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Agent Orange
11-08-2014, 05:58 AM
I notice I'm already at 1.7 GB this morning, 5.7 GB the day of the app 'fix'. I notic on most of my IOS devices especially ones that have display issues that the app appears to be reloading all graphical elements and data on each log in. Yes the app is only 88mb but the graphics and data files are between 1.4 and 2.0 GB once fully loaded.

Adm. J(K96)
11-08-2014, 06:50 AM
Damned if I didn't call that one 3 days ago.

11-08-2014, 08:04 AM
Another thing to worry about this game!

Adm. J(K96)
11-08-2014, 08:06 AM
Faction members are reporting being over their monthly limit. I will provide more info as I get it.

Agent Orange
11-08-2014, 08:23 AM
Ok this is the same problem some Android users were facing, if you are still getting display issues, log in freezeups and crashes on IOS go into system, click usage and see how much memory if any you have left. It seems the app needs almost 1gb of free memory in order to load. WTF Gree.

Adm. J(K96)
11-08-2014, 08:27 AM
I don't think half the devices in use even have 1gb of memory.

11-08-2014, 08:36 AM
Precisely why I only play on my wifi-only iPad.

11-08-2014, 09:33 AM
LMAO guess you addicts can afford Gree gold but not an unlimited data plan. Oh the priorities are real!

11-08-2014, 10:07 AM
LMAO guess you addicts can afford Gree gold but not an unlimited data plan. Oh the priorities are real!
Its not in every country that unlimited plans even exists...

Adm. J(K96)
11-08-2014, 10:37 AM
LMAO guess you addicts can afford Gree gold but not an unlimited data plan. Oh the priorities are real!

Why would one purchase an unlimited plan (if even available) if one has never had any need ofit?

11-08-2014, 12:56 PM
I was over 7gb but thankfully data is free here

11-08-2014, 01:24 PM
LMAO guess you addicts can afford Gree gold but not an unlimited data plan. Oh the priorities are real!

Most countries and Most Carries don't even offer an unlimited Data plan...

11-08-2014, 02:01 PM
Why would one purchase an unlimited plan (if even available) if one has never had any need ofit?

Why people spend $ on a broken game like MW? Its a mystery indeed.

Agent Orange
11-08-2014, 02:05 PM
Why people spend $ on a broken game like MW? Its a mystery indeed.

Personally I don't any longer. But I feel the pain for those that do and my friends still playing so when I see something that could really screw over someone I speak up. That would include free players and new players so IMHO if I see something like this that could really be an unexpected surprise on your next internet bill I'm going to say something.

Not everyone has unlimited internet, I don't because in all these years I have not needed it and since I stopped playing this weekend I see my usage dropping. Many folks can't get unlimited so are capped and some providers can really hose you for additional fees if you go over, especially if you are on a cell phone data plan so your useless smug comment serves no one.

Plus playing for free makes it a lot more interesting from a strategy standpoint.

Adm. J(K96)
11-08-2014, 02:26 PM
Why people spend $ on a broken game like MW? Its a mystery indeed.

I never quite got it either, but it's not my money. But it would have been nice at one point to have gotten a number of them to have held back in unison once or twice.

11-09-2014, 04:03 AM
It's the weekend guys, no ones listening.

Agent Orange
11-09-2014, 04:31 AM
It's the weekend guys, no ones listening.

Not to worry, my op wasn't directed to Gree but to the players affected by this mess. I gave up thinking someone at Gree's was listening a long time ago.

banana stand
11-09-2014, 11:48 PM
I can't believe this mobile game uses more data than a nextgen console games.

11-10-2014, 08:36 AM
I notice I'm already at 1.7 GB this morning, 5.7 GB the day of the app 'fix'. I notic on most of my IOS devices especially ones that have display issues that the app appears to be reloading all graphical elements and data on each log in. Yes the app is only 88mb but the graphics and data files are between 1.4 and 2.0 GB once fully loaded.

5.7 GB?? For one day??? Wow.... do people realize how much data that is? Exactly what data is Gree transferring that can add up to that? Even if it re-loaded every single graphic every time you opened a map or rival base, it could never add up to that much data.

The only thing I could imagine using that much data in a single mobile app is something that streams constant audio from the mic and constant full-frame video from both front and back cameras simultaneously. Netflix doesn't even come close to that much data usage streaming full length movies in HD.

Agent Orange
11-10-2014, 09:49 AM
5.7 GB?? For one day??? Wow.... do people realize how much data that is? Exactly what data is Gree transferring that can add up to that? Even if it re-loaded every single graphic every time you opened a map or rival base, it could never add up to that much data.

The only thing I could imagine using that much data in a single mobile app is something that streams constant audio from the mic and constant full-frame video from both front and back cameras simultaneously. Netflix doesn't even come close to that much data usage streaming full length movies in HD.

I couldn't believe my eyes either! I went from an average 800mb to 5.7gb in one day! The day that the first screwed up app came out. Why I started to investigate was due to the incredibly slow load times which made me think I was seeing a big data push as well.

I know from experience with Android that the devs have no concept on how they massive data pushes affect the end users. On Android many times these huge data pushes fail causing the player to have to delete and reinstall the app but in some cases it also means opening up the file manager and tracking down the multiple old data sets that the devs were to lazy to code a flush for.

I couldn't believe it when I saw MW taking up 2.0gb of space in my iPad! My guess is that doing the first update, then a reinstall also forced a full dump of the datasets and therefore the stupidly high amount of data

Just glad I wasn't on cellular at the time since my monthly limit is 512mb which I never use up but had I been doing this on mobile data this would have cost a fortune, and still be broken!

11-10-2014, 10:48 AM
Already passed this along when I saw it in the Crash thread.

Expendables 2
11-10-2014, 11:10 AM
Too late Tadaaahm, l've quit this Fun game, can only use the game on Wifi with my 3G limits��so killed 15 hours of action.. At least l got some work done today.. Ban me now and save me from a life of anguish... Freeeedddom... ��

Expendables 2
11-10-2014, 11:19 AM
Ha ha legalious, the police out in force l see... Can you replace fun with tedious next time, l had more fun the last time l had a tooth extracted...

Expendables 2
11-10-2014, 11:39 AM
Hobby mods for you, can't afford real admin so they infiltrate the ranks in return for a little gold...

Retired and not happy
11-10-2014, 01:28 PM
Bluestacks is the way to go. 16gb memory, mw loads up in about 4 seconds. What do you expect from a flimsey floppy small tiny phone where no big strong mans fingers fit the keypad? Phones should be dedicated for family work and freinds, not stupid addictive games we play.

Adm. J(K96)
11-14-2014, 08:00 AM
Prior to quitting 5 weeks ago, I was always pushing right up to my 3gb data limit. Now that I've run a full billing cycle with no MW, I have yet to hit 1gb, despite the fact that I've been away from wifi more than ever.