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View Full Version : TOP500 Faction is recruiting (777 724 647)

01-07-2015, 07:04 AM
Top 400 faction TIGERSHARKS (777 724 647) is recruiting. We are a very friendly and laid back faction with currently 51 members from all over the world that want to move up (last WD at rank 369). At the moment we have some open slots.

We want YOU to be active in all faction events and have really low requirements:

20k WD points
5 million FL points
Donation of 2x IPH per day

If interested message me, find me on Kakao Talk (NC1797155) or on GroupMe


Our Invite Code is 777 724 647 and we have following bonuses:

Health Regeneration: maxed
Ground Attack: +25%
Air Attack: +15%
Sea Attack: +10%
Infantry Attack: maxed%
Infantry Defense: maxed
Ground Defense: maxed
Air Defense: maxed
Sea Defense: maxed
Building Defense: maxed
Building Output: maxed
Guild Member Increase: +34

01-30-2015, 06:13 AM
Top 500 faction TIGERSHARKS (777 724 647) is recruiting. We are a very friendly and laid back faction with currently 51 members from all over the world that want to move up (last WD at rank 426). At the moment we have some open slots.

We want YOU to be active in all faction events and have really low requirements:

25k WD points
5 million FL points
Donation of 2x IPH per day

If interested message me, find me on Kakao Talk (NC1797155) or on GroupMe


Our Invite Code is 777 724 647 and we have following bonuses:

Health Regeneration: maxed
Ground Attack: +15%
Air Attack: +15%
Sea Attack: +10%
Infantry Attack: +30%
Infantry Defense: maxed
Ground Defense: maxed
Air Defense: maxed
Sea Defense: maxed
Building Defense: maxed
Building Output: maxed
Guild Member Increase: +34

Still looking?

02-02-2015, 02:01 AM
4 free slots available! Join us now!

Invite Code: 777 724 647

We are looking for DAILY ACTIVE players.