View Full Version : Trade Requests
- Concrete for sale!!!
- Concrete/Folders for Sale: El Diablo!
- Raid boss jumper room
- concrete for sale
- RB folders for trade
- help needed, raid boss prestige 26/27
- Concrete ready to donate to your faction for a modest contribution to my faction
- Masters RB
- Concrete 4 Boss Hits
- Jumpers needed for last 2 levels of prestige
- come and hit bosses!
- Need help 19/27 Raid Boss
- SOS 26/27 stay for boss reward, level reward and/or final reward and farming!
- Trade rooms for MW?
- 26/27
- 27/27 help plz
- Concrete and folders for sale REASONABLE PRICES!!!!!!
- 2475 folders for sale or trade for concrete
- Great deal on some little purplish Pixels in the shape of folders
- Calling all jumpers
- Looking to help a faction complete 26/27
- 270 mil damage looking for a faction 27/27
- Next Raid Boss Masters Plan
- On 26/27, 2 more to go
- Someone summoned a 100 plz help
- Small faction looking for help currently 26/27 8/15
- I'm looking for spot to win 27/27 prestige prize
- Almost done with 27/27, jumpers?
- epic boss help
- Ltq prestige Help
- Epic boss help. To finish day 4 and for day 5
- Wanted: Help to finish Day 5 Bosses.
- Day 5 Epic Help
- Faction
- Folders For Sale !!!!
- WTB Concrete in bulk
- Intel Folders for Raid Boss for Sale
- Concrete for sale
- Strong faction 100 is recruiting and looking help for MASTERS!!!
- 900 raid boss folders for sale
- Boss killer! I need a faction that's going to finish masters...
- boss help with reward
- Prestige 26/27 room for 8-10
- Any help for 100s?
- New Black market room for MW.
- Who needs 1000 concrete?
- Prestige 18/27 Come on in 112366982
- Can help with 100's
- 26/27 boss need help!!
- 6500 folders for farming!
- MW Jumper Room, SLTQ/EB/RB. GroupMe.
- Allie room for all sorts
- Do you want to farm or get some extra units only 12 hours!!!
- Help for small faction to finish regular 513202415
- 3 or 4 looking for a faction that can finish masters for the speed event....
- trying to finish day three
- looking to help a faction finish prestige. i have the gold if you have the space.
- 🚨Concrete🚨
- Black market room for MW.
- Looking to buy concrete
- Account Trade
- looking for maxed faction to acquire
- Semi retired faction needs folders
- finish regular and maybe prestige with prize
- URGENT help needed for Lvl 100 boss 22/27. 709479715
- We need help on prestige lv 95 ID 844994099
- Looking to Acquire Folders
- Level 100 boss up now, jumpers wanted/welcome/needed!
- RB help Needed
- AGC Needs help with raid boss
- Jumpers needed to finsih Prestige Level Boss - 26/27 level - get your wrapper
- Looking for folders plz
- need folders badly
- Faction Under Construction
- Small faction to help with epic boss... 20 empty slots
- Prestige fltq
- epic boss day 4 anybody needs help
- Looking for Romanian Cycle Folders
- YankeeOne is in dire need of concrete
- I buy folders...
- Looking to buy folders
- Looking at buying folders
- Buying Folders
- Buying Folders
- Buying Folders Paying Premium Price
- looking for folders
- Buying Folders, Name Your Price
- 300 folders buys you a seat for master
- Looking for folders - Giving spot for Final Prestige prize for them .. PM me
- Buying folders
- Will trade our concrete for your folders....
- *Folders* Paying a PREMIUM for Folders
- Paying 4.5B for 1K folders
- we need your folders!
- Folders
- 20 billion for 2000 Folders! +1 spot for final prestige unit
- FACTIONS! Please post here if you are looking for RB help from jumpers.
- Anyone need help on Masters? A few big boys have some free time to help hit.
- We will help you complete prestige for folders!
- Will pay top price for folders, i have in game cash ready.
- Come get final prize for FLTQ and RB Prestige
- Trading Masters RB Prize for Folders
- Need folders have concrete to trade
- folders
- Folders Wanted
- 18 seats for last 3 levels of prestige PLUS 1 billion cash for your folders.
- Got folders? We are on masters 8/29. Willing to buy and give you a seat
- Pm me if you need help on raid boss
- Any factions need help?
- In game Cash/Concrete for your FOLDERS!!
- Raid boss help thread! Post your need!
- I'm Selling folders
- I'm sitting on 17.4bill and 615 concrete to trade for Folders. PM me
- prestige finish with reward
- How many folders do YOU offer me for $5billion
- Will trade for folders, thousands of concrete or game cash
- 200m per boss summon
- After Hours on 26/27 prestige, 12 beds available - free entry, just make your hits
- Folders for sale
- Folders For sale
- Raid boss help 100's
- Selling Boss spaces for Indy - Have the folders for you.....
- Looking for Concrete
- concrete
- Faction in need of help for Masters LTQ? Speed event?
- Master's fltq event
- fltq prestige
- Looking to buy folders
- Epic boss - Day 3
- Masters help needed
- Raid Boss Jumpers - want Prestige ?
- prestige with prize
- 500 folders for sale...
- Rb help needed
- cheap folders
- 1425 folders -n Make offer
- About to be on 15/15 prestige. 5 spots open help needed please. 47/52 members
- LF spot for masters
- 3000 Concrete For Sale!
- Helper room!
- Looking to buy folders again
- Sands of times Warriors has spots for Masters raid boss
- Looking for a faction to help with Fltq masters final prize
- pay in game cash for intel folder
- Folders for sale!!
- Free Seats available for Raid Boss
- 2 spots open for RB
- Folders wanted
- 1200 folders for sale...
- folders wanted
- Master Raid Boss Event Help needed. 709479715
- small faction need help for downfall prestige
- My mini needs the masters FRB final prize for wrapper can you help
- Need Master FLTQ spot!
- 600 folders for sale. 10 million per folder
- Master rb 20/29
- GENERAALS 2nd team GFG on last 4 boss sell prize concrete or in game cash
- 9 seats for Day 4 Shun Zhu
- Concrete for sale. Over 5000 blocks available.
- Buying folders
- Prestige FLTQ seats for folders
- pay in game cash for intel folder
- We Are Still Looking to Buy Folders
- can help in prestige 15/15
- Master F/LTQ 18/20, looking for jumpers
- Free slots for prestige prize or pay for a slot for mini
- anyone have folders for sale?
- Will trade free master RB slot for folders
- Folders Wanted
- Anyone needing help with boss????
- 200 folders and hard work for Masters award 27/29 right now
- I'm looking for folders
- Buying folders for in game cash
- you got folders? we've got a seat in masters for you
- Looking to buy folders!
- 1000 Folders for sale!
- Folders needed
- Looking to buy folders with in game cash or concrete
- Looking for folders
- Looking to Help
- Combined Arms group is looking folders
- I buy folders, 10 mil each... Offer stands until last 3 hours...
- <----Looking for folders
- 1,000 Folders coming up.
- selling my folders
- Fltq prestige seat trade for folder
- 1200 Folders up 4 sale
- Folders for sale
- Free seats for prestige
- 1200 folders for sale
- 2000+ folders for sale
- 1900 folders for sale
- looking to help small faction
- Prestige help needed, on 26/27
- Free Seats available for RB prestige
- thousands of folders for sale
- 1900+ folders for sale
- 1,000 Dolores Folders for sale. Ready soon.
- Folders needed.
- folders and bricks for sale
- need folders to finish prestige
- We need help with Master raid bosses
- 1k Folders for sale
- GENERAALS needs jumpers
- we need help with the raid boss
- Who needs help on MASTERS !!!
- Generaals
- I'll buy folders
- Need Some Help w/ Level 80s Regular
- Sell In Game Cash
- Will buy folders
- Bricks always available- no matter where this post is
- Selling seat for prestige prize
- RB prestige (27/27) 10 seats available
- Folders and a question
- Need help on masters RB
- Just need a little help :) We're so close! Jumpers Needed!
- Need help with prestige FLTQ
- 1200 folders for sale
- 3k Folders for sale
- Prestige RB Help Please ...
- Small faction needs help with 15/15 prest fltq. 5 spots avail and need 19 more kills
- Prestige FLTQ
- Looking for a Seat on 29/29 masters
- Prestige help please
- Space Monkeys United masters 28/29. Help please!
- NeEd HeLp PrEsTiGe 27/27
- Help with Felix Waller event - All rewards still up for grabs
- small faction needs help on 15/15 prestige fltq. We have 7 spots open.
- EB Felix Waller Help 236-839-908
- Always having folders for sell or trade with concretes
- Battle Points for cash
- Need Help on Fernando Destreza Raid Boss
- Need help for last prestige raid boss level
- Bricks / Concrete for sale.
- !!!! Bulk Bricks/Concrete wanted !!!!
- Please come this last hour of day 2 and help finish last 50 bosses for EB - 955858507
- Help w/ RB LV 100
- Want to Buy Folders
- Help wanted
- Concrete for sale!
- Competitive Faction (within its division) - FREE to Anyone
- Wanted RB folders
- Trade? Buying? This can be done between players?
- one spot in-out jumpers bosses 100
- Any Donation would help
- Looking for a boost to grow
- will buy any bulk concrete
- Looking to do drive bys on lvl100+ so teams doing masters read
- FLTQ prestige, hits for seats!!
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