a way for those folks to "catch up" , so while most of us ignore he chance to get them, new gold spenders are developed for the future.

05-21-2015, 12:25 PM
Lol that's funny man. New people downloading! Hah!

pelle plutt
05-21-2015, 01:00 PM
the boosts alternate for a total of 30% at building level20

(level 1 1%, level 2 3%, level 4 4%, level 5 6%....)