View Full Version : New Theme!
02-03-2015, 02:49 PM
Hey All,
As you probably noticed, we've switched to a new theme. Little less cluttered and a lot more mobile friendly.
It's optimized for Landscape mode, so please let us know if you encounter issues in portrait mode.
02-03-2015, 03:10 PM
There are a few issues that I noticed in portrait.
- Create Thread button is covered by the pages link
- Usernames and thread titles get shortened to a point where 1 word is shown.
- Stretched/Scrunched profile pics and signatures
02-03-2015, 03:44 PM
There are a few issues that I noticed in portrait.
- Create Thread button is covered by the pages link
- Usernames and thread titles get shortened to a point where 1 word is shown.
- Stretched/Scrunched profile pics and signatures
-Should be floating on top of pages link now
-Cannot reproduce
-Cannot reproduce (Signatures images are not displayed)
Tested on iPhone 5/Samsung Galaxy (Chrome)
Vile Lynn
02-03-2015, 03:58 PM
Looks great on my Dino-1st Gen iPad.
02-03-2015, 04:30 PM
There is another issue that I cant seem to find a way around.
- Selection of drop down items is impossible as opening up the drop down auto directs to the main page instead of allowing time to press a drop down item.
Can you also bring back the Whats New button? It used to link to threads by most recent posts. The current Whats New shows only most recent posts Activity.
Old Whats New
New Whats New - (Activity)
MW Flake
02-03-2015, 05:09 PM
Horrible, horrible, horrible. Half of the buttons link to the wrong thing for starters. I have no way of getting to my settings that I've yet to find. The gear icon takes to advanced search, the drop down somewhere else. I can't get to edit my profile. And those are the only two things I tried.
After so many of us saying how happy we were that you got rid of the last round of changes and went back to the original, you give us this? Way to go gree (not) listening to your customers yet again. Yet you will call it a success because you added the one feature that was asked, though probably implemented it horribly will be my guess. here is desktop view, because this mobile view sucks!
Mr Big C
02-03-2015, 05:09 PM
Give us the option to revert back to the old forum. For me, there was nothing wrong with it.
02-03-2015, 05:19 PM
For the love of (take or pick) why ask, you aren't going to listen unless we say 'gee gree this is great, I reaaly like how you have made it painful to navigate, great work'
So just stop asking
I'll go find something that isnt broke and you can fix that to.
02-03-2015, 05:23 PM
You need a Home link in top Navigation bar as not easy for those who don't know vbulletin that well to get back when click on new posts.
Yes, allowing users to choose the old or new skin would be great too.
Add your social media links accordingly to the top right hand corner under username.
Pay extra to get the add ons and skin links removed at the bottom of the page
But in general, the new skin looks pretty decent
MW Flake
02-03-2015, 05:35 PM
All subscribed threads show as locked. Jesus people, your web developers are as bad as your game developers. Buy a dictionary already and look up the word TEST!
MW Flake
02-03-2015, 05:37 PM
No zooming in or out either?
Button layout is a minefield. Nothing quite matches up.
02-03-2015, 05:44 PM
No zooming in or out either?
Button layout is a minefield. Nothing quite matches up.
Yeah, just noticed the lack of zooming, not good.
The skin (new style) is not actually built or designed by Gree but in fact by
The fact that this is their only design with vbulletin style forums like this would start ringing alarm bells to me without heavy testing first on a dummy forum.
02-03-2015, 05:48 PM
All subscribed threads show as locked. Jesus people, your web developers are as bad as your game developers. Buy a dictionary already and look up the word TEST!
Can you please elaborate here? I just tested this and was able to successfully subscribe to multiple threads.
02-03-2015, 05:50 PM
Yes, allowing users to choose the old or new skin would be great too.
ToyMaker is working on this right now.
02-03-2015, 06:00 PM
ToyMaker is working on this right now.
That's great, can see it in the bottom left of the screen.
02-03-2015, 06:04 PM
I am now using the previous skin but the skin chooser drop down box in the bottom left corner is not working now.
Try changing the skin between fixed and fluid or might need to adjust the footer size or perhaps the code needs adjusting.
02-03-2015, 06:09 PM
You'll be able to select the retired theme from the drop down. It will be available at the forum or sub-forum level.
02-03-2015, 06:24 PM
You'll be able to select the retired theme from the drop down. It will be available at the forum or sub-forum level.
I can't show you a piccie of what I see because forum photo settings need adjusting in admin panel but the error is the drop down box is only showing half and when I click on it, no styles show. I will pm u the link to fix it
02-03-2015, 06:34 PM (
02-03-2015, 06:36 PM
So have you bined it? or did it do it itself?
02-03-2015, 06:38 PM
Bined it?.............
02-03-2015, 06:46 PM
oops should have been a double n
binned it-dumped-removed-trashed
the new theme has gone my end :)
02-03-2015, 06:50 PM
oops should have been a double n
binned it-dumped-removed-trashed
the new theme has gone my end :)
Ahh, see what u mean now. I can't change my style to see as it's broken so guess Toymaker is fixing some issues.
02-03-2015, 06:57 PM
and thus ends the great experiment?
Doubtful, but at least it looks like we might have options. (though why they couldn't do that and COMMUNICATE that in advance is beyond me). Still a big thumbs up, better late then never as they say.
02-04-2015, 01:03 AM
When looking at a topic and you click on general to just go to the corresponding forum you are redirected to the overview of forums for the difference games.
Something in your redirect links is screwed up.
BUT PLEASE FIX KINGDOM AGE FIRST and stop ignoring the community there.
To be fairly honest, you got bigger issues than a new forum theme and we couldn't care less that this has changed.
02-04-2015, 01:11 AM
I thought I was on the wrong page, lol..
02-04-2015, 01:28 AM
Good thing you removed that facebook link, that was annoying!
sister morphine
02-04-2015, 04:08 AM
When looking at a topic and you click on general to just go to the corresponding forum you are redirected to the overview of forums for the difference games.
Something in your redirect links is screwed up.
Was going to say this. On my iPad it's like there's a single colossal button centred on the Forums link covering all those links at top. I've switched back to the retired skin to get round this.
To be fairly honest, you got bigger issues than a new forum theme and we couldn't care less that this has changed.
Agreed. Forum skin should be way down the lit of things needing attention. I want the continual freezing during SA events fixed first. If Gree's servers can't handle the traffic, deal with it.
02-04-2015, 07:05 PM
Nice clean skin. I can also PM now but was unable to PM on the older skin. Works fine on my Android phone in both landscape and portrait. Thanks!
02-04-2015, 09:25 PM
i find the new skin startling, but serviceable. I like that i can choose several different versions/games as my header. However, i'm baffled why--again--my permissions to post a new thread have been removed. Surely i've been here long enough? ;)
02-05-2015, 12:12 PM
i find the new skin startling, but serviceable. I like that i can choose several different versions/games as my header. However, i'm baffled why--again--my permissions to post a new thread have been removed. Surely i've been here long enough? ;)
We are looking into this. We didnt change anything here so you should still be able to start a new thread.
02-05-2015, 03:23 PM
do NOT like new format. other was much more user friendly. jmo
02-05-2015, 05:55 PM
do NOT like new format. other was much more user friendly. jmo
Note that you have the choice of switching between the old and new theme, so if you prefer the old theme, then you can change the format to your preference.
MW Flake
02-06-2015, 01:29 AM
Can you please elaborate here? I just tested this and was able to successfully subscribe to multiple threads.
Sure, now that I can post again. When on the subscribed threads page, every single one shows as having been locked. They actually aren't though. This is in both the old and new skins.
In addition, I went through having to make 10 posts again last week. I thought maybe everyone had been reset in an effort to stop the Vietnamese spammers. But I see they are as active as ever. So what is the plan for dealing with them?
MW Flake
02-06-2015, 02:31 AM
Here's another one I've only just found due to my involuntary vacation. Replying to a thread causes my memory usage to max out, making it lag severely. Freeing the memory allows me to finish normally. I've only tried this on the "retired" skin. I refuse to try the new one.
02-06-2015, 10:29 AM
Note that you have the choice of switching between the old and new theme, so if you prefer the old theme, then you can change the format to your preference.
How can I change to the old format? I'm tired of hitting every button twice.
I found it now! Thank god!
02-08-2015, 05:57 AM
Any way to switch to the old format but without that annoying Facebook thing at the upper corner?
Vile Lynn
02-09-2015, 08:43 AM
ETA when this will be done?
Vile Lynn
02-10-2015, 03:05 PM
Same window open, but the theme keeps reverting... I change it again, and it goes back.
What's up?
(Grrrr, if the content isn't annoying enough.)
02-10-2015, 05:20 PM
ETA when this will be done?
ETA for what?
Same window open, but the theme keeps reverting... I change it again, and it goes back.
What's up?
(Grrrr, if the content isn't annoying enough.)
Sorry, we were making a switch so that desktop users get the old design and mobile users (through the game) get the new design.
Vile Lynn
02-11-2015, 06:59 PM
ETA for what?
...for the redesign to be complete. Seems like there are a lot of little bugs and some odds & ends that need fixing to make it as functional as it was in the past.
For example, the forum jumps up & down, again, when the top banners load on the page. Slightly annoying when I tap a link, the page jumps, and I get the link above the one I wanted to read.
The formated background keeps reverting or changing from the one I selected. I change my MW tab to the old MW theme and CC to CC, KA to KA... then it switches to all having the MW Theme: CC has MW, KA has MW. It's not that big of a deal. It's mostly confusing when I'm switching forums and think I'm reading MW but I'm really reading CC.
The Icon Legend and icons are not right. We cannot see which threads we've posted to.
Sorry, we were making a switch so that desktop users get the old design and mobile users (through the game) get the new design.
Hmm... Ok. I'm on a 1st gen iPad. I guess that's mobile...?
Pardon my non-techy-ness. :)
Vile Lynn
02-12-2015, 05:57 AM
I'm not the only one.
02-12-2015, 05:13 PM
Hey Vile,
Thanks - it's a work in progress, so we'll fix bugs as they crop up.
If we (Clementine and I) can get the ok, we may force the old styles on MW, CC & KA and the new style on other games. This will resolve the style switching issue (basically, the forums want to use the last theme you used).
I'll try to reproduce the jumpiness and see what's causing it to fix.
02-26-2015, 05:58 PM
Hi, firstly well done for fixing some major issues on the site.
There are a few bugs I've noticed, the major one is in War of Nations forums, you have to click twice on subject line to open up the message.
I'm glad to see you got your spam filter (spamomatic) working. This is a great tool.
May I recommend you add 'Home' in you top navigation bar as within some of the website screens, it's hard to navigate back without going back in your browser quite a few clicks
Big John
03-04-2015, 02:05 AM
I lost the Gree theme when in MW forum.
03-07-2015, 03:12 PM
When typing a reply in the forum on to an email the page automatically doubles if not triples in size and I can not see what I am typing. Can you remedy this? Thanks
Vile Lynn
04-02-2015, 10:41 AM
Hi ToyMaker,
For some reason I cannot zoom in to make the page bigger.
Is it something I changed or are the pages a fixed size now?
I'd like to be able to zoom in like I could about a month ago.
Also, when I tap on a thread link, a little, tiny icon appears on the right side. I have to tap the thread link twice now, or tap that icon that, I think, takes me to the last post in the thread. (?)
I miss being able to see which threads I've posted in. Can we get that thread icon back, please?
Threads keep showing as being unread after I've read them.
What has been planned for Tuesday's forum maintenance?
Thanks for your attention.
VL :)
Vile Lynn
04-08-2015, 08:53 AM
Hello.... anybody out there?
04-08-2015, 09:47 AM
Hi ToyMaker,
For some reason I cannot zoom in to make the page bigger.
Is it something I changed or are the pages a fixed size now?
I'd like to be able to zoom in like I could about a month ago.
Also, when I tap on a thread link, a little, tiny icon appears on the right side. I have to tap the thread link twice now, or tap that icon that, I think, takes me to the last post in the thread. (?)
I miss being able to see which threads I've posted in. Can we get that thread icon back, please?
Threads keep showing as being unread after I've read them.
What has been planned for Tuesday's forum maintenance?
Thanks for your attention.
VL :)
Here is some tips. If you want to zoom in to make things larger, I suggest clicking on (Ctrl) and (+) to increase size. You can also use (Ctrl) and (-) to make things smaller. If you are using private browsing/incognito, then it will likely not register the history of pages visited.
Vile Lynn
04-09-2015, 12:05 PM
Here is some tips. If you want to zoom in to make things larger, I suggest clicking on (Ctrl) and (+) to increase size. You can also use (Ctrl) and (-) to make things smaller. If you are using private browsing/incognito, then it will likely not register the history of pages visited.
Nope, nothing worked. Useless tips.
iPads don't have a Ctrl key.
Vile Lynn
04-29-2015, 10:34 AM
Hi ToyMaker,
On the profile page, "About Me" tab, the "Favorite Quote" goes to "Location" on the posting avatar.
Just FYI. :) Happy Hump Day!
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