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View Full Version : Locked out of my foxhole and can't help my Faction, I've been Grubered

11-22-2014, 08:49 AM
Have you ever had that expectation that simply raising your hand would garner a timely response? Positive or negative, but a response? My quarter was inserted into the Pinball machine and nothing lit up and I out more quarters in...still nothing.

I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone and up is down, down is up and John Candy woke up next to me thinking his hands were holding pillows.

I don't know if I need the help of MacGyver or the Geek Squad to get back into the game because like a chimp all I am really good at in MW is spending and taping glass...oh and occasionally driving an opponent nuts with a clever post or two.

I'm no Einstein, at least not that I am aware of, but if I were managing MW and it's ultimate success, I would insist my customers could secure an adequate defense to ward off attack from Tom, **** and/or Harry. I scratch my head every day wondering why attack steroids were handed out like Halloween Candy and how that business model makes more sense than "I can't get thru his defense without earning more attack, how can I get more attack?"

If I am riding off into the sunset to greener pastures, I would rather do it on my own terms rather than this slow motion train wreck with me holding firmly on my dingy.

I've been Grubered

11-22-2014, 09:02 AM
Have you ever had that expectation that simply raising your hand would garner a timely response? Positive or negative, but a response? My quarter was inserted into the Pinball machine and nothing lit up and I out more quarters in...still nothing.

I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone and up is down, down is up and John Candy woke up next to me thinking his hands were holding pillows.

I don't know if I need the help of MacGyver or the Geek Squad to get back into the game because like a chimp all I am really good at in MW is spending and taping glass...oh and occasionally driving an opponent nuts with a clever post or two.

I'm no Einstein, at least not that I am aware of, but if I were managing MW and it's ultimate success, I would insist my customers could secure an adequate defense to ward off attack from Tom, **** and/or Harry. I scratch my head every day wondering why attack steroids were handed out like Halloween Candy and how that business model makes more sense than "I can't get thru his defense without earning more attack, how can I get more attack?"

If I am riding off into the sunset to greener pastures, I would rather do it on my own terms rather than this slow motion train wreck with me holding firmly on my dingy.

I've been Grubered
To be clear, I asked my entire family if I am locked out of MW due to an intervention to learn that they weren't responsible for my current predicament, but I fear I just planted a seed for future action on my play and/ or lack thereof.

just Sayin