View Full Version : Elysium is rebuilding their roster. Join us

12-03-2014, 09:35 PM
Elysium is rebuilding their roster and spots have been made available in our Faction.
Our goal is to make our way back to a solid Top 100. Position in WD and FL.

Elysium are looking for hourly players that have minimum 1b stats and will get involved in all faction events. Point requirements are a minimum 35k in WD and 10mil points in Frontline (all achievable gold free).
We are a fun, mature group (including a number of gold users), with a solid mix of all players from many time zones, which lets us battle near 24/7 effectively.
We do not require set donations but require you to donate. Our members are always encouraged to save up for Frontline units a week before the event.
We use multiple GroupMe chats exclusively to communicate, coordinate and organize all our events.

We always use dock bot to maximize our members' potential points
We placed 100 in last Frontline.
We placed 124 in last WD. 29th in our division.
We complete Raid Boss Master with enough time for everyone to get individual wrapper prize.

Please join our groupme link above if you are interested and say hello.

12-08-2014, 09:31 PM
We have a few open spots atm and welcome anyone with folders. Master RB is complete as usual.

12-13-2014, 11:02 PM
We are maxed out on bonuses! Currently around 125 mark in FL. We need to get rid of dead weight and need hourly players to replace them.