View Full Version : RB Help Please ...

02-10-2015, 02:56 PM
ALL DONE With Prestige!

Thank you to the following for their help:


and others who helped but left before I could get their name!

Thank you!

Update: Lvl 26/27 all level 100's now.....Please help if you can..... 236-839-908 working on 8 of 15 lvl 100's please help if you can! Code 236-839-908

Could use the help....4 device 1 man team trying to prestige last 3 levels of event....was able to get this far with just myself and 4 devices, but could be tight getting last 3 prestige levels done in enough time and would like to start a couple Master levels......open invite code 236-839-908...anyone seeing this is welcome to help! On east coast so usually putting one boss up at least once an hour 8 am - 11 pm. Thanks again!

02-10-2015, 06:19 PM
Lvl 26/27 all level 100's now.....Please help if you can..... 236-839-908 working on 5 of 15 lvl 100's please help if you can!

SaB Leader
02-11-2015, 07:39 AM
SaB Faction needs jumpers help with Masters please, on 23/29 getting through them ok but not fast enough to complete on are own. 840 067 081. Would be very grateful for any help received. Thanks

02-11-2015, 08:48 AM
Update: Lvl 26/27 all level 100's now.....Please help if you can..... 236-839-908 working on 5 of 15 lvl 100's please help if you can!

02-11-2015, 01:03 PM
Bump to top

02-13-2015, 09:37 AM
Thanks to everyone who helped, got the prestige wrapper and the units wrapper on all devices that could! You all are the best!