View Full Version : "Customer Appreciation Month" has been a major letdown. Way to let us know you "care"

10-30-2014, 08:08 AM
I mean, for claiming you care about us, you've done a piss poor job about showing that to us. "Customer Appreciation Month" has been beyond a failure. Your event or three on the forums sucked (rewards were , contests were eh, and there was no desire to try to do any of them)

We've had so many events with Vouchers and crap that "Are in preparation for crafting." But, there's been zero information on crafting to-date still. Not to mention that the quest "Hero of Hallow's Eve" is still active... Way to rub our faces of putting a wrapper prize in a bloody box event, and then leave the quest active for another week. Yeah, real classy. Cause, y'know, I'm Penn and my friend Teller over here can totally make the Shrunken Head Artifact voucher just appear from thin air before this quest expires.

And now, the Epic Boss. You received so much positive feedback over the fact that we had a full 7 days for the first time, in, well... I don't even recall. The Battle refills at the lower level reward tiers was amazing, as it helped folks who had a harder time with the event keep going, gave them incentive. So far, there's not a sign of them being present. Plus, the refills are now 20 Gems for a full HP bar. Seriously? Counting Legendary, there's something like 136 bosses. 10 Gems was more than enough for a refill.

I'm sorry, but this has been a not a 'customer appreciation month.'

Bloody shame. Thanks for reaffirming my complete lack of faith in you.

10-30-2014, 04:55 PM
You expected more? This is Gree. I kept my expectations right where they deserve to be and Gree didn't disappoint me at all. Classic Gree failure.

10-30-2014, 07:12 PM
Care? They (Gree) knows no such word!

10-31-2014, 03:00 AM
I loved the +10 energy boost we got before the war and the Dark Castle building was great, I think the last box event was somewhat easier to complete (although with random luck events it is difficult to judge). Anyway I think some effort was done on GREE's part.

10-31-2014, 03:31 AM
I loved the +10 energy boost we got before the war..

Too bad this ended two days earlier than communicated, so lots of guilds had problems finishing 5/5

10-31-2014, 04:47 AM
Remember this one?
Now we are the last day of the month...

The new features should be released this month, but we can't announce too much just yet.
New Content and Goodies: Patience, as you said, we're only one week into the month. We still have time.

Vile Lynn
10-31-2014, 08:58 AM
...:::lowered expectations:::...

10-31-2014, 10:47 AM
You expected more? This is Gree. I kept my expectations right where they deserve to be and Gree didn't disappoint me at all. Classic Gree failure.

Thanks for reaffirming my complete lack of faith in you.

If I said I had any expectations, I'd be lying. If I'd even had a pinch of em, I would've probably written a much longer post lambasting them even more, like I used to do before I stopped caring any. It's just pathetic, really.

10-31-2014, 11:09 AM
Hey guys,

We do have new features in the works. Unfortunately, some changes had to be made so they didn't make it in this month. We'll have more information on these features soon.

10-31-2014, 02:02 PM
Hey guys,

We do have new features in the works. Unfortunately, some changes had to be made so they didn't make it in this month. We'll have more information on these features soon.

Sorry bud, but GREE's credibility is in the crapper. Massive build-up for Customer Appreciation Month, and yet another
OOPS we "didn't make it this month", but hang on, it will be here soon.

To all players, If you want to keep throwing away money, I have some lovely swampland in Florida that I can let you have cheap.

10-31-2014, 05:14 PM
I loved this month was great fun stats inflation was great with the new trials and I did 10 boxes free and got Raid boss finished and got 100 bosses so all in a great month thanks Gree.

10-31-2014, 08:24 PM
More like player disappointment month. Im not looking forward to the new features. The game is already slow as it is. I doubt it will run smoothly and will probably have quest with dumb bonuses :rolleyes:

11-03-2014, 05:09 PM
I would like to say it was nice to see us newer guys finally have a quest for a unit that would let us upgrade more than one building at a time since older guys can do 7 or 8. We can't gain on our income and try to keep up with the building events. Spending gems to get it done quicker is not an option when we can't afford the next upgrade, I have played about a year now, all the ones in my guild that can upgrade more got them before I started.
However, to make 2 events that gave out that prize and both costing over 100.00 cash (more than an xbox or playstation game) is downright silly. Please give us a reasonable quest or option to gain this ability w/o forking over a Benjamin on a game that will at some point cease to exist, though I assume a ways down the road. I have met alot of friends online that played LAW which has now sat dormant for months and even put alot of hours myself into that game and it is dead. Glad I didn't fork over a bunch of cash like some guilds did on wars. You have a great money making system with the wars as they stand, why not appreciate us newer fellas a bit, especially the newest ones and let them upgrade more than one building, takes forever to catch up while watching quest after quest just go by that we cannot afford. Please add your name to this post in a reply if you like the idea of them helping the newer players with extra building upgrade please.

11-03-2014, 05:19 PM
Hey Folks! This is the first time that we are running this kind of event and we are happy to receive feedback and suggestions for how we can improve for next time we run the event. I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed. We will continue to try and find ways to improve the overall experience (in game and in the forums). Thanks for the feedback.

11-03-2014, 05:23 PM
Some people are hard to please;)

There have been many good things happening to be fair

11-03-2014, 07:27 PM
Hey Folks! This is the first time that we are running this kind of event and we are happy to receive feedback and suggestions for how we can improve for next time we run the event. I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed. We will continue to try and find ways to improve the overall experience (in game and in the forums). Thanks for the feedback.

What did anybody get out of "customer appreciation month"? Absolutely squat. There was a Dev AMA that lasted for like 2 seconds and had less than 3 pages. I had legitimate questions but apparently I missed the incredibly tiny window of opportunity to post.

Further, You can look a few posts up on this page. Tadaaah is saying "but guys. We really do have goodies on the way." #1. You promised and did not deliver, a traditional Gree trait. #2. Goodies are not "customer appreciation." Customer appreciation is treating us with respect rather than money

11-08-2014, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the efforts, but if this company really want to show appreciation, fix the account transfer feature. Don't just say it's in the works. Have been playing for over 2 yrs now and that feature has never worked. What's the hold up?