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View Full Version : High High High Level Buildings

09-27-2011, 09:13 AM
I was hoping that someone of a very high level, like 120+ could post a couple screenshots of what money buildings are available at the higher levels. Just curious what I have to look forward to. Thanks. On a similar note, I'm curious to see who the highest level person is that posts in the forum, Highest I've seen so far is like 80 or so. So Feel free to post your level here and let's see who is the farthest along! :)

09-27-2011, 09:27 AM
I'm at 96. Getting close to that 500 mafia gang for attacks. Now I just have to find 250 cars for them to drive LMAO.

Too lazy to do screen shot but maybe someone who has time can do that for you.
At Level 122 = hotel - costs 17M
At level 125 = strip club - 150 gold
At level 135 = office building - 24M
At level 165 = looks like another office building (can't see description) - 500 gold
Mafia code: 215 587 456

Max Power
09-27-2011, 09:42 AM
I sent you a friend request so I can see your hood.

09-27-2011, 11:34 AM
I sent you a friend request so I can see your hood.

Just accepted your invite. My hood is pretty average. There are some players who already have nightclubs (40M each) in their hood at levels lower than mine. How in the hell they saved that much to buy them is beyond me (maybe hacked or spent tons of real cash???) LOL
Mafia code: 215 587 456

09-27-2011, 01:07 PM
pizzalover get motivated, and post me those screenshots!! uh ya know please :)

09-27-2011, 01:55 PM
nycpizzalover, those informations aren't really hepling because we can already see the unlocked buildings and their prices. All you do is giving their names.
Can you tell us what are their incomes please? That'd be great... thanks!

09-27-2011, 02:02 PM
speak for yourself pastis, i couldn't see any of them, thanks pizzalover

09-27-2011, 02:47 PM
Slightly derailing the thread, but i would be interested in the highest respect point weapons available. xD

09-27-2011, 03:06 PM
1100 respect points is what i see but i have yet to unlock it. it is under vehicles. lol

Max Power
09-27-2011, 05:19 PM
Just accepted your invite. My hood is pretty average. There are some players who already have nightclubs (40M each) in their hood at levels lower than mine. How in the hell they saved that much to buy them is beyond me (maybe hacked or spent tons of real cash???) LOL
Mafia code: 215 587 456

Thanks! I figured out your game name by looking at level numbers....LOL. Lofts and churches and such, oh my!

10-03-2011, 03:50 PM
nycpizzalover, those informations aren't really hepling because we can already see the unlocked buildings and their prices. All you do is giving their names.
Can you tell us what are their incomes please? That'd be great... thanks!

I just unlocked Rock Cafe at level 102. Upside: It pays 110K every 12 hours. Downside: It costs 175 gold
Mafia code: 215 587 456

10-03-2011, 10:32 PM
well you guys should all get house, brownstone, and chimney. And if you can, get nightclub. it's really not that hard to get to 4 million. Two months of savings, you can do it, but can you wait that long? that's the problem. I start playing late august so it's a month for me. So far, minus the money i put into equipment, which are somewhere 1.5 millions, I still have 1.2 millions. SO thats 2.7 millions. if I do nothing but collecting money, I would have another 1.5 millions in two weeks with my current income. Then...it's not hard at all to get a nightclub. and once you have that...boom...you can do anything.

10-03-2011, 10:43 PM
1.2 million in bank/on hand. cool!

10-03-2011, 11:46 PM
a night club is 40 MILLION NOT 4 LOL

10-04-2011, 02:11 AM
a night club is 40 MILLION NOT 4 LOL

Not only is it 40 Million, it also matures every 6 hours. Even if I saved up and got it, there is no good timing for me to pick up the funds every 6 hours so that I'm sure that I will be robbed consistently.
Mafia code: 215 587 456

10-27-2011, 09:43 AM
Update: Just unlocked hotel at level 122
Attached is screen shot showing:
Upside - 285K every 24 hours
downside - costs 17 million

__________________________________________________ _
mafia code 215 587 456

10-30-2011, 04:56 PM
Update: Gentleman's Club unlocked at level 125
Upside: 360K every 24 hours
Downside: 150 gold
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
mafia code: 215 587 456

Thank you for those very helpful informations!!

10-30-2011, 08:12 PM
Update: Gentleman's Club unlocked at level 125
Upside: 360K every 24 hours
Downside: 150 gold
__________________________________________________ ____________________________
mafia code: 215 587 456

Wow, thats cool
I'm sending you an invite, i want to see your hood too :)

10-30-2011, 08:35 PM
I must say I am disappointed by the advices regarding the economy on this thread. Upgrades before construction! Always remember that. Saving 40 million for a night club is stupid when you can almost double your earning by upgrading buildings such as lofts and movie theatres.

10-30-2011, 11:13 PM
I'm level 112 just for the lulz

10-31-2011, 06:54 AM
Its ok nycpizzalover, i only have 12/24/48 hour buildings too. I also decided to include the 8 hour buildings as well. So far so good. I just got to level them up now because my income per hour is horrible for my level. But your hood looked good :) I guess you get the credit for my hood setup, i hear that you are the originator of the 12/24/48 idea so thanks!

How come no museums? and no second bagel factory?

Beamer 420
02-05-2014, 08:48 PM
Waoh old thread Way to necro!