View Full Version : Recycling units in army

12-19-2014, 09:35 AM
Just a query

When u recycle a unit that is say for arguements sake. 10k att 10kdef
Does the game auto select a stronger unit to replace the unit ive recycled and puts say a 12k att/def in its place ?

12-19-2014, 09:41 AM
The game should select the strongest 3,000 units for your army.

Units with bonuses don't have to be in your army for their bonus to count.

12-19-2014, 09:41 AM
Yes. The game will take your top 3000 units. So if you sell something higher level it'll replace it with the next strongest unit from the bottom of your list.

12-19-2014, 10:12 AM
If that's the case then why am I showing multi million stat units not in my army and very low stat units in my army?

12-19-2014, 10:15 AM
If that's the case then why am I showing multi million stat units not in my army and very low stat units in my army?

Gree know about that issue. Sure they'll fix it. Logic stays the same regardless.

12-19-2014, 10:48 AM
If that's the case then why am I showing multi million stat units not in my army and very low stat units in my army?

Because the units with bonuses aren't displayed in your army when you try to recycle. with their programming, the units can either display a bonus or "in army" but not both. So don't recycle units with bonuses.

12-19-2014, 11:28 AM
Perfect guys. But. In my iinventory I have. Some. Units showing in army that r weaker than stronger units which r not in army and without a boost
Example. My weakest unit in army. Is. 4k att 3k def But there is units that r not in army that r. 5katt. 4k def with no boost. ,

Do the boosts from other units affect this exapmle say the 4k unit is air unit and i have 100% air att boost and the. 5k unit is ground. And i have 50% ground att
Which would make the weaker unit actually stronger than the stronger unit once boost take account

Would i be right in thinking that ?

12-19-2014, 02:14 PM
Perfect guys. But. In my iinventory I have. Some. Units showing in army that r weaker than stronger units which r not in army and without a boost
Example. My weakest unit in army. Is. 4k att 3k def But there is units that r not in army that r. 5katt. 4k def with no boost. ,

Do the boosts from other units affect this exapmle say the 4k unit is air unit and i have 100% air att boost and the. 5k unit is ground. And i have 50% ground att
Which would make the weaker unit actually stronger than the stronger unit once boost take account

Would i be right in thinking that ?

Yes, you are correct.

12-19-2014, 02:51 PM
Thanks. Much appreciated

12-19-2014, 03:31 PM
There are only 2 things being recycled here: the useless junk trinkets and the addicts, err, playas.
Playa play on....indeed!