View Full Version : [Android] Family Values

01-08-2015, 12:03 PM
Family Values

We are a level 26 guild with officer positions available. We are looking for some active players of any level who will particpate in guild events. If you donate great, if you don't that's fine too. We will never ask you to use gems. In guild wars I often can take down our opponents sentinel on my first attack and as our sentinel I am usually only defeated through attrition(5 attacks). I can defeat level 3 raid bosses on my own. With a few good members we could improve greatly. No stress, just fun I hope to see you soon.

Air 5%
Earth 4%
Fire 4%
Spirit 4%
Water 4%

Ant venom
01-08-2015, 12:08 PM
What did u place in last raid and last war?

Ant venom
01-08-2015, 12:12 PM
When u say offier positions can u clarify (i.e. high commander, guild champion, etc.)

01-08-2015, 01:26 PM
High Commander is available to someone who participates. We are are a merit based guild, if someone could perform as sentinel better than I, they could have my place. Guild Champion is occupied but if a new member were to perform and be better suited we would give them Champion. I believe we were G or H in last raid and I in last guild war or better reward I believe, no less. That is based 80% on me alone, if I could get a little help we could jump up fast.

Ant venom
01-08-2015, 04:43 PM
How many points did u do if u sau u did 80% or the points and how many points did the guild do as a whole?

01-12-2015, 11:04 AM

01-15-2015, 05:31 PM
I read your post recently, and in visiting the forum again it stuck with me. I have a smallish level 36 guild myself, and my recruitment post would look pretty much like yours, which I thought was interesting because I've read so many that are all about the gemming and the "how high do you rank?" etc.

Anyhow, best of luck to you acquiring members, but if your venture doesn't work out for you, we're a small bunch that pretty much knows each other and/or work together (in real life), and chat on Line Messenger. I'm flying the flag for the Extra Life annual gameathon, and am trying to acquire guild members who are participants, or at least have heard of it and appreciate it.

Good luck to you!