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View Full Version : Day off per cycle poll.

bam bam.
12-07-2014, 06:14 PM
As the title suggests should we have atleast a day with no goals (faction and individual) per cycle.

The poll is yes or no but feel free to discuss how long the break should be.

For me I would like 2 days a cycle with no goals. Just a chance to work on your base or take a couple mental health days. A day free of the tether between you and your device, right now you can put it down but you know you are falling behind those completing goals or you feel like you are letting your faction down.

12-07-2014, 06:27 PM
It seems like there is usually a day or two each cycle which I already sort of "take off" by only logging in a couple times to collect money. Namely the third day of the 3 consecutive 1-day Indy LTQ's (like the one going on now) when it doesn't fall within Raid Boss. and there is usually a crate event that has 1 day that doesn't over lap an LTQ. But yeah, having a couple of set days where there is nothing to do but collect money from your base and maybe do some raiding if you feel like it would go a long way to pushing off burn out.

12-07-2014, 06:32 PM
It's a game. I play it when I want not when it wants me to play. I take days off at a time. The game is still there when I get back (well most of the time).

Btw, I voted no because I like to have something to do when I log on. If it's boring, I go do something else.

bam bam.
12-07-2014, 06:44 PM
It's a game. I play it when I want not when it wants me to play. I take days off at a time. The game is still there when I get back (well most of the time).

Btw, I voted no because I like to have something to do when I log on. If it's boring, I go do something else.

You still have something to do when you log on, your base always needs work, can raid and can get on and talk smack with your faction. Plus there are game goals too.

I just like the idea of detuning for a day or two and when you take those days off it doesn't cost you or your faction stats and boosts.

But if none of that stimulates you then fair enough mate.

bam bam.
12-07-2014, 06:48 PM
I also think it would be a chance for GReE to work on some issues. Server maintenance and a chance to engage the community on the forums without us asking for them to fix issues with active events. Very rarely do we have an event run smoothly (ie. raid boss at the moment and lack of folders, peeps locked out which obviously is across all events). Would be nice to talk to them while they are not playing catchup.

Danger Mouse
12-07-2014, 06:49 PM
Day after WD should be free of events. Day in mid cycle would be nice.

bam bam.
12-07-2014, 06:53 PM
Day after WD should be free of events. Day in mid cycle would be nice.

Haha, those were the two days I was thinking ~~~>fools never differ :P

Danger Mouse
12-07-2014, 07:16 PM
Haha, those were the two days I was thinking ~~~>fools never differ :P

I prefer to think of it as "Great Minds Think Alike"!! ;-))

Danger Mouse
12-07-2014, 07:18 PM
Trouble is..... can you then imagine the flood of posts asking when exactly are all the events going to restart??

bam bam.
12-07-2014, 07:32 PM
Trouble is..... can you then imagine the flood of posts asking when exactly are all the events going to restart??

Come on now, don't be like that. Haven't you heard, it's all going to be good from here on out. A mod/dev or 10 told me so

12-07-2014, 09:50 PM
I kicked the habit and play when I want; I help my faction on my own schedule. No slavery to groupme friends. I pity the fool who is a slave to minimum points from some remote taskmaster.

The reality check came long time ago.

12-07-2014, 11:19 PM
Yes but will never happen. They are still milking this game as much as they can. Until the new update that will ruin the game for long time players. Like they did with kingdom age...

12-08-2014, 04:39 AM
Personally I take off all box events and iLTQ...I don't see the need for them to make days off when we as players should be able to do this for ourselves.

12-08-2014, 04:56 AM
Because they know if the tapping stops at least for some it wont restart. So they have to keep them tapping.

Where are the mods when we actually need them?

12-08-2014, 04:56 AM
I kicked the habit and play when I want; I help my faction on my own schedule. No slavery to groupme friends. I pity the fool who is a slave to minimum points from some remote taskmaster.

The reality check came long time ago.

Hats off to You good sir !

This Ios lockout detoxed me from habit by forcing me to tap masters and fight wd with only 3 accounts, all the while my whole faction went bust anyway ( fellow troopers on ipads ) ... in a way I should thank gree for getting Us all off this train, too ... hehe

Voted "no" .... play when You want to , don't be a slave to faction and grees cash cow . After taking a dive with lockout and devs still clueless to fix major issues preventing gold players from spending money - what makes You think they will conciously take away couple days of profits ?

12-08-2014, 05:16 AM
Very nice poll!

bam bam.
12-08-2014, 05:30 AM
I think we are ready for a mod to pass this one on. It's early to call, usually I will call them around 100 voters but we all know what the community as a whole thinks about this concept. Any competent mods want to impress us and make this happen ;)

bam bam.
12-09-2014, 12:40 AM
Bumping this one for more votes. Come on guys, let em know what you think!

12-09-2014, 05:08 AM
Bam bam, this might represent all of the players that are not currently locked out of the game.

12-09-2014, 07:06 AM
Though I doubt gree does not give a dime on this poll.....

Would be great not to have so called events all the time

Agent Orange
12-09-2014, 12:26 PM
I think the smart move (which in all likelihood won't happen) is that when 5 is released we have a 2-3 day hold on events since the probability of bugs is more than likely. Also if the dataset were pared back to just the basics with all the event stuff removed it might give us a a chance to get those who have been locked out of the game a chance to get in and survey the damage.

Otherwise, I get a bad feeling that things may get worse.

Captain Buck Slayer
12-09-2014, 12:39 PM
I voted yes

Comrade John
12-09-2014, 01:13 PM
i would like more thanblike two days a cycle to work on he map missions. i am working on getting all the skill points. it takes forever to do so since they ramped up the missions

12-09-2014, 03:46 PM
Good God yes! Days of per cycle would be f%#&$! magical!

bam bam.
12-09-2014, 08:24 PM
Bam bam, this might represent all of the players that are not currently locked out of the game.

They are locked out of the game, not locked out of this forum. I believe They would still think as the rest do, and I'm sure a few are voting here too.

The danimal, eloquently worded mate ;)

Mods feel free to comment... (You did state you are now listening to us {mind you we have heard that once or ten times before}...Lets see it, this is the community speaking loud and clearly)

Keep voting my fellow members

Danger Mouse
12-09-2014, 09:48 PM
Crickets and tumbleweeds from Gree mods though. Not even a thankyou for the suggestion.........
Therefore, likelihood of success in getting it implemented is......???

bam bam.
12-10-2014, 02:59 AM
Crickets and tumbleweeds from Gree mods though. Not even a thankyou for the suggestion.........
Therefore, likelihood of success in getting it implemented is......???

Maybe the mods are locked out of the forum :P

seems whenever bam bam comes to town the mods go walkabout

bam bam.
12-10-2014, 04:56 AM
Wait a minute, I see what's going on here. I just checked to see who our voters are. A "mod" voted no. Haha. So I know they have seen the thread but its no wonder the community doesn't get its messages passed on, it's only the messages the "mods" aGReE with that get passed on. *shakes head*

I can still pass msgs on that I don't agree with. Part of being an adult and/or professional.

MW Flake
12-10-2014, 05:24 AM
I find it interesting that particular mod doesn't even play the game.

Bob Belcher
12-10-2014, 06:09 AM
Tired of seeing these polls! An absolute waste of time.Gree don't care what the masses want! But I guess it makes some feel better! Baaaaaaaahhhhhh

bam bam.
12-10-2014, 06:32 AM
Tired of seeing these polls! An absolute waste of time.Gree don't care what the masses want! But I guess it makes some feel better! Baaaaaaaahhhhhh

Don't come to the community forum if you don't want to see people wasting their time haha. That's what we are all doing, including yourself haha. Yes many of our suggestions have been ignored for years but one or two have slipped through the net. We got inventory (still no in army but apparently in new update we will be able to sell units), slightly increased vaults (not that serious players care, but we got it), full assault was murdered (kinda), got rid of CJ (I actually didn't have a massive prob with him but community did). It's not a complete waste of time harping on about the same stuff, we get some stuff eventually. They are just slow learners

Danger Mouse
12-10-2014, 03:06 PM
Apparently they listened. Next event now shows as starting on the 13th. Can a mod please confirm that there are no new events until then? Sweet!

bam bam.
12-10-2014, 03:16 PM
Apparently they listened. Next event now shows as starting on the 13th. Can a mod please confirm that there are no new events until then? Sweet!

Don't be counting chickens before they hatch. I will do a no pants dance if this happens. And i will kiss clemmy on the cheek. Nothing suss, jus a lil peck on the cheek as a thank you because I am a man capable of great humility and genuine earthiness.

12-10-2014, 03:23 PM
Apparently they listened. Next event now shows as starting on the 13th. Can a mod please confirm that there are no new events until then? Sweet!

The next event scheduled to start will be Frontline and it will begin on Friday the 12th at 11am PST. There will be no new events before then.

Danger Mouse
12-10-2014, 04:12 PM
The next event scheduled to start will be Frontline and it will begin on Friday the 12th at 11am PST. There will be no new events before then.

Woohoo. Bam bam, the stage is yours! I've got the popcorn ready.... ;-)

12-10-2014, 04:22 PM
This thread is so dumb, it's like agreeing to work overtime at work and then moaning that you don't have a day off, no one is forcing you

Night & Day
12-10-2014, 04:31 PM
Actually dan2407 your example is completely wrong.

Can you please name the players who agreed to nonstop events before they are pushed out each cycle ? Can you state the time when GREE asked us if we would like nonstop events ? No, didn't think so.

And Clementine your wrong, unless you don't class a lockbox event as an actual event that is.

12-10-2014, 04:41 PM
And Clementine your wrong, unless you don't class a lockbox event as an actual event that is.

The lockbox event has been going since yesterday at roughly 4pm PST, my statement is for NEW events as of when Danger Mouse posted.

Danger Mouse
12-10-2014, 04:47 PM
Actually dan2407 your example is completely wrong.

Can you please name the players who agreed to nonstop events before they are pushed out each cycle ? Can you state the time when GREE asked us if we would like nonstop events ? No, didn't think so.

And Clementine your wrong, unless you don't class a lockbox event as an actual event that is.

And who cares about lockbox anyway?? Complete raffle that I play for free whenever I log in to collect, I certainly don't treat it as an event.

Thanks Clementine, please pass on our appreciation to the team and our sincere hope there will be more breaks in the schedule of events like this in the future.

Now Bam Bam, the music is playing and stage spotlit. Dance away dude!

12-10-2014, 04:59 PM
Actually dan2407 your example is completely wrong.

Can you please name the players who agreed to nonstop events before they are pushed out each cycle ? Can you state the time when GREE asked us if we would like nonstop events ? No, didn't think so.

And Clementine your wrong, unless you don't class a lockbox event as an actual event that is.

Well actually I'm not wrong, if you participate in the event you are agreeing to play the game and can't complain about there being too many events , don't participate and you are not agreeing to play the event and can have a break. No one forces you to play

MW Flake
12-10-2014, 05:13 PM
It's a catch-22 all the way around and everyone knows it. But a 24 hour block once a week, as well as a 48 hour block once a month, would be quite helpful to all players as well as Gree. They could actually do some maintenance without interrupting anyone.

Danger Mouse
12-10-2014, 05:20 PM
Well actually I'm not wrong, if you participate in the event you are agreeing to play the game and can't complain about there being too many events , don't participate and you are not agreeing to play the event and can have a break. No one forces you to play

Well, actually, no. You're wrong. Peer pressure to support your faction forces many into slogging it out. Why do you think Gree set up factions in the first place?? If you want to be remotely competitive and reach a certain level in the game that doesn't leve you prey to all and sundry, then you need to be in a faction, which leaves everyone riddled with guilt or booted if they don't share the load. That's the entire purpose of factions - to keep you guilt ridden to anonymous strangers and spending because of peer pressure to keep up. Buy into that and you're tied to the grind stone. That's what gree wants. Try to consistently sit out events and see how long your faction mates want you around. Catch 22 for sure.

Night & Day
12-10-2014, 05:22 PM
Actually you're still wrong dan2407. You're comparing a game to a real life situation IE work.

Yes you can decide to not to participate in an event but I wonder how your faction would feel about you sitting out a FLTQ ? I also wonder how your boss would fell about you not goin g to work because you don't want to ?

Clementine you are completely correct and I owe you an apology

12-10-2014, 05:23 PM
Well, actually, no. You're wrong. Peer pressure to support your faction forces many into slogging it out. Why do you think Gree set up factions in the first place?? If you want to be remotely competitive and reach a certain level in the game that doesn't leve you prey to all and sundry, then you need to be in a faction, which leaves everyone riddled with guilt or booted if they don't share the load. That's the entire purpose of factions - to keep you guilt ridden to anonymous strangers and spending because of peer pressure to keep up. Buy into that and you're tied to the grind stone. That's what gree wants. Try to consistently sit out events and see how long your faction mates want you around. Catch 22 for sure.

Well then maybe you should find a faction where they don't want to participate in every event like yourself

Danger Mouse
12-10-2014, 05:28 PM
Well then maybe you should find a faction where they don't want to participate in every event like yourself

Who said I havent? But, unlike some, I can argue the other side of the fence and see how they are affected by the structure of what has been set up to suck them in.
Agree completely with you MWFlake, gree also need the downtime to ensure events are rolled out sans glitches or crashes. The main reason the game has gone downhill of late is because Gree are trying and failing to meet the same relentless schedule. Take the foot off the gas and it'll be a much better product for all concerned.

bam bam.
12-11-2014, 02:57 AM
The next event scheduled to start will be Frontline and it will begin on Friday the 12th at 11am PST. There will be no new events before then.

Yeah that's great, but the thread is about days off EVERY cycle. Feel free to comment in that one mate. But you did good getting on here and supporting the thread. Thank you

bam bam.
12-16-2014, 06:07 PM
Ok, I'm officially calling this one. The community wants at LEAST a day off per cycle. GReE let's see you listen to us as you have promised a hundred times in the last couple months to do. We need it, take advantage of it and use it to straighten yourselves out and help those of us who are suffering burnout. 85% is an overwhelming response. You have made many changes unilaterally against our wishes. Lets see at least this one get done in collaboration with us. Build some respect and trust, this is a chance for you guys to do just that.

bam bam.
12-16-2014, 06:10 PM
A day off is (no running events...faction or individual. No raid boss, no crates, no iltq fltq, no war, no frontline, no nothing except the basic in game goals). The day after war and a day in the middle of the cycle would be perfect.

bam bam.
12-31-2014, 03:43 AM
Bumping this one to give our QA team the heads up that they need not be in a rush to release new events from the consumer end.

12-31-2014, 03:45 AM
I would like 3-4 days off :D

rambo 1st blood
12-31-2014, 04:15 AM
Can the sooks that want a day off please f... off and find a new game. All you do is whine. Really don't friggin play it then. We will. Your all annoying the ppl that want to play the game . No ones making you play
. Put it down if its to much for you

bam bam.
12-31-2014, 07:22 AM
Can the sooks that want a day off please f... off and find a new game. All you do is whine. Really don't friggin play it then. We will. Your all annoying the ppl that want to play the game . No ones making you play
. Put it down if its to much for you

It's about doing your part for the team, what you skip hurts your mates. It's a team game, all games have a half time, quarter time...what ever. You call people sooks but we are offering GReE a chance to reset their servers, test their bugs n glitches. In fact it is the most practical idea I've heard around here. I sure wasn't the first nor will I be the last to raise this beaut idea. A glitchy game is not fun for anybody, if you are happy with the rollout process you my friend are in the minute few who are.

Sooking is "give me gold for your GReE ups". I don't want gold, I want a glitch free game. Two paced, pay to complete or free play and keep pace by grinding it out. Bring back the days of old where it was a freemium game, rather than a pay to play auction house (that last bit is on the verge of sooking haha)

MW Flake
12-31-2014, 07:47 AM
Can the sooks that want a day off please f... off and find a new game. All you do is whine. Really don't friggin play it then. We will. Your all annoying the ppl that want to play the game. No ones making you play. Put it down if its to much for you

So says the sook. Complaining about complaining is still....COMPLAINING.

12-31-2014, 08:08 AM
I voted yes just for the simple reason of factions. Due to the U.S. holidays, and busy work schedule, I had to drop from my top 25 faction because I couldn't give the time needed to pull my own weight. The way the events are scheduled one after another, I couldn't properly contribute to help my faction sustain that level of competion.

Regardless of which way any of us vote, it IS a choice of play when you want to. The more you want to play, the better your faction is. I want to play in a top faction, but the event scheduling cuts into that choice. It's different for everyone, how often we wish to play. But if the schedule was a little demanding for the top factions, I'm sure Gree would notice a little more gold play from them, instead of retirements.

12-31-2014, 10:47 AM
I wouldn't mind 7 days off per month of any goals.

MW Flake
12-31-2014, 11:18 AM
Given how they like to roll out new events just as the day ends going into weekends, they really shouldn't have anything going on weekends if they aren't willing to support it. If they are able to get a handle on the glitches, I'd be willing to change my stance on that. But until then, 8 days a month plus holidays sounds good to me.

12-31-2014, 12:04 PM
Give us a like 2 weeks off between cycles. This way you can properly test for bugs and make sure the event works right and gives us a break from the last cycle. We can also spend time making upgrade, doing in-game stuff. As a matter of fact, release the new cycles LTB in that time so we can do something with the off time.

We all want some time off. Maybe 2 weeks is extreme but a week would be best.

12-31-2014, 02:57 PM
I still remember when it was 2 weekends with no events and WD on the third weekend. There was one iLTQ, one FLTQ and one Epic Boss event each cycle. That was perfect for casual play, and if I'm not mistaken, Gree made more money from MW back then. One 3-5 day event per week, and a weekend event every 3rd weekend. Wayyyy better than 1 day off each 3 weeks.

12-31-2014, 04:08 PM
A day off any game is not good for business.

The company needs to have you (the customer) to come back as early and often as possible.

Scheduling days off is suicide.
It encourages players to not login, do something else, or maybe event discover what that annoying ball of light outside the window is. Which is bad for business.

Regardless of this poll's results, Gree won't reduce the tempo, I'm sure they are looking at ways to increase it.

You want days off, skip iLTQs. Plenty of down time there.

MW Flake
12-31-2014, 04:42 PM
You would think that, but like Kefa said, look at the cash MW brings in now vs. when there was more downtime and less events. It was substantially higher then.

12-31-2014, 05:59 PM
1- We need an official word from the Devs regarding what is going on with the EPIC BOSS

as long as they do not state that EB is returning with NO change, then we have to assume they are working on a "revamp" Ebb in which case following KA experience, many players will have a couple of days off from gaming

12-31-2014, 06:02 PM
Can the sooks that want a day off please f... off and find a new game. All you do is whine. Really don't friggin play it then. We will. Your all annoying the ppl that want to play the game . No ones making you play
. Put it down if its to much for you

Wow, member since 2013, 18 post to date and not a single word contributing to the forum, I am glad you are a quiet one

12-31-2014, 07:08 PM
You would think that, but like Kefa said, look at the cash MW brings in now vs. when there was more downtime and less events. It was substantially higher then.

With the introduction of Masters level on everything, and only having a glimpse of how many pts each individual put in WD in the Top 5 teams alone...

Gree is raking in the cash far more than before.

12-31-2014, 08:12 PM
With the introduction of Masters level on everything, and only having a glimpse of how many pts each individual put in WD in the Top 5 teams alone...

Gree is raking in the cash far more than before.

actually I think top 5 are pretty much scoring the same (if not less) as usual
Even last 7 day WD, sup on,y score 57m which is their normal, only ones that "rank up score" were warrior and ACE because ACE kept trying to get 2nd, until they finally gave up and the scores were pretty much frozen

Random guy
01-02-2015, 09:53 AM
A no vote. A day off would be nice every once and awhile but it will likely not be on a day that works around my schedule Plus if I have nothing to do but collect money when I log on then it all becomes boring and I move on. But they could limit us to one task at a time and I can pick my days off.

01-02-2015, 01:35 PM
I think Gree should only run LTQ's when they dont conflict with other major events like FL, WD, RB, etc. And since there will be fewer LTQ's they should make the prizes better. Or keep crappy prizes and we can take the time off if we choose.

01-02-2015, 07:50 PM
I wouldn't believe this if I didn't see it for myself. People begging the makers of a game not to release content so that they can "take a break".?. LOL!!!!

Take responsibility for yourselves. You need a break? Take one! Someone gets stronger than you while you're gone? So what, it's a game. Your faction mad at you for not participating? Find a more relaxed faction.

You're not getting paid to play this game, nor or you receiving any monetary compensation for achieving any particular "rank".
Relax, have fun.

"Play the game, don't let the game play you"
-Some guy

Now let the hateful comments flow.

MW Flake
01-03-2015, 12:15 AM
No, no hateful comments for you my friend. You make some very valid points. But look at those numbers. It's nearly 85% asking for this. That's far too many to just ignore (although Gree absolutely will). If I told that much of my customer base to bugger off, I'd have been out of business long ago.

Brown Out
01-03-2015, 12:32 AM
No, no hateful comments for you my friend. You make some very valid points. But look at those numbers. It's nearly 85% asking for this. That's far too many to just ignore (although Gree absolutely will). If I told that much of my customer base to bugger off, I'd have been out of business long ago.

So the majority of the people who responded to this poll have no self control. More reason to keep pushing out new events.

MW Flake
01-03-2015, 12:50 AM
That's a bit of a stretch I think. I myself vote yes, but by no means participate in all events. I would like to, but the pace has become more than a little insane. I THINK you will find most have followed the same route. And as many have said, and been saying since the second or third WD, the break is as much about Gree taking the downtime to keep things running SMOOTHLY. having that server downtime not be in the middle of a time sensitive event is yet an additional bonus. But while we are talking about self control, do you have so little that you will not find your way back if there isn't the constant running of 15 events at once? That you won't know what to do with yourself if there is nothing happening for a day or two a month?

Brown Out
01-03-2015, 03:34 AM
These hangovers are killing me.
I'm going to ask all the companies that produce alcoholic beverages to seize production and all stores that sell alcohol to stop selling. ....I need a break.

01-03-2015, 04:54 AM
So the majority of the people who responded to this poll have no self control. More reason to keep pushing out new events.

Oh I have self control. I voted, on the forum and with my wallet. Most of the fun in this game is in the forum, watching gree roll out glitch after glitch. 'patience please we are trying our best' lol not that I've seen anyone around lately.

The Pharoah
01-03-2015, 08:07 AM
That's a fine idea. Morbo approves!

bam bam.
01-03-2015, 06:34 PM
Oh I have self control. I voted, on the forum and with my wallet. Most of the fun in this game is in the forum, watching gree roll out glitch after glitch. 'patience please we are trying our best' lol not that I've seen anyone around lately.

Sadly I agree.

rambo 1st blood
01-05-2015, 04:05 PM
Lmao. You guys that write in forums don even make up 5% of the ppl that play this game. Why on earth would they stop the events for you when there is 10's of thousands of players that want it kept going and will keep playing. All of you that want a break make me laugh. Your all to addicted to this game that you can't even put it down. You expect the makers to stop it for you. Rolflmao.

bam bam.
01-05-2015, 07:19 PM
^^^Mate it's a cross section. The forum is a fairly accurate indicator of what's going on in game. We are all faction members and we share our thoughts with them. You will find 85% across the game will be experiencing burn out as well. I do take days off, I call them mental health days and encourage my crew to do the same. I just had a forced vacation with being locked out and I still want more time off haha.

I prefer comments about the topic rather than attacks on the members. The forum members are not the ones who have created any of the issues, so attacking others is not really deserved.

01-05-2015, 08:34 PM
Lmao. You guys that write in forums don even make up 5% of the ppl that play this game. Why on earth would they stop the events for you when there is 10's of thousands of players that want it kept going and will keep playing. All of you that want a break make me laugh. Your all to addicted to this game that you can't even put it down. You expect the makers to stop it for you. Rolflmao.
You, just like gree, aren't listening. Thats your choice, just like grees. If they bothered to listen at least they would know why they aren't seeing any of my money...because....wait for it..... they wont listen! but ATM they aren't even here to listen

bam bam.
01-18-2015, 07:17 AM
Any gree mods gonna acknowledge this gem of a thread???