View Full Version : epic armers

04-02-2015, 07:20 AM
Why when fusing epic armrer why don't you get an epic armer

Lord P
04-02-2015, 07:30 AM
Did you fuse two epic armor and get something else?

04-02-2015, 08:52 AM
Very interested to hear the details on the OP's situation. It will affect what I choose to do with the new Magician Epic armor.

Ant venom
04-02-2015, 09:06 AM
It should be guarenteed, I mean Epics are now the legendaries and 4*+4*=4* so maybe it has to do with how u fused the armors in the OP, and sturick it doesn't really matter if u get rid of that "Epic" as the stats are really bad and just a bit better than Necromancer and Moontide, so maybe waiting a while till the "Epics" have better stats then u should start worrying about getting crap from fusing those "Epics" away.

Ant venom

04-02-2015, 03:02 PM
Epic + epic should be guaranteed epic (unless changed). Epic + legendary is the same as doing legendary + legendary so you have chance at legendary and epics.

Ant venom
04-03-2015, 09:14 PM
Epic + epic should be guaranteed epic (unless changed). Epic + legendary is the same as doing legendary + legendary so you have chance at legendary and epics.

That is true an there aren't any changes as of now because epics are downgraded already, no need to downgrade the fusion too to further downgrade the results when fusing.

Ant venom

04-04-2015, 03:02 AM
what is this i dont even

04-05-2015, 05:37 PM
Yeah, I have fused about 6 epic + epic, and on all 6 have gotten an epic.

What is bad about this?
I got worse epics than the ones I had used to fuse, and ALL of them have been single element epics that I got back from the fusion.

Ant venom
04-06-2015, 05:16 AM
I fused epic + epic once and I got a better result than what I started with, guess I got lucky. I combined Specter's Shroud and Primordial Hide and got Tactician's so i was lucky there.

Ant venom

Phill - Immortal GM
04-06-2015, 08:50 AM
Always depends on what you fuse, Dave. Some combinations are pretty much bound to give you bad stuff while others could potentially reward you with something worthwhile

SBBL Indigo
04-07-2015, 07:08 AM
Have they stopped giving epics from 4* plus 4* fusion? I swear since the last update I haven't got a single epic from fusing away 4* armours and I've done around 50 combines. Plus, there seems to be some laziness in whatever code they use because I fuse for example, jackalope and ethereal, get armour of the bear, fuse that with chitinous and get jackalope again. Like every time it reverts back to the one I fused in the previous round.

04-07-2015, 07:34 AM
Have they stopped giving epics from 4* plus 4* fusion? I swear since the last update I haven't got a single epic from fusing away 4* armours and I've done around 50 combines. Plus, there seems to be some laziness in whatever code they use because I fuse for example, jackalope and ethereal, get armour of the bear, fuse that with chitinous and get jackalope again. Like every time it reverts back to the one I fused in the previous round.

Yeah I thought the chance of Epic had been reduced. I also went around 50 fuses 4* with 4* and got nothing. But then I got 3 Epics in about 5 tries. Still random but think the odds have been lowered at least a little.