View Full Version : android guild recruiting

Meow Meow
02-07-2015, 02:23 PM
I have a guild with my friend it's a level 52 guild and at the moment we have 18 people although we can have 34

The name of the guild is Aesir Knights

I am level 158 my code is WBW-MCB-MCN i am plenty strong got plenty of epics and I'm really active the most active in the guild we have alot of strong players and we could easily get under 500 in events but we need more people and active ones too

So just look us up on the game and ask to join we will accept all who come first as soon as the guild raid

02-17-2015, 10:58 AM
If your interested an established android guild with top 250 finishes. Add me on the LINE app. Username LDBROKER. We can take up to 20 members if you want to merge your guild into us. Level 50+ please

LDBROKER Level 123
Retired Knights