View Full Version : General
- how you get it?
- Max level
- Purchasing Bug - Fixed
- Robbing buildings
- Available now Apple Store US
- what do they help with
- Adv strategics?
- Facebook intergration?
- weapons purchasing / attack defence values
- Name Change
- Stats?
- need a little help
- what is the point of the inventory option?
- Weapons
- problem in the game please help me
- Huge problem!!
- Loading Issues?
- Selling Weapons
- Rivals Hood When Rival Is Not Able To Be Attacked
- Skill Points
- Using fewer items as I get stronger???
- Is there any difference between armor and defense buildings?
- How to create new character?
- Add me on the iphone/ipod app 298 208 660
- Higher level and stats losing fights?
- Amount of equipment used?
- Has anyone made it to Russian District?
- Best MONEY shop to build
- How can I reset my skill? Or reset all?
- My Mafia Numbers
- Loot drop chance %?
- How do you master an area?
- Crime city noob here-how to post
- Latest patch
- Anymore "Respect" goals? Fame or infamy..
- How to reset the game?
- A few questions.
- Your attack and defense stats (only players who do NOT use real cash!)
- Can we steal that much?
- When will Crime City come for androids???
- When does the '2000 respect' goal appear?
- Do your Mafia allie's A/D add to your combat ability?
- How is attacking strength decided?
- Whats the max level in crime city?
- Hacker report!
- Getting bored
- Earn 10 k for free!!
- New player tip:
- playing on multiple iOS devices?
- Level up but did not receive 3 skill points
- About Loot
- Hacker
- Defense buildings to protect your property
- What job we get the 'Riot Gun'?
- skill points
- How you guys distribute your skillpoint?
- Weapons
- Invisible character in "Graveyard"
- Crime City Guide for the iPhone?
- Forum Moderators!
- Buying gold bars
- Three Rules to Play By!
- Tired of Rolling Noobs, A Guide to Success
- What's the deal with Henchmen
- Upgrade times QUADRUPLED. Furious.
- My son sold all my buildings help please
- robberies dont work like before
- Attacking, what's wrong with it????
- A bit perplexed
- Building NPC loot list
- Version 1.3... Where's the warehouse?
- how do u open up news
- Advise on buying gold please!
- Attacking makes no sense
- Attack and defense points drops when I purchase a Combat shotgun???
- Is this a glitch or a cheater
- Somthing wrong with the attack
- Any one shed some light on this ?
- Gold Buying Guide
- connect to fb
- Biggest lick(robbery) you ever pulled off in one hood at one time.
- New to the game, I need friends
- Goals time-out?
- I've got > than 500 Mafia members, now what?
- Sushi bar upgrade to level 2 cost 40000 ?
- Why the build time become double?
- Quitting the game
- Defense Bugged?
- Rival list question
- Hello people, add me please - 253 038 389
- Question for Attack/Def
- Deposit fee is 20%
- looking to grow my mob. add please.
- How do I get rid of the streets?
- Rivals
- People have weapons wich come 30 levels later and are locked !
- rivals list
- Choosing Mafia Members
- Rare loot items
- Problem player
- How to weed out gold cheeters
- Noob, wants tips
- Need a little help
- High High High Level Buildings
- Can I keep the same crime city account when migrating to iphone 5?
- Where do post possible user exploiting the game?
- so many cheats at level 49
- Confirm-button for spending gold?
- Crime City Massacre
- Cool guy with cool weapons
- Biggest score from PvP (from a single opponent)
- Crime City : GOLD
- Overnight update screwed something up.
- How does Funzio react with game cheaters?
- Nightclub
- Energy to exp. and money ratio.
- Too Many Mafia?
- Punker Jacket Reward At 60 Mafia Not Appearing
- If You Are UNDER 60 Mafia Please Post
- M4A1 Location Finally
- Loot Place for "Stone Hammer" ?
- How to make money? Fast
- Championship, Hardcore Hitman, Thug Life, Winning Streak Goals
- Which job offers the most money?
- Your class (update 2.0)
- Funzio iD
- Crime City version 2.0 released!
- CRIME CITY CODE 520 261 602
- New Player's Questions / Observations
- Item drop List
- M72 rocket launcher location 19:14
- Average PvP loot
- Explosive
- Defense building changed?
- Machine Gun Malfunction
- M249 Machine Gun
- Okay, i am piss with the game! high level deference is useless!
- Help my Iphone broke how do i transfer game
- Footprint of flower shop
- where do you get the punk rock chain gun from?
- new loot item discovered better attack than m4a1
- Possible Cheater / Bug?
- Insanely Obscene Stats
- Vehicles
- Best money building to invest in!
- How do I report /block a user from posting on my comments page
- Thug Life/Championship Goals
- how many areas have you mastered? + whats your level,stamina,energy?
- Explosives
- Admin pls note: Decorations are Important!
- Golden Grenade launcher 60 attack 40 def - the mother of all loot items
- Deleting Mafia members
- Rob/Attack results
- Defense Buildings Discussion
- Level 93 attacking a level 79??
- Facebook bloked my account for no reason - What happens to my Hood in Crime City
- Howdy
- At what point....
- Job's that give the best experience and money.
- RPG-Is it possible
- Cheaters and Funzio problem
- Lets go to the movies!
- Mafia Attack Score?
- Looking for Anti Air Missile.LOOK OUT ,
- 500 mafia cap. pro & con adding beyond that....
- whats your favourite money building in your hood
- Loft
- Bank problems?
- Attention all Mafia members
- Where to get M4 A1?
- what should i do with ....
- Night Club
- Adding / Subtracting Mafia - Problem!
- Defense Buildings - Whats the best? What do you think?
- Titanium Gaurd Armor
- The Speadsheets!
- How does money from fights work?
- Any merit in starting over?
- Omg I'm freaking out
- Getting Started: Power Level Guide (Gold Free, Zero Camping, 100% Active Play)
- Popeye's Advanced Guide
- How can I have >2 money buildings?
- Mission requirements make no sense??
- Shake to collect.
- Total number of weapons
- Item List
- Where do pvps cOme from?
- How Important is the Defense Stat vs. Defense from Buildings/Items? (+ 2 questions)
- Should I delete mafia members?
- Hood Improvement - Upper Left Section
- *** R * I * P *** my CC "billionaire" friend whom I am forbidden to name
- Having his back turn
- Question for 75+: Spending Respect
- Crematorium taking 120 hours
- Look what I got after defeating Granddaddy Slick
- Maximum cash get by attack?!
- is this what happens when you have too many friend requests?
- Where there is Pleasure - there is always Pain
- All noobs must read this
- People in your Mob - Does the level matter?
- Anyone ever got more than 30k from PVP?
- Kind of confused regarding mob size.
- M72 rocket launcher
- How defense works??
- Question regarding Tycoon/Goodfella
- Looking for a List of Gold buildings
- Last Update
- Upgrading a building costs....?
- Friend/Mob Requests Gone... server problem?
- Post your observations on consumables!
- Message: you lost money! but nothing happend???
- VIP invites?
- DJ Doin It
- putting code under name
- Help me please
- I think my economy is broken?!
- Peacekeeping Rifle
- Car Items
- To mark / other developers (transferring game please help iPhone broke)
- My questions on mob size
- "Consumables"???
- Locations of Golden grenade and gatling 100% confirmed. Trade info needed from all
- Laundromat
- Where to get the Street Sweeper?
- Crime City Favorites
- Level 99 rob & attack a level 82 ??
- M4A1 Not Increasing Stats
- New glitch, for odd shaped buildings
- Building time
- Attack defense skill influence
- What causes rivals to drop items?
- Daylight Savings Time ends tomorrow 2 a.m. - get your stamina up
- Golden Grenade Launcher
- Expanding hood size the long way
- Upgrading issues??
- Any disadvantage of having mob size more than max?
- Combined Buildings
- Why pple can rob my building 26mins before
- Explanation and recovery from Funzio!
- Good robbing time
- Building payouts at level 10
- Hotel and Gentleman's club?
- Your Mafia's Logic.
- Campers
- Connection Problem
- Invisible
- Reporting "abuse" from another player
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