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  1. Language Violation - looks like it's goodbye and goodluck all ! (10 replies)
  2. Whats up with the wd points (67 replies)
  3. Health Refills (8 replies)
  4. help modern war forum! (2 replies)
  5. How to move player from ios too droid?? Anybody?? (3 replies)
  6. Gree making streaking impossible ! (47 replies)
  7. Any Intel on new building??? (9 replies)
  8. TOPPLING TURKEY:50 Wins(FLTQ10/10) & 12/12 Streak(Prestige 9/9).... (29 replies)
  9. Apostles of doom! (9 replies)
  10. I joined the untouchables (14 replies)
  11. 2,222 def skill points? (13 replies)
  12. See ya...don't wanna be ya (4 replies)
  13. Power Attacks Not Working?!?!?!?! (8 replies)
  14. Insane (8 replies)
  15. Streaking vs ranking (19 replies)
  16. Gree, Fix the Turkey Bug Please! (17 replies)
  17. How to get money for Ur faction (7 replies)
  18. All Faction Androids are crashing first battle! (8 replies)
  19. Same old same old .. Streak teams (72 replies)
  20. Asap help needed for 19/20 and 20/20!!! (1 replies)
  21. Do factions lock down (2 replies)
  22. FLTQ (0 replies)
  23. DROID/DROID2/DROID2GLOBAL tip (4 replies)
  24. Ability Scores (9 replies)
  25. Gree extend fltq and LTQ couple days !! (6 replies)
  26. 276K energy is insane for this FLTQ (2 replies)
  27. Here it comes the monthly war (0 replies)
  28. Minor WD Turkey Bug (79 replies)
  29. Banshee intel folders! (20 replies)
  30. Question about daily reward v. gold option? (3 replies)
  31. CJ these prizes suck (46 replies)
  32. Remember When LTQs Were Around 100k Energy and Strategy WAS Required? (14 replies)
  33. Nothing under individual tab for this LTE (0 replies)
  34. Back to being greedy! So much for the meeting! (13 replies)
  35. Toppling Turkey event prize list (21 replies)
  36. Gree think there chance u might extend this event couple days (1 replies)
  37. What is wrong with your support team!! (7 replies)
  38. Timing to quit and join faction (9 replies)
  39. No World Domination (5 replies)
  40. crazy faction energy requirements (14 replies)
  41. Waited two months for this !! (13 replies)
  42. Drop Rates (7 replies)
  43. Looking to help a team complete FLTQ (0 replies)
  44. community event help chatroom (19 replies)
  45. Turkey Cycle - Complete Walkthrough (14 replies)
  46. want the fltq faction reward? (4 replies)
  47. folders we don't need no stinking folders (4 replies)
  48. try and fix the basics of a war game first (2 replies)
  49. Does any1 know how much gold you need to complete the whole event. (19 replies)
  50. ltq walk through, dont see one (2 replies)
  51. Server Error... Still.... (12 replies)
  52. Anyone looking for a faction that will finish current FLTQ? (23 replies)
  53. A message not repeated is a message not received (1 replies)
  54. Gree! Can i have my account back? (23 replies)
  55. Gold Bonus Please (9 replies)
  56. Imperi Invasion Walkthrough (Individual) (6 replies)
  57. when will the folders start dropping again? (8 replies)
  58. Energy/hits for Indv Imperi Invasion (29 replies)
  59. Lost All My MW Progress....HELP!!! (6 replies)
  60. Feature request: Please upgrade the inventory UI! (4 replies)
  61. New idea suggestion (13 replies)
  62. does mw support ios 4.2.1 (2 replies)
  63. Max hit points on walls (9 replies)
  64. Army of Heroes Walkthrough (8 replies)
  65. Why close a thread without as much as an little statement why you do it? (8 replies)
  66. Taking A Stand. (14 replies)
  67. Turkey Cycle - Imperi NPC's (29 replies)
  68. Gold Sale.. (6 replies)
  69. Army of Heros (27 replies)
  70. Cannot connect to server ERROR. NO EVENT HERE ! (13 replies)
  71. really gree? all these ltqs at once? (7 replies)
  72. New LTQ Event Information (67 replies)
  73. We're having a meeting this week, voice your concerns here! (313 replies)
  74. Why is customer service treating us like idiots? (0 replies)
  75. whats the deal with closing multiple threads? (0 replies)
  76. Selling concrete? hit me up (1 replies)
  77. Gree the alarm clock is dinging (6 replies)
  78. Casbah Clash end??? (5 replies)
  79. Where is the Epic Boss? (24 replies)
  80. Helping faction members (4 replies)
  81. OPX/RRH and the X FIGHTERS... Much love (0 replies)
  82. Thanks for the help during the raid boss (4 replies)
  83. Unit Prize Increase for individual kills (15 replies)
  84. Let's see your RB stat increases and big units? (14 replies)
  85. Casbah clash: date and time remaining don't synch (35 replies)
  86. New player question (5 replies)
  87. Yep, here is another thread asking for help (4 replies)
  88. Help me help another (8 replies)
  89. Farming lvl 80 bosses (2 replies)
  90. To Ric and you know who... (10 replies)
  91. A few improvements that could go a long way (5 replies)
  92. Mission plan dates and Casbah Clash times screwed up... (3 replies)
  93. Enhancement Request: shake to scatter (23 replies)
  94. New Event 02/04 (36 replies)
  95. Props the the Art Team (2 replies)
  96. Some folders for sale (3 replies)
  97. I come with hat in hand. Need help to beat 5 lvl80s (6 replies)
  98. Any npc loot worth farming? (0 replies)
  99. Thank You So much Global (SUP1) (8 replies)
  100. It's a Mess (13 replies)
  101. Wasted Energy!! (5 replies)
  102. Make it fairer for newer players, Gree! (18 replies)
  103. Swap Bricks For Cash.... (2 replies)
  104. Casbah Clash and Counter the Insurgents LTQ have the same amount of energy required (3 replies)
  105. MUST READ: Analize your competition before you make your move (22 replies)
  106. Anyone not yet finished normal raid boss and want help (6 replies)
  107. bonuses during weekend battles (4 replies)
  108. raid boss (3 replies)
  109. Officer Special Ops Recruiting (3 replies)
  110. RPG NPCs (4 replies)
  111. Still need folders? (1 replies)
  112. Need Help! MOD that is... (7 replies)
  113. We lost to a level 95 and need help! 245 440 703 (13 replies)
  114. 04 heavy hitters needed please!!!!!! (7 replies)
  115. Timers on Raid Boss & Current LTQ.. Dont match with globe.. (2 replies)
  116. Need Help Blah Blah, Boss too Strong Blah Blah ! (27 replies)
  117. Looking for High Attack players that want to farm with our folders!! (1 replies)
  118. We need help on level 100 bosses... (0 replies)
  119. Health regen bonus question (10 replies)
  120. Heavy hitters needed! (0 replies)
  121. LVL 95 boss Help at 1500 GMT Please (1 replies)
  122. Need some heavy hitters! (6 replies)
  123. Raid Boss time BUG. (3 replies)
  124. Suggestion to promote leveling (15 replies)
  125. Players wanted for lvl 26-27 raid boss (5 replies)
  126. Boss Farming groupme link (14 replies)
  127. 100-200 mil attack players needed raid boss 26 & 27 (16 replies)
  128. HELP :D lol (7 replies)
  129. On 18 prestige now, if you can help please do (2 replies)
  130. Officer Special Ops needing assistance with Raid (10 replies)
  131. 25/27 and looking for some help to finish (13 replies)
  132. Raid boss 26/27 need help this is tough! (5 replies)
  133. Really Robespierre?! (9 replies)
  134. I'm Tired of Slapping Around Women (48 replies)
  135. GSF or anyone please help spots open 18/27 need help tko sup we are a gnat on a bull (15 replies)
  136. Transfer of account (2 replies)
  137. Any big hitters; let's farm!! (7 replies)
  138. So...which factions finished the raid boss? (44 replies)
  139. Faction invite code broken?! (0 replies)
  140. Folders Wanted (5 replies)
  141. Casbah Clash Walkthrough (28 replies)
  142. In game cash for folders (3 replies)
  143. Casbah Clash (6 replies)
  144. Casbah LTQ walk through (2 replies)
  145. Casbah Clash Prize List (37 replies)
  146. SQLite file in android data push (10 replies)
  147. More clarity was promised (6 replies)
  148. Prestige LTQ question (6 replies)
  149. Major security breach?? (4 replies)
  150. Casbah energy event started (5 replies)
  151. Droid Issue with Seeing the Boss (3 replies)
  152. Call for community help! Lvl 100 boss is undefeatable.. (25 replies)
  153. Gold sale on ios, but not on android......? (13 replies)
  154. Boss raid - Who called and killed boss? (11 replies)
  155. Folders becoming an issue? (8 replies)
  156. Folders for Sale (9 replies)
  157. What's this bs gree? (5 replies)
  158. Casbah Clash? (13 replies)
  159. MERGER: Top 400 Faction looking to merge with your Top 250 or better (1 replies)
  160. Raid Boss tweek???? (3 replies)
  161. Turkey Cycle - NEW NPC's (9 replies)
  162. BUYING Folders (2 replies)
  163. New NPC's (26 replies)
  164. Remember when? (17 replies)
  165. I have billions, looking to buy folders (34 replies)
  166. Who do you want to win? (18 replies)
  167. High stat players wanted for prestige raid boss (7 replies)
  168. Raid boss, not seeing fights (4 replies)
  169. to all who post about raid boss complaints (11 replies)
  170. Brand New Faction Looking For Members!!! (6 replies)
  171. Looking for intel folders (0 replies)
  172. Big Hitters Needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for top 250 faction (13 replies)
  173. Raid Boss Prize List (Major Rampus) (17 replies)
  174. Two-month deadline over in-app charges... (13 replies)
  175. Folders for cash trade(I have cash) (4 replies)
  176. Major K. Rampus Boss Event Rewards (14 replies)
  177. Major K Rampus predicted faction goals and folder requirements (30 replies)
  178. Link to Raid Boss Overlap Thread (2 replies)
  179. raid boss live (13 replies)
  180. Raided, but nothing to raid (6 replies)
  181. Can we have just a little customer service? How about a starting time to Raid Boss ? (5 replies)
  182. Tick Tock Tick Tock (0 replies)
  183. Problems with Raid Boss Artwork? (1 replies)
  184. :confused: Question regarding the raid boss. (4 replies)
  185. When does the raid boss really start? (25 replies)
  186. Buying Intel Folders (3 replies)
  187. 40 intel from GREE! (16 replies)
  188. Best case/crate event ever? I think so! (26 replies)
  189. Raid Boss Folder Drops: Info (89 replies)
  190. Has GREE ended Faction LTQs? (5 replies)
  191. Globe showing Boss starts tomorrow (22 replies)
  192. 1 week no communication about folders (10 replies)
  193. Folder drop rate (18 replies)
  194. Does anyone know what time CST USA Major K. Rampus will start?? (23 replies)
  195. UNDER LEVEL 100 , Attack Defense 14M - Interested to join TOP 10 or TOP 25 (5 replies)
  196. Top 3 units for completing raid boss event - Major.K.Rampus (25 replies)
  197. Do you have Major K. Rampus Intel Folders to trade or sell? (3 replies)
  198. End date on the rugged case? (7 replies)
  199. Raid Boss Health is Out (59 replies)
  200. Has the Rugged Case Event disappeared for anyone else? (2 replies)
  201. Leader Board Event (144 replies)
  202. What is the point in PVP Rankings these days? (Private - Dragon CDR) (15 replies)
  203. GREE - Found the Droid problem with the MAPS. (7 replies)
  204. Please have a look (2 replies)
  205. Faction officers - stat display issue of new recruits? (8 replies)
  206. Droid map problems (3 replies)
  207. 23 mil def vs 15 mil att (12 replies)
  208. Willing to trade in game cash for bricks - LOOKING FOR CONCRETE BRICKS (6 replies)
  209. Raid Boss Help (7 replies)
  210. Please find a use for all of the maps. (19 replies)
  211. Can we have this? (6 replies)
  212. How high will Unit stats go? (11 replies)
  213. Ideas for stamina based events? (15 replies)
  214. just an idea for the LTQs (2 replies)
  215. 1 BILLION in game cash for intel folders (11 replies)
  216. How about it GREE? 24hr event! (0 replies)
  217. Plenty of Folders Here - Guild Slots Available! (4 replies)
  218. Modern War words? (34 replies)
  219. Concrete and folders wanted. (6 replies)
  220. I Quit! (40 replies)
  221. Cj hope u read this (5 replies)
  222. Is any one actually selling folders? Pm me (0 replies)
  223. We getting a new building or what (34 replies)
  224. Looking for concrete (2 replies)
  225. !!ANDROID USERS:your days are numbered!! (28 replies)
  226. There once was a man...... (3 replies)
  227. Faction Leadership stolen by Gree GLITCH, PLEASE Return our Faction to Us! (74 replies)
  228. Any New Npcs (38 replies)
  229. What's your favorite event? (29 replies)
  230. What are the odds of getting all 8 units (111 replies)
  231. Can any NWGC pm me? (0 replies)
  232. less kills better rewards (8 replies)
  233. Attacks? (14 replies)
  234. Android players who cannot open maps (0 replies)
  235. 2, 5 & 10-hour buildings (14 replies)
  236. Recycling Old Bonus Units (5 replies)
  237. Godzilla Crosses the Pacific (18 replies)
  238. US Alpha team (1 replies)
  239. Add me 621 782 966 (7 replies)
  240. Intel folders terrible drop rate (2 replies)
  241. Gold Open on Crate Event - Change? (5 replies)
  242. Rugged Case Bug? (25 replies)
  243. Vaulting Bug Update (4 replies)
  244. Them money hackers.... (21 replies)
  245. Events playing nice concern for Developers (10 replies)
  246. A thought for designers and developers. (35 replies)
  247. How do you add a signature to your post? (2 replies)
  248. Free gold videos. (23 replies)
  249. Just a question about the first sticky (3 replies)
  250. New Building (54 replies)