View Full Version : Amuna Dracroth Feedback

11-07-2014, 03:23 PM
So, finally, after holding my breath for the last two days and waiting for another annoying Box Event to finish running its painful course, up pops the Raid Boss. Cool, this is about one of the most enjoyable events left in the game, and typically has some pretty snazzy rewards.

Drain my HP, decide I'll come back in a bit, and see the pop-up for the Heroic Chain.

Did you seriously put a temporary boost onto a heroic Raid Boss reward Unit? Seriously? Haven't we mentioned on and on and on about how temporary boosts are rather annoying, especially when the work involved is quite a lot. Tagging the Raid Boss Heroic reward with one is just mind boggling.

I mean, really? We;re going to do it anyways, raw stats are very nice, and it's still a fun event, but... talk about a slap in the face. 5% Conquest attack for the war next weekend. Those who need it need more than 5%, and probably aren't capable of completing the quest anyways. Those who can complete it most likely have zero use for it.

I'm starting to feel like spending my time watching paint dry is better spent than opening up KA these days.

(Totally unrelated... whichever mod decided to claim I was trolling in Master Slayer thread, that wasn't even near what trolling is considered. It's not 'hard' constraining the time limit, it's "Spend your gems on this, please.)

EDIT - Updating this, as not only did we get a temporary bonus, it's not even working now.

11-07-2014, 03:42 PM
Agreed. Each slap in the face pushes people closer and closer to deleting the game and taking their money elsewhere. Gree doesn't care they seem to think there will always be others to replace those that leave. They can't seem to get the idea of leaving the things we like alone like perm boosts on raid bosses and focusing on actual bugs that don't allow events to run smoothly and incorrect boost etc.

Jason SS
11-07-2014, 04:59 PM
I agree 100%. You didn't even mention that the reward for the normal quest is another worthless voucher, and the legendary rewards are a joke compared to units that can be won doing trials.

11-07-2014, 05:01 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback. It has been passed along. The vouchers are definitely not worthless; they're unique recipes that will be unlocked once crafting is implemented. You won't be able to get these in the future.

Vile Lynn
11-07-2014, 05:47 PM
Kind of hard to put a value on something for the "future" when we have no idea how they'll be used. Strange to ask players to buy something for nothing now but save it for laters.
As a free player, the vouchers are worthless (and nonexistent) to me.

Knowing GREE and what's going on in MW to curb stat inflation, getting a temp bonuses is about the best thing now. Expect more & exciting temp bonuses.

I can't see what is left of the dwindling KA community going for these temps like MW has, but I can be wrong. *shrugs*

11-07-2014, 06:14 PM
Knowing GREE and what's going on in MW to curb stat inflation, getting a temp bonuses is about the best thing now. Expect more & exciting temp bonuses.

Not sure what you mean by curbing stat inflation in mw since I have gone from 800m attack to close to 6b in just a few cycles in mw. If anything stat inflation is worse than ever there.

The change of no gold sale during WD is not a good one though and personally I won't be buying gold in mw anymore without the sales.

Jason SS
11-07-2014, 07:16 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the feedback. It has been passed along. The vouchers are definitely not worthless; they're unique recipes that will be unlocked once crafting is implemented. You won't be able to get these in the future.

I didn't intend to sound overly negative about vouchers or crafting, I am hopeful they will add a fun new aspect to the game.

However, the fact remains that the vouchers in my inventory do not add any value to my character today. I understand they may be worth something eventually, but right now they do nothing and I can't place a value on their future worth with only the little bit of information that we have been given. Why not let us know what the final product of these vouchers will be and what materials we will need in order to craft them?

11-07-2014, 10:18 PM
Raid boss sucks.

11-08-2014, 07:23 AM
A temp bonus for completing HRB is a joke considering how much time, effort, & GEMS!!! Are involved!!!

Vile Lynn
11-08-2014, 12:53 PM
Not sure what you mean by curbing stat inflation in mw since I have gone from 800m attack to close to 6b in just a few cycles in mw. If anything stat inflation is worse than ever there.

The change of no gold sale during WD is not a good one though and personally I won't be buying gold in mw anymore without the sales.

Hi FH :)

You're totally right! Stat inflation is worse than ever in MW.
My free-player stats have gone up 1250% in 2-3 cycles! Crazy!

That was my point in mentioning MW: GREE said they are dealing with stat inflation in MW by offering cycle-specific, temp bonuses. I'm assuming they are trying to curb it in KA, too, with temp bonuses. I'm expecting more in KA.
(There is sort of a sale: battle health refills cost 17gold instead of 25, but no legit gold sale. GREE has been doing this in CC, too.)

Pardon the MW-talk; what happens in one GREE game, usually happens in all... eventually.

...the fact remains that the vouchers in my inventory do not add any value to my character today. I understand they may be worth something eventually, but right now they do nothing and I can't place a value on their future worth with only the little bit of information that we have been given. Why not let us know what the final product of these vouchers will be and what materials we will need in order to craft them?

Excellent point!!
Why not let us know?
This is typical GREE MO. Many have spent thousands on worthless things due to the lack of info from GREE. This is how they entice you to buy more! Buyer beware. Nothing wrong with it, it makes GREE money to bring us the fun!

11-08-2014, 08:35 PM
Patiently waiting 😳

11-09-2014, 10:49 AM
Let's not get distracted - real issue is temp bonus on heroic reward - this must be fixed -

11-16-2014, 05:58 PM
Well, not necroing a thread here... just pointing out how the TEMPORARY bonus from a bloody heroic raid boss isn't even working. This game is crap now, way to bloody go.

garen argon
11-16-2014, 08:33 PM
Lys, it's not worth the venting...

either suck it up and keep playing...


realize you built a monster account and the $$$ spent now is no longer worth it and move on...

either way..wish you the best...cheers.