View Full Version : Looking for new recruits!

12-07-2014, 11:34 AM
We are looking for new recruits. Lvl and stats don't matter as long as you are active and participate in all faction events. Groupme is a must. Give us a try and watch your stats climb!!!

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RECRUITMENT MESSAGE; We are AZ's Best. We finished 559 in this past WD and 573 the WD event before. We have solid bonuses and no gold requirement. We use docbot during the WD event. Groupme is a must. Also a donation of 2x your iph daily is required. We ask that you communicate what you are doing and are an active player. If something comes up where you can't be active we ask that you communicate that ASAP! Invite code 293878272
Bonus list:
MAX infantry defense
MAX ground defense
+25% air defense
+15% infantry attack
MAX building defense
+20% building output
MAX health regen time
+10% ground attack
+10% air attack
-5% casualty rate
+25% sea defense
+5% sea attack

12-08-2014, 05:29 AM
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12-24-2014, 08:23 AM
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