View Full Version : server problems?? Gree please look into this

Lord Vyper
10-04-2014, 02:16 PM
Our guild doesn't get matched and our members can not start KA anymore... is there a Server Prob? We are loosing time!!
Please look into this ASAP.

10-04-2014, 02:18 PM
Did they ban ur entire guild? Btw, how do u know ur not matched when all of ur members can t start KA? Just wondering...:rolleyes:

Lord Vyper
10-04-2014, 02:23 PM
some are still in game... but if you leave (to go to groupme for example) and try to return you can not start anymore

10-04-2014, 06:33 PM
Lord Vyper, are you guys back in yet?
My guild has been locked out for about 9.5 hrs now!

10-04-2014, 08:02 PM
Still locked out.
Last time we were locked out we were able to play. This time we can't access the game.
- buildings can't be collected
- trials can't be finished
- We can't defend our top25/50 place.
- each hour we are locked out it gonna cost us approx 50 gems and our iPh in gold to catch up.

Ps : check the Google-doc and show some sportmenship. Names will be published here from everyone that raid me during our lock-out.
PS2 : oktober is appriciation month. We can't appreciate this. GREE take you responsabilty.


Tory Luckel
10-05-2014, 04:27 AM
We have been locked out for almost 24 hours now this is a joke. Gree need to get their act together. We will be lucky to get a sorry at best :(

10-05-2014, 11:53 AM
27 hours of being locked out and still no replies!
Nice job GREE... It's nice to be appreciated!

Lord Vyper
10-05-2014, 01:20 PM
SVC is back in the game but we lost over 16 hours and many possible cp. It is incredible that Immortal Warriors are still not able to battle again and that we didn't get any response from gree. Running a major event over a weekend means you have your support team online to help!
I'll hope we will get a response and a compensation in rank and/or gems. We dropped from 27 to 52 in this 16 hours.

Lord Vyper
10-06-2014, 02:58 AM
It is incredible.... They didn't even read the ticket - this answer is ridiculous!
We couldn't battle for 16 hours. The whole guild was unable to access the game during this time. That has nothing to do with matchup times.

Edit: Since it seems that I'm not allowed to post a service respose here I will explain in my words what I got told.
1. They complained that I have sent in several tickets with the same issue (ok, I sent in 2 tickets because I did't get a response during 16 h of beeing locked out of KA/war) - I had a lot of time to write tickets :)
2. They explained how guilds are matched... overall strength of guild, WD rank, how many match ups with the same guild...(Hey, I really know this... this has nothing to do with our issue...)
3. Match up can take up to 1 hour (hell yeah, we were waiting for 16 hours...So what has this to do with my ticket???)
4. It's not possible to declare war during the last hour (Also nothing to do with my ticket... and wrong BTW, this is correct in MW, but not in KA, seems like they use this copy/paste answer in several games without even checking)
5. And.... surprise, surprise... we can not compensate...

No... there is nothing missing - nothing about the real issue we had :)

I really hope that it is ok to post it this way...

10-06-2014, 11:56 AM
Apologies for the delayed response. The teams are currently looking into this, but we don't have any updates at this time.

10-06-2014, 01:32 PM
To any/all GREE reps...
The Immortal Warriors missed the war event due to this hang up! We were locked out around 1200 EST Saturday and were not back in play until after 1500 EST Monday!
I alone have sent in numerous tickets, without a single response from GREE!
If you are going to plan weekend events, then you need to have staff covering the on the weekends as well!
I think that it is only fair that we (Immortal Warriors and SVC) receive compensation for this!

10-06-2014, 02:34 PM
I'm in neither of these guilds, but I gotta say I'd be POed if that happened to me.

Lord Vyper
10-07-2014, 03:42 AM
Hi Tadaaah,

I really don't understand why you removed the ticket response in my post. What I understand is that the ticket response was a slap in the face of our guild members.

To send the copy/paste response that matching time can take up to 1 hour and that therefore a compensation for our guild (and the Immortal Warriors) is not possible is ridiculous when we ask for help because the whole guild is locked out for over 16 hours.

I really want to know why you edited my post (I didn't offend anyone, just posted the response removing the name of the service agent)

If gree really stands behind this - why removing it? Feel free to repost my tickets wherever you want!


Lord Vyper
10-07-2014, 03:54 AM
I'm in neither of these guilds, but I gotta say I'd be POed if that happened to me.

Thx, perhaps you can than imagine how it feels if this happend to your guild already the 2nd time - and obviously in both cases Gree is not willing to help or compensate. Seems like this is still a bug in the game - and it could happen to each other guild too.

Lord Vyper
10-07-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Tadaaah,

for your information:

if you take a look into this thread you might get an idea why my guild is not happy with this situation. BTW in that thread I also posted the response to our tickets (last year...). If you take a closer look you will see that the 'support'-answer was the same useless copy/paste thing - word by word - that we got this time.
You can be sure that a guild that exists since the first day when guilds could be founded (and already top50 in the first war) knows how to declare a war.

So please help my guild to get a compensation for what happened to them. And please don't tell that this is not possible... it is the usual thing gree does in MW and CC but - for what reason ever - not in KA
And please take also a look into the tickets of 'Immortal Warriors' - they shared our fate for an even longer period of time.


Lord Vyper
10-07-2014, 11:37 AM
Hi Tadaaah,

After you deleted parts of my 1 year old post in this forum (I can understand that this is embarrassing for gree support) I read again the Forum CoC.
Can you please tell me on which part you refer when you say that posting the support response is against the CoC? I can not find it. If this is not coverd by the CoC I would ask you to restore my posts. If it's really against the CoC I want to excuse that - but I really can not find it.

Beside that I would like to know how high the risk for our or other guilds is that this issue happens again - after it happens twice in a bit over 1 year to SVC I think this question should be allowed. BTW my guild is still waiting for an answer according a compensation.

Thx and regards

Tory Luckel
10-07-2014, 10:40 PM
My guild Immortal Warriors 383698624 was locked out of war for over 50 hours. We work tirelessly as a guild to strengthen ourselves in preparation for each war and to have this taken away is a huge kick in the guts. We were sitting just under 100 rank when this occurred. In the end I think we finished 293 for the event. We got a measly 25k attack and defence unit which wouldn't even make most of our active units in battle. We also had multiple people doing trials which were unable to be finished as we couldn't even login to the game. We also had multiple people not able to finish the building quest due to the same factor. Not to mention the millions in gold we lost as all of our villages were plundered. We also had all the gems used early on in war rendered useless as we could do nothing more. This all happened due to no fault of our own it happened because of a glitch in your game that affected Immortal Warriors & SVC. I have four accounts and have not and will not login into KA until I get a satisfactory response and compensation for this. Many of my fellow guild members put in tickets the best way possible due to not being able to login to Kingdom Age. Many of these tickets remain unanswered. The responses we did get were generic copy and paste responses from your customer service manual and the tickets we did received were closed saying it had been fixed. Of course it had been fixed it's a known issue that last time it happened resolved itself after war but we lost most of the war due to this it's ridiculous that compensation can't happen. Of course it can happen it's your game. The service in which you provide your paying customers is appalling to say the least. Most members of my guild that spend their real hard earned money on your game have said enough is enough. It's not just the gems it's the time we spend playing your game. My time personally is worth a lot more than a few measly gems. It's left in your hands now will you make it right? Personally if not I'll take my money to games that support their paying customers in the correct manner.

Lord Vyper
10-08-2014, 02:29 PM
Would be nice to get an answer....

Tory Luckel
10-08-2014, 05:28 PM
That would be nice but not expected due to Gree's no action policy. Maybe if we make them wait long enough they will go away. Well for one I'm pretty close if they don't respond soon I'm gone. To be honest I don't think they will care. That will be their downfall eventually. The younger generation don't like axes and swords...

Lord Vyper
10-09-2014, 01:33 AM
They ignored us last year and I bet they will do it again :)

Would really know why it is so difficult to say something like "sorry guys, what happened to you was really bad, we do our best to make this never happen again, here are 25 gems for each hour (400 gems in the case of SVC) you were locked out - for each member of your guild"

This wouldn't even cost them real money and would show our members that gree really cares - but like I said, they will ignore us again :(

PS: Thx that you didn't ignore us again :) - this was really a good sign for both guilds (SVC and Immortal Warriors)!