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View Full Version : Why you might have lost your account when linking

Agent Orange
12-14-2014, 04:23 AM
This is just a theory but if you are using game centre linking on a device where you have an older version of game centre, the one with the green craps table stop!

The version in IOS 8 is different, it has a white background. My guess is that the older version isn't 100% compatible with this new feature since it is a much older version.

I lost the original account on an iPad first gen when I linked another account to this device, it seems the new account may have permanently over written the original account data which up till now was a hidden file on your device and why when you delete the app you could always get your old account back most times.

Once the original account is over written game centre nukes it from it's list so you cannot recover it! Why experimenting with creating multiple accounts on one device is likely a fatal mistake.

Now what I am not 100% sure about is if this is limited to IOS 5 or it will happen to IOS 6 game centres since they also have the older looking app. But my gut feeling is if you want to try linking and running a different account on your IOS device only do it from the game centre in IOS 8, I have not tested IOS 7. But if you have a version of the game centre whose background is the gren craps table I would not try it!

You seem to able to link your accounts fine in IOS 6 but I would not try logging out of the original account and into a different one linked to your game centre account untill gree actually starts to restore lost accounts.

So gree should be able to restore your old account just like in the old days when you send in a ticket although the reply I got from support I need to read again because I'm not sure.

For those that lost accounts, what version of IOS were you running?

Front Runner NL
12-14-2014, 06:27 AM
For those that lost accounts, what version of IOS were you running?

I lost my account after I clicked the start-up option to link my game to the game center.
Running iOS 7.1.1.

12-14-2014, 06:29 AM
Still no game. I hate this please help Gree. I get more help from the government.

Lift Ticket
12-14-2014, 06:33 AM
I'm running iOS 7.1.2...can not retrieve account

12-14-2014, 06:40 AM
Same. Restored ipad nothing. I made new game. Then lost that as well. Never ending loop of lost games. Make a new one. Come back it's lost. I can't believe this.

Agent Orange
12-14-2014, 07:26 AM
Now that is interesting, the account that over wrote the original account on my iPad came from the iPhone running 7.1.2.

Now that I think about it I think I might have opened the now lost account on that iPhone so wonder if IOS 7 is the connection. Odd too since that version of game centre looks like the version in IOS 8 but maybe not.

Agent Orange
12-14-2014, 07:27 AM
Same. Restored ipad nothing. I made new game. Then lost that as well. Never ending loop of lost games. Make a new one. Come back it's lost. I can't believe this.

Was this on IOS 8?

12-14-2014, 07:35 AM
I originally thought my game was lost but after some research about Game Center I realized that when I linked the game I linked it to an old Game Center account. Your game will link to the original Game Center account that was there when you first started the game.

So now I have one game on each of my accounts and from everything I've read you cannot transfer apps between Game Center accounts.

Basically I'm back to either having to run each game on different devices or logging into different Game Center accounts.

Not sure if this fits others situation but thought I would let others know what I found.

Agent Orange
12-14-2014, 09:13 AM
I originally thought my game was lost but after some research about Game Center I realized that when I linked the game I linked it to an old Game Center account. Your game will link to the original Game Center account that was there when you first started the game.

So now I have one game on each of my accounts and from everything I've read you cannot transfer apps between Game Center accounts.

Basically I'm back to either having to run each game on different devices or logging into different Game Center accounts.

Not sure if this fits others situation but thought I would let others know what I found.

You are right! I had thought I had set up the new game centre account before I launched MW 5 but looking back at an old post I think I started to launch but quit. I had assumed I had stopped in time but obviously not. Once I figured out what my old game centre ID was I got the account back.

On IOS 5 I was able to use my old none email id. Interesting, and thanks!

Bravo Zulu
12-14-2014, 09:24 AM
You are right! I had thought I had set up the new game centre account before I launched MW 5 but looking back at an old post I think I started to launch but quit. I had assumed I had stopped in time but obviously not. Once I figured out what my old game centre ID was I got the account back.

On IOS 5 I was able to use my old none email id. Interesting, and thanks!

I lost my game on iOS 8. But my original game was hooked to the device with the older looking version of Game Center. I did save the account to this version of Game Center. But I still lost it.

Bravo Zulu
12-14-2014, 10:51 AM
I fixed it and my game is back!! Yay!

Anyone running ios8.

-Sign out of Game Center on your device. (Game Center is under the Apple settings icon)
-Sign in using old Game Center info. Where it asks for add ole ID ignore it. Just out in your old email you used and old password
-open the game. The new account that appeared when you lost your game will be there
-it will say account detected. Link to this device? Hit yes. I know, it's scary.
-the game crashed on first startup, then loaded my game the second time

If you are running earlier versions of iOS
- go to the Game Center icon on your screen.
- tap "me" at the bottom and sign out
- sign in with your old Game Center email and password (think waaaay back)
-open the app and follow instructions above.

Thanks agent orange for the talk back and forth that helped me figure it out on my device. Nice.

12-14-2014, 10:53 AM
I had IOS 8 on all 3 of my devices and lost main account. My two minis are now on all 3 devices.

Bravo Zulu
12-14-2014, 11:02 AM
I had IOS 8 on all 3 of my devices and lost main account. My two minis are now on all 3 devices.

I did too. But follow the instructions above for iOS 8. Your main account was likely linked to the old version of Game Center.

I have passed this along to friends and it worked for them too.

Mr llama
12-14-2014, 12:29 PM
I fixed it and my game is back!! Yay!

Anyone running ios8.

-Sign out of Game Center on your device. (Game Center is under the Apple settings icon)
-Sign in using old Game Center info. Where it asks for add ole ID ignore it. Just out in your old email you used and old password
-open the game. The new account that appeared when you lost your game will be there
-it will say account detected. Link to this device? Hit yes. I know, it's scary.
-the game crashed on first startup, then loaded my game the second time

If you are running earlier versions of iOS
- go to the Game Center icon on your screen.
- tap "me" at the bottom and sign out
- sign in with your old Game Center email and password (think waaaay back)
-open the app and follow instructions above.

Thanks agent orange for the talk back and forth that helped me figure it out on my device. Nice.This worked perfectly my 3 year old account was gone followed the steps added my old info and got my account back......it was a beautiful sight
Thanks BZ your the best!!!

Bravo Zulu
12-14-2014, 02:55 PM

Look at this thread^^^^ and follow the instructions at the bottom. It's worked so far.

Hope this helps anyone else who lost their game. Mine is back, and I'm glad. Hope yours will be too.

12-16-2014, 03:10 PM
Aaargh!!! I lost both my old accounts on my iPad now by following these steps, thanks for nothing!

12-16-2014, 03:10 PM
I fixed it and my game is back!! Yay!

Anyone running ios8.

-Sign out of Game Center on your device. (Game Center is under the Apple settings icon)
-Sign in using old Game Center info. Where it asks for add ole ID ignore it. Just out in your old email you used and old password
-open the game. The new account that appeared when you lost your game will be there
-it will say account detected. Link to this device? Hit yes. I know, it's scary.
-the game crashed on first startup, then loaded my game the second time

If you are running earlier versions of iOS
- go to the Game Center icon on your screen.
- tap "me" at the bottom and sign out
- sign in with your old Game Center email and password (think waaaay back)
-open the app and follow instructions above.

Thanks agent orange for the talk back and forth that helped me figure it out on my device. Nice.

Unfortunately this does not work if you have never changed your game center account....

MW Flake
12-17-2014, 02:22 AM
I have a faction mate that none of this seems to work for. However he seems to have a situation I've not seen anyone report on. He originally started the game on android, but then had Gree transfer the account to ios some time last year. Has anybody done that and had either success or failure in linking with the current version?

Long dong silver
12-17-2014, 03:48 AM
AO, can u empty ur inbox please. I'm trying to send u. PM.


Agent Orange
12-17-2014, 06:12 AM
I have a faction mate that none of this seems to work for. However he seems to have a situation I've not seen anyone report on. He originally started the game on android, but then had Gree transfer the account to ios some time last year. Has anybody done that and had either success or failure in linking with the current version?

I'm guessing they no longer have the Android device. If they did and they remember their google play account they might be able to get it back. But I've never transfered cross platform so I can't even test this.

Agent Orange
12-17-2014, 06:13 AM
Sent PM Lee.

MW Flake
12-17-2014, 07:30 AM
I can see.

12-17-2014, 07:42 AM
Lost my 2 1/2 year old account yesterday. Ticket sent. I see the game is still there because I get raid notifications they are raiding my buildings even though I can't log into that game. iOS 8.1.2 mw 5.0. I've only ever had one game center account as far as I know so this fix doesn't help me. Guess I have to wait for customer support on this one. Ticket #2127512. Any help would be appreciated since I was on upgrade 9 of the ltbq.

12-17-2014, 05:27 PM
Nothing on the raid notes? Is there something else I can try. The damn game is right there man.

12-17-2014, 09:17 PM
I'm guessing they no longer have the Android device. If they did and they remember their google play account they might be able to get it back. But I've never transfered cross platform so I can't even test this.
No, my account started on android but was transferred to iOS because I got a free 5s, one account, one game center ID, I opened game, it synced, I toyed around. A bit later I got back on, sold some tree snipers and logged out, lastly... Then I tried to log in again and my account was a level one account.
Gree refuses to answer the tickets (actually "R" just give me the KNOWN BAD cut and paste answer). I have elevated to Apple. At this point Gree has shown they are unwilling or unable to help someone who has spent about $200k in three years on many accounts get even ONE back.

12-17-2014, 09:36 PM
Lost account during transfer

Iphone 5 IOS 7
Iphone 6 IOS 8

Resulting in a lvl 1 Alex account

12-17-2014, 09:40 PM
And after loosing my main account all seems to work fine?
The lvl 1 is playable on both devices using game center, game center acchievents show marker for completing level 200 but highest account in gamecenter is my lvl 75 which i transferred from android to IOS yesterday....